著:(美)罗伯特·瑞恩 译:于冰沁
因此,本文作者通过美国马萨诸塞州波士顿以北的伊普斯维奇河(Ipswich River)流域的案例研究,探究如何在多尺度上利用绿色基础设施进行流域规划。由于雨水径流受污染、社区用水过度,伊普斯维奇河被认为是美国最受威胁的河流之一[1]。当地政府机构面临着频繁缺水、水质污染等问题,因此水资源保护和雨水管理是流域规划的当务之急。本研究包括为跨越市政边界的整个流域制定绿色基础设施规划方案,以及调查公众对住宅区绿色基础设施改造的接受程度。其中,住宅区的绿色基础设施包括雨水花园和耐旱景观等。本研究将为其他同样面临水资源问题的城市流域规划提供宝贵经验。
伊普斯维奇河流域面积约为400 km2,人口16万人[2],横跨15个城镇的部分区域[3]i;然而,伊普斯维奇河为35万左右人口提供饮用水,其中大多数人生活在流域外。过度用水导致过去几十年里出现了严重的枯水事件。此外,郊区住宅不透水表面覆盖与草坪面积的增加也对水质和水量产生了负面影响。流域内的地表覆盖方式主要是林地(70%)。此外,除伊普斯维奇河及其支流外,还有77个池塘和湖泊[3]2-4。该流域位于波士顿都市区的东北边缘,都市区人口为470万人(2014年美国人口普查估算),预计会继续增加。流域上游为发展成熟的郊区,住宅密度中等,下游为有大量土地保护区的小城镇(图1)。
1 伊普斯维奇河流域的区位图与现有土地利用情况Location map and existing land use—Ipswich River Watershed
2 伊普斯维奇河流域的多尺度规划方案Multi-scalar approach to watershed planning—Ipswich River Watershed
3 伊普斯维奇河流域的绿色基础设施规划Ipswich River Watershed green infrastructure plan
4 托普斯菲尔德的重点区域Topsfield focus area
社区尺度的研究与实践重点关注流域范围内面临典型关键问题的区域,并通过创造性的风景园林设计方案来解决问题。本研究介绍两个具有上述特征的案例。其中一个研究和实践项目由研究生萨曼莎·安德森(Samantha Anderson)完成,重点关注托普斯菲尔德(Topsfield)小镇中的一个社区。该社区建在现有的含水层补给区上(图4)。为了应对这一挑战,该项目建议沿现有街道设置雨水花园,以收集道路上的雨水径流,并在雨水渗入地下水和含水层之前进行过滤与净化。这些雨水花园种植了本地的多年生草本植物。为了提高区域道路网络中韧性系统的连通性,在人行道的区域铺设透水铺装(图5)。对于平行于伊普斯维奇河支流的道路,采用植草沟、渗透池等,在道路径流汇入河流前进行收集与处理(图6)。
另一个由研究生邓恩·玉(Ngoc Doan)开展的项目在邻近河流的伊普斯维奇镇进行社区微更新。设计方案将笔直的道路变得弯曲,并在弯道上添加雨水花园和植物种植池,以取代6%的不透水表面(如人行道等,图7、8)。早期研究发现[9]63,当地居民对于在庭园中安装绿色基础设施的成本问题存在顾虑。因此,该项目使用成本计算器①预估移除草坪并替换为雨水花园的成本。该设计方案还提议移除该社区64%的草坪,取而代之的是本土植物和菜园等生产性景观。草坪移除的比例是基于一项研究成果确定的。该研究表明,如果雨水花园的设计符合文化取向并具有较好的视觉效果[9]66,那么当地居民和其他地方的业主可能会愿意用本土植物和雨水花园取代多达一半的草坪[10-11]。此外,为了提高人们对流域水环境问题的认识,该设计方案提议在重要区域安装教育标识来宣传雨水花园,解释其对生物多样性和水质的影响(图9)。
5 为托普斯菲尔德城镇规划的雨水花园Topsfield — proposed rain garden
6 托普斯菲尔德小镇新型草地与街道效果图Topsfield — new native meadow and street section
除风景园林设计工作室外,本文作者与同事(包括副教授安妮塔·米尔曼和艾莉森·罗伊等)参与了一项由联邦政府资助的伊普斯维奇河流域研究项目。该研究的目的是调查影响居住区水资源保护和管理的因素。其中一个子项目是调查流域内居民对水资源管理的态度,尤其是参与绿色基础设施景观改造(例如用雨水花园代替现有草坪)的意愿[9]46。其中几项措施是在工作室的规划设计项目中提出的,并且已经在流域内开展实施,成为环境机构资助的示范项目的一部分。通过对225位业主的调查,发现业主了解并支持水资源保护与管理的规定。业主关心绿色基础设施方案(如雨水花园)的视觉效果,他们更喜欢整齐、简单、装饰性强的方案,而非复杂方案。由此表明,他们认同的是风景园林设计研究员琼·纳赛尔(Joan Nassauer)所说的“情景认知与细节关怀”的理论[10]167。业主们也关注雨水花园的安装和维护成本与传统草坪相比是否有优势。当地流域协会在保护河流方面发挥了重要作用——协会成员比普通公众更支持这些创新的风景园林方案。此外,政府资助的雨水花园示范项目是一种值得推广的模式,因为如果政府补贴能抵消一部分安装成本,居民更愿意安装雨水花园。因此,从多个尺度制定公共政策是十分重要和必要的。流域尺度的规划项目对局部区域和场地也能产生影响,鼓励居民在社区的建设与微观更新过程中模仿这种创新性的景观。
Urbanizing watersheds face the challenge of rapid land use change that threaten the water resources that are needed for growing populations.Variability in climate is expected to exacerbate this situation with increased flooding as well as prolonged droughts. Green infrastructure is one approach to proactively deal with land use change by protecting natural resources at the large-scale, while developing innovative approaches to protect ecosystem services and function at the site-scale. In urbanizing watersheds in the United States, much of the landuse change comes in the form of suburban residential development where lawns are the dominant new land cover that replaces natural vegetation and farmland.These changes are often the result of both town-scale planning decisions, as well as individual homeowners.However, little is known about how individual decisions affect the larger watershed, and what are the factors that may influence homeowners to engage in innovative residential landscapes, such as green infrastructure in their own yards?
This paper will focus on a multi-scalar approach to using green infrastructure for watershed planning using a case study in the Ipswich River watershed north of Boston, Massachusetts (USA). The Ipswich River is considered one of the most threatened rivers in the US, due to polluted stormwater runoff and overdraft of water by local communities[1]. Water conservation and stormwater management are critical priorities for local government agencies faced with frequent water shortages and impaired water quality.The project included developing a green infrastructure plan for the entire watershed that crossed municipal boundaries, as well as a research study into public acceptance for innovative green infrastructure improvements at the residential scale, such as rain gardens and drought-tolerant landscapes. This paper will focus on lessons learned for other urbanizing watersheds that are dealing with water resource issues.
The Ipswich River Watershed covers an area of approximately 400 km2and has a population of 160,000[2]and spans portions of 15 towns[3]i;However, the river is used to supply the drinking water for about 350,000 people, the majority who live outside of the river basin. This heavy use of the river for water withdrawals has led to significant low flow events during the past decades.In addition, the increases in impervious surfaces from new development and lawns in suburban residential yards has negatively impacted water quality and quantity. The dominant land cover in the watershed is forest land (70%) and there are 77 ponds and lakes in addition to the Ipswich River and its tributaries[3]2-4. The watershed is on the northeastern edge of the Boston Metropolitan region which has a population of 4.7 million people (2014 US Census estimate), and is expected to continue growing in population. The upper reaches of the watershed include mature suburbs with medium density residential development while the lower reaches include small towns with large areas of conserved land (Fig. 1).
In order to address the low- flow in the river,local towns have relied on voluntary and mandatory water restrictions on outdoor residential water use that include limiting the days that residents can water their gardens and lawns. Green infrastructure demonstration projects funded by the state and federal environmental agencies have been built in the Ipswich River Watershed to show innovative landscape approaches including using native plants and rain gardens to capture and treat stormwater runoff in a manner that increases groundwater infiltration. Research has shown that these efforts can improve water quality and quantity, but would need to be replicated at a large scale to make a difference across the watershed[4].
Another important player in water conservation is the Ipswich River Watershed Association,which is a non-governmental organization that promotes watershed awareness, education, and advocacy[2]1. The Watershed Association has been instrumental in connecting local resident to the river, as well as lobbying for policies that protect the water balance in the river for people and ecology. The organization has a series of programs that engage local residents in learning about the river and at the same time gathering important information about local water conditions and biodiversity.
The project involved a graduate landscape architecture studio from the University of Massachusetts Amherst led by Professor Robert L. Ryan that worked with local town governments and the Ipswich River Watershed Association to develop a green infrastructure plan that would protect the water resources of the region for future generations[5]. The studio took a multiscalar approach to teach students how regional forces affect town and neighborhood scale planning decisions. The project used Geographic Information System (GIS) layers from the Mass GIS to identify critical environmental features,including aquifer recharge areas; recreation features, such as existing and proposed trails and conservation land; and historic and cultural features. The greenway and green infrastructure methods proposed by Fabos[6]and Benedict and McMahon[7]were used in the landscape assessment phase of the project.
A nested approach was used to address water resource issues at multiple-scales. First,the regional scale that encompassed the Ipswich River Watershed in Boston’s North Shore metropolitan region was analyzed to reveal important connections, such as the inter-basin transfer of water to nearby towns and cities, as well as existing and proposed regional trails and open space systems. Next, the watershed scale analysis was conducted to look holistically across multiple political jurisdictions for both ecological (natural)and cultural patterns and connections. This revealed that the watershed had three different characteristic land use patterns depending upon the location or reach of the river. The upstream sections of the watershed are more heavily developed with mature,medium-density suburbs. The middle section is urbanizing with low-density large lot homes, while the mouth of the river has large areas of conserved land surrounding historic town centers of Ipswich and Essex.
After the initial regional and watershed scale analysis, the studio of nine graduate students was divided into three teams that looked at one of the three sub-watersheds of the river. This detailed analysis at the sub-watershed scale helped identify critical areas for focused neighborhood scale master planning and site scale designs that illustrate how the larger-scale plan could be implemented. While this analysis, planning and design was conducted from the large to the small-scale, the process was not strictly linear, but circular and iterative. For example, the sub-watershed plans were consolidated in order to revise the original watershed-scale plan as new details and connections emerged. This iterative nature is an important aspect of multiscalar watershed planning and design (Fig. 2).
The landscape assessment of water resources revealed that in the upper reaches of the watershed significant areas of impervious surfaces from development had already occurred in aquifer recharge areas and well-head protection zones, but less so in the lower, downstream areas. In addition,a separate analysis by research partners[8]found that impervious surface areas of the towns in the watershed varied from low coverage of around 5% in Ipswich and Essex near the mouth of the river to 20% in the upper reach towns of Wilmington and Reading. Lawn areas covered an additional 6%-8% in the towns of Essex and Ipswich, and 13% and 16% respectively in Wilmington and Reading. These impervious surfaces and lawn areas contribute to negative water quality in the watershed through non-point source pollution in the form of oil, heavy metals, road salt, and lawn fertilizers.
A green infrastructure plan was developed using the landscape assessment results from the first phase of the project (Fig. 3). This plan proposed conserving unprotected open space,especially in water resource areas to create a linked network of greenspace along the Ipswich River and its tributaries. The goal was to conserve land in the aquifer recharge areas and well-head protection zones. In addition, recreation trail connections were proposed to link local residents to the open space network, as well as historic and cultural resources.Since the assessment found that many water resource areas had already experienced significant development, especially in the upper reaches of the watershed, the plan proposed landscape retrofits to existing neighborhoods to increase stormwater management and infiltration, as well as replace large areas of lawn with native plantings to improve biodiversity and habitat connections.
7 伊普斯维奇小镇的街区改造平面图Neighborhood retrofit: town of Ipswich
8 伊普斯维奇街区的街道新规划Street Redesign — Ipswich neighborhood
The neighborhood-scale projects focused on sites that exemplified the critical issues facing the watershed and demonstrated creative, landscape design solutions. This paper describes two of these projects. One of the projects by graduate student Samantha Anderson focused an existing neighborhood in the town of Tops field that was built on the existing aquifer recharge zone (Fig. 4). To address this challenge, the project proposed installing rain garden infiltration beds along existing streets to capture stormwater runoff from the roads and filter it before it infiltrated to the groundwater and aquifer below. These rain gardens would be planted with perennial, herbaceous native plants. In order to improve pedestrian connectivity as part of the regional trail networks, sidewalks of permeable pavement were proposed (Fig. 5). In other locations,where the roads ran parallel to existing tributaries of the Ipswich River, these infiltration basins capture and treat road runoff before it reaches the stream (Fig. 6).
Another project by graduate student Ngoc Doan proposed a neighborhood retrofit in the town of Ipswich adjacent to the river. This plan proposed replacing 6% of impervious surfaces(i.e., pavement) by adding slight curves to the straight roads and adding native plating beds with rain gardens to the meanders (Fig. 7, 8). Our earlier research project[9]63found that local residents were concerned about the costs of installing green infrastructure in their own yards. Thus, this project used a cost calculator①to determine the estimated cost of lawn removal and replacement with a rain garden. The plan also proposed removing 64% of lawn area in the neighborhood and replacing it with native plantings and productive landscapes such as vegetable gardens. This percentage of lawn removal was based on the research that suggests local homeowners here[9]66and in other locations are willing to replace up to half their lawn area with native plantings if the designs respond to cultural values and exhibit intentional design[10-11]. In order to raise awareness for watershed issues, the plan proposed educational signs be installed at key areas to interpret the rain gardens and their impacts on biodiversity and water quality (Fig. 9).
In parallel to this landscape architecture studio, the lead author was engaged in a federally funded research project in the Ipswich River watershed with fellow collaborators, including Associate Professors Anita Milman and Allison Roy (see Acknowledgement section). The goal of this research study was to understand the factors that influence residential water conservation. One sub-study in this larger project was a survey of homeowners in the watershed about their attitudes toward water conservation and particularly their willingness to engage in landscape practices involving green infrastructure, such as replacing their existing lawns with rain gardens[9]46. Several of these techniques were proposed in the studio projects and had already been built in the watershed as part of the demonstration projects funded by environmental agencies. This survey of 225 homeowners found that they were aware of and support water conservation regulations.Homeowners were concerned about the aesthetic appearance of green infrastructure solutions,such as rain gardens and preferred those that were more neat and ornamental in appearance rather than messy. In this manner, they subscribed to what landscape architect researcher, Joan Nassauer, describes as “cues to care”[10]167.The homeowners were also concerned about the cost of installing and maintaining rain gardens compared to traditional lawns. The local watershed association played a key role in advocating for the river — its members were more supportive of these innovative landscape practices than the general public. In addition, the demonstration projects where the government funded rain gardens are a good model to expand as residents were more willing to have rain gardens installed if there were grants or subsidies to offset the installation costs. Thus, the multi-scalar nature of public policy is also important here where watershedwide programs can make an impact at the site scale by encouraging neighbors to emulate innovative landscapes that they see built in their neighborhood.
This project provides several lessons for landscape architects who are interested in planning water resources in developing watersheds. First,it shows the importance of taking a multi-scalar approach since watersheds are often divided among multiple political jurisdictions. For example,the Ipswich River Watershed is divided into 15 towns that each have land use planning power over development decisions. A nested approach is needed as analysis at smaller scales reveals new issues that are difficult to detect and address at the larger scale. For example, impervious surfaces need to be removed in smaller scale design solutions that are recognizable and implementable in the context of local jurisdictions and multiple private landowners.
Second, the project found that the existing water resources had already been impacted by previous development, which is a common occurrence in developing urban watersheds. Thus,there is a need for landscape architects to develop solutions to retrofit existing neighborhoods to improve treatment of urban stormwater and increase infiltration to recharge aquifers that provide groundwater drinking supplies as well as supply water for nearby rivers and streams. In this project, pilot retrofit projects were developed for the suburban neighborhoods that are typical of the Ipswich River Watershed. Landscape architects need to tailor green infrastructure solutions to a site’s location along the urban to rural transect[12].In more urban conditions, green stormwater infrastructure need to respond to the limited space for rain gardens and other green solutions.Techniques such as porous paving and infiltration trenches along street tree plantings can fit better than larger stormwater wetlands in urban settings.In less developed areas of a watershed, proactive approaches such as protection of riparian buffers,wetlands and other is a more cost effective approach to protect water quality and quantity before development occurs than engineered infrastructure solutions[7]67.
Third, the study showed how research can be incorporated into landscape architectural education and practice. (See Nassauer and Opdam’s[13]642seminal work on integrating scientific research and design for the theoretical underpinnings of this interactive approach). Each approach, the empirical research study and the landscape architectural studio,adds complementary insights into the challenges facing urbanizing watershed. The studio shows the importance of developing site-scale designs that allow local residents, government policy makers, and non-governmental organizations the opportunity to visualize and respond to innovative landscape solutions, and which make the more abstract regional watershed planning scale plans more concrete and tangible. The research study shows how critical it is to determine local residents’ landscape preferences for the different type of green infrastructure techniques that are being proposed by designers, especially in a landscape matrix where private landowners make the majority of decisions on their own residential landscape. Moreover, our study and previous research show that experts such as landscape architects and engineers can have different attitudes and preferences than local residents, and research is needed to ascertain these differences, which can be a barrier to implementing green infrastructure if not considered beforehand[9,14]. Integrating research about landscape preferences does not eliminate the vital role that designers play in tailoring solutions to existing conditions at the site-scale, but research informs the range of ecologically beneficial solutions that may be embraced by local residents[13]636.
Finally, the study shows the important role that non-governmental organizations, such as watershed associations, play in advocating for urban rivers. In many ways, these organizations act as the conduit between local resident and government policy makers. In addition, in this study, we found these organizations play a critical role in watershed education, as well as stewardship through local river clean-ups and environmental monitoring projects.
Landscape architects have the skills and vision to be important players in protecting and enhancing water resources for growing urban populations. By taking a multiple-resource and multi-scalar approach to planning, they can use green infrastructure to enhance ecological health of a watershed while providing valuable recreational resources and other amenities for local residents.It is vital that landscape architects engage with the entire landscape, whether already developed or in a more natural state, to develop holistic solutions to the challenges facing urban watersheds.
(This paper is revised on the basis of the speech delivered by the author at the International Landscape Architecture Symposium in 2018.)
The watershed plan described in this paper was developed by LA 607 graduate studio, Fall 2013 at the University of Massachusetts, Amberst, Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning (See Reference[2]for full list of team members). Thanks to all the graduate students for their hard work and creativity on this project.Also, thanks to the Ipswich River Watershed Association staff for their help on the project, as well as the municipal staff in the watershed towns.
The research study described in this paper was funded by the UMass Center for Agriculture Food and the Environment(MASS000445) and the Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning. Thanks also to other University of Massachusetts-Amherst researchers on this project including: Associate Professor Anita Milman (Dept. of Environmental Conservation), Assistant Research Professor Allison Roy (Dept. of Environmental Conservation and USGS), Professor Paige S. Warren (Dept. of Environmental Conservation), Mary Owen (UMass Extension Educator),Mike Davidsohn, (Director of Landscape Contracting,Stockbridge School), and graduate students Johanna Stacy,Rachel Danford and Emily Argo. Also thanks to Professor Colin Polsky (formerly at Clark University, currently at Florida Atlantic University) for his work on lawn mapping in the Ipswich River Watershed. Thanks to Maura Robitaille for help revising figures for this manuscript.
Sources of Figures:
Fig. 1-3 © reference [5];Fig. 4-6 © Samantha Anderson;Fig. 7-9 © Ngoc Doan