Guo Dong, Ao En, Tang Huo and Xiong Liang-peng
(1. Foundation Department, Chuzhou Vocational and Technical College,Chuzhou, Anhui, 239000)
(2. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Chifeng University, Chifeng,Inner Mongolia, 024000)
(3. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072)
Communicated by Ji You-qing
Abstract: Denote S to be the class of functions which are analytic, normalized and univalent in the open unit disk U = {z : |z| < 1}. The important subclasses of S are the class of starlike and convex functions, which we denote by S∗and C.In this paper, we obtain the third Hankel determinant for the inverse of functions f(z) = z +anzn belonging to S∗and C.
Key words: analytic function; third Hankel determinant; inverse of starlike function;inverse of convex function
Let H(U) denote the class of functions which are analytic in the open unit disk U = {z : |z| <1}. Let A be the class of all functions f ∈H(U) which are normalized by f(0) = 0 and f′(0) = 1 and have the following form:
We denote by S the subclass of A consisting of all functions in A which are also univalent in U.
In [1] and [2], the q-th Hankel determinant for q 1 and n 1 is stated by Pommerenke as
where n, q ∈N+.
Following Pommerenke, many authors focused on the investigating of the second Hankel determinant H2(2) = a2a4−(see [3]–[6]). Only a few papers have been devoted to the third Hankel determinant (see [7]–[11])
We seek upper bound on the third Hankel determinant for the inverse of the classes S∗of starlike functions and C of convex functions. The class S∗and C are defined as follows.
Definition 1.1Letfbe given by(1.1).Thenf ∈S∗if and only if
Definition 1.2Letfbe given by(1.1).Thenf ∈Cif and only if
Let P be the class of all function p ∈H(U) satisfying p(0) = 1 and Re{p(z)} > 0. The function p ∈P have the following form:
In [7], it was proved that
Theorem 1.1
Lemma 1.1[12]Ifp ∈P,then the sharp estimate|pn| 2holds forn = 1, 2,··· .
Lemma 1.2[13]Ifp ∈P,then the following estimates holds forn, k = 1, 2,··· , n > k:
Theorem 2.1Iff ∈S∗andf−1(ω) = ω +dnωnis the inverse function offwith|ω| < r0wherer0is greater than the radius of the Koebe domain of the classf ∈S∗,then we have
Proof.From (1.3), it follow that f ∈S∗can be written in the form
where p belongs to the class P.
From (2.1) it follows that
is the inverse function of f, we have
From (2.3) and (2.4), we have
From (2.4) and (2.5), we get
By comparing the coefficients of z and z2, we get
From (2.2) and (2.6), we obtain
From (2.7) and (1.2), we get
Using triangle inequality and Lemma 1.2, we get Theorem 2.1.
Theorem 2.2Iff ∈Candf−1(ω) = ω +dnωnis the inverse function offwith|ω| < r0wherer0is greater than the radius of the Koebe domain of the classf ∈C,then we have
Proof.Similar approach as in the proof of Theorem 2.1. From (1.4), it follow that f ∈C can be written in the form
where p belongs to the class P. Equating coefficients in (2.8) yields
From (2.6) and (2.9), we get
From (2.10) and (1.2), we get
As above, it is enough to apply the triangle inequality and Lemmas 1.1 and 1.2.
Communications in Mathematical Research2019年4期