
2019-11-15 04:49李维江虹伍春邓皓文
计算机应用 2019年10期

李维 江虹 伍春 邓皓文

摘 要:针对经典的Gardner定时恢复算法存在同步建立时间长、同步稳定性能差等问题,提出一种改进环路结构的Gardner定时同步恢复算法。首先,该算法选用立方插值和分段抛物线插值两种插值滤波器进行插值,得到两路最佳插值序列;其次,分别计算两路插值序列对应的定时误差并求加权平均值,得到环路的定时误差;最后,以两路最佳插值序列的加权平均值作为环路输出。针对正交相移键控(QPSK)、正交幅度调制(16QAM)两种调制信号进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明,该改进算法作用于QPSK信号时同步稳定性更好,相比作用于16QAM信号,其环路开始同步时码元的位置对应的序列数明显减小;并且该算法在信噪比为-5dB的情况下使QPSK信号星座图收敛半径为0.26左右,与类似锁频锁相(FPLL)的改进Gardner定时恢复算法相比收敛半径减小约0.08,该算法有效地缩短了同步建立的时间,提高了环路的稳定性,可广泛应用于高速解调系统。




Abstract: Aiming at the problems of long synchronization setup time and poor synchronization stability in classical Gardner timing recovery algorithms, a Gardner timing synchronization recovery algorithm with improved loop structure was proposed. Firstly, two interpolation filters with cubic interpolation and piece wise parabolic interpolation were used to obtain two optimal interpolation sequences. Secondly, the timing errors corresponding to the two interpolation sequences were calculated respectively and the weighted average value was obtained to gain the timing error of the loop. Finally, the weighted average value of two optimal interpolation sequences was used as the loop output. The simulation experiments of two modulated signals of Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and 16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (16QAM) were performed. Simulation results show that the synchronization stability of the proposed algorithm is better on QPSK signal. Compared with performing on 16QAM signal, the number of sequences corresponding to the position of the symbols when the loop starts the synchronization is obviously reduced. Additionally by using the propposed algorithm, the convergence radius of the QPSK constellation is about 0.26 when the SNR is -5dB. Compared with the improved Gardner timing recovery algorithm similar to Frequency and Phase Lock Loop (FPLL), the convergence radius is reduced by 0.08. This algorithm effectively shortens the synchronization setup time, improves the stability of the loop, and can be widely applied in high-speed demodulation system.

Key words: bit synchronization loop structure; improved Gardner algorithm; weighted average; synchronization setup time; synchronization performance

0 引言


为此,文献[6]利用相邻码元符号相同时,对误差检测器检测出的误差进行取反,得出了一种改进的Gardner算法,记为改进的Gardner定时恢复算法1(modified Gardner timing recovery Algorithm 1,mGA1);文献[7]对mGA1算法进行了改进(记为mGA2算法),降低了算法复杂度。上述两种方法在一定程度上提高了符号同步的性能,但仍然存在算法复杂度高、硬件资源消耗大、环路稳定性较差等问题。为克服上述方法的不足,文献[8]提出了一种类似锁频锁相(Frequency and Phase Lock Loop, FPLL)的改进Gardner定时恢复算法(记为mGA3算法),其同步性能与mGA1算法和mGA2算法相比有了进一步的提升;但该算法在同步过程中,符号收敛速度较慢,定时抖动较大。为提高数据处理速度,文献[9]在原有串行定时同步的基础上,对Gardner算法进行了改进,提出了一种并行Gardner定时同步算法,在一定程度上提高了数据处理的速度;但环路分数间隔收敛时抖动较大,不稳定,且占用较多的乘法器、加法器资源。根据文献[9]算法的设计思路,文献[10]提出了一种类似的并行定时同步算法,通过确定中间采样点的符号来计算定时误差,节省了部分乘法器资源,提高了数据处理的速度;但环路结构复杂,实现较为困难,且同步性能有所下降。

4 结语



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