
2019-10-14 03:18王伟魏柯
现代电子技术 2019年19期

王伟 魏柯

摘  要: 传统图像分类算法没有考虑当前图像数据的海量、大规模特点,使得图像分类效率、分类准确率低,为了解决当前图像分类算法存在的难题,设计基于云平台的海量图像分类算法。首先提取反映图像内容的分类特征,并对图像类型采用专家进行标记,构建图像分类的训练样本,然后针对当前图像分类错误率高的问题,设计基于最小二乘向量机的图像分类器,最后利用云平台的分布式、并行处理的优点实现海量图像分类,并采用图像分类仿真实验分析所提算法的性能,该方法降低了海量图像分类的计算复杂度,减少了海量图像分类的时间,提升了海量图像分类效率,而且海量图像分类综合效果要显著优于传统图像分类算法,验证了所提算法的海量图像分类优越性。

关键词: 海量图像; 分类器设计; 云平台; 图像内容信息; Gabor滤波器; 图像分类

中图分类号: TN911.73?34; TP391                   文献标识码: A                  文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)19?0046?04

Abstract: Traditional image classification algorithms do not take into account the massive and large?scale characteristics of current image data, resulting in low classification efficiency and poor classification accuracy. Therefore, a classification algorithm for massive images is designed to solve the difficulties existing in current image classification algorithms. Firstly, the classification features reflecting the image content are extracted, and the image types are labeled to construct training samples for image classification. Then, an image classifier based on least square vector machine is designed to solve the problem of high error rate of current image classification. Finally, the advantage of distributed mode and parallel processing of cloud platform are utilized to realize mass image classification, and the performance of this algorithm is analyzed by image classification simulation experiment. This method reduces the computational complexity of classification of mass images and the classification time of mass images, and improves the classification efficiency of mass images. The algorithm′s comprehensive classification effect of massive images is superior to that of the traditional image classification algorithm. The superiority of the algorithm was verified in the experoment.

Keywords: massive image; classifier design; cloud platform; image content information; Gabor filter; image classification

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