
2019-10-14 03:18仝秋娟李萌赵岂
现代电子技术 2019年19期

仝秋娟 李萌 赵岂

摘  要: 针對粒子群算法存在收敛速度慢、收敛精度低且易收敛到局部极值的问题,提出一种基于分类思想的粒子群改进算法。该算法将粒子适度值和适度值均值做差与适度值标准差进行比较,从而将粒子所在区域划分为拒绝域、亲近域、合理域。根据不同区域中粒子的特点选取不同惯性权重和学习因子,使粒子高效地选择自身经验或种群经验,合理增强或减弱粒子全局搜索能力和局部搜索能力。数值实验结果表明,与其他粒子群改进算法相比,新的分类粒子群算法有效加快了粒子的收敛速度,提高了算法的收敛精度,有效改善了算法寻优性能。

关键词: 粒子群优化; 参数改进; 适度值; 适度值均值; 适度值标准差; 粒子分类; 有效经验

中图分类号: TN911.1?34; TP18                     文献标识码: A                   文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)19?0011?04

Abstract: In order to solve the problems of slow convergence speed, low convergence precision and easy convergence to local extremum, an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm based on classification is proposed. The difference between the moderate value and the mean of moderate value is compared with the standard deviation of moderate value in this algorithm, then the region where the particles are located is divided into rejection domain, close proximity domain, and reasonable domain. According to the characteristics of particles in different regions, different inertia weights and learning factors are selected to ensure that the particles can efficiently select their own experience or population experience, and reasonably enhance or weaken the global search ability and the local search ability of the particles. The numerical results show that, in comparison with other particle swarm optimization algorithms, the proposed particle swarm optimization algorithm can more effectively accelerate the convergence speed of particles, and improve the convergence precision and optimization performance of the algorithm.

Keywords: particle swarm optimization; parameter improvement; moderate value; mean of the moderate value; standard deviation of moderate value; particle classification; effective experience

0  引  言

粒子群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)是受到鸟鱼群搜索食物策略的启发而提出的一种群智能优化算法[1]。它以随机解为出发点,用适度值评价解的优劣,通过迭代寻找最优解。相比其他智能算法,PSO算法设置参数少、迭代快、易理解、工程上易实现。目前PSO算法在函数优化[2]、神经网络训练[3]、图像处理[4]以及其他工程领域都得到了广泛应用。但该算法没有严格的理论指导,收敛精度低、易收敛到局部极值。对此,学者们提出各种改进算法,有基于模式结构的改进、基于种群多样性的改进、基于参数改进等[5?7]。其中,对算法参数的改进是一个重要方向。文献[8]先将惯性权重系数引入粒子速度更新公式中,后又加以改进,使惯性权重系数线性递减[9],有效加快了算法收敛速度。文献[10]提出基于时间变化的学习因子的改进,动态调节前后期粒子的搜索策略,加快了算法的收敛速度,但在多峰函数中极易陷入局部最优。文献[11]提出一种用正弦函数调节惯性权重的改进算法,提高了算法的收敛速度。但是这些方法在收敛精度上依然有所欠缺。


4  结  语



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[10] RATNAWEERA A, HALGAMUGE S K, WATSON H C. Self?organizing hierarchical particle swarm optimizer with time?varying acceleration coefficients [J]. IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation, 2004, 8(3): 240?255.

[11] 南杰琼,王晓东.改进惯性权值的粒子群优化算法[J].西安工程大学学报,2017,31(6):835?840.

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