
2019-09-10 12:55:43刘博
青年生活 2019年23期

摘要:多年来,大学生英语写作教学一直都是学术和教育界的公认的难题之一(Firkins et al, 2007)。因此,在过去的几十年中,基于体裁的教学法在语言教育中已经得到了广泛的关注,并且已在澳大利亚中、小学中的语言教育已经取得了成功(Martin, 2008)。直到近20年,基于体裁的教学法才逐渐被中国学者关注(秦秀白,1997)。因此,本文基于体裁分析為理论支撑,以成都大学学生演讲写作教学过程以及学生写作成果为现实依据,试图通过对指导学生英语演讲稿写作的教学过程和学生演讲稿的分析,尝试建立一种有效的英语演讲稿写作的教学方式和手段。

关键词: 体裁教学;英语写作;英语演讲

Abstract: For a long time, teaching students to write often has been filled with difficulties (Firkins et al, 2007). Therefore, during the last two or three decades, the genre-based approach has witnessed an increasing concern for developing writing, which has already been proved to be a successful approach to teach writing in Australian contexts(Martin,2008). However, this significant interest in genre-based approach perhaps has not been captured by Chinese scholars until the last decade in twentieth century (Qin, 2000). Therefore this article is planned to conduct this investigation of English Speech writing in context of Chengdu University, attempting to root this Australian approach in China context.

Keywords: genre-based approach; English writing; English Speech


The purpose of this research particularly focus on Australian genre-based approach to teach English Speech writing to explore a possible teaching method in China's education context among available alternatives. However, such a relatively new approach could be a problematic issue for teaching English writing in higher education of China. It is, therefore, essential to set up an inquiry on the possibility of this genre-based approach on solving problems in Chinese students' writings effectively, attempting to provide an valuable approach in higher education of China.


1 Methodology

The genre-based approach derived from the theoretical works known as systematic functional linguistics, developed by Halliday, viewing language as a set of system for creating meaning in social context and a resource of communication (Halliday, 1994). Based on SFL theory, genres were clarified and mapped according to their different meanings within different social contexts, carried out by different stages (Martin, 2007). Besides, this genre-based approach has formed a sophisticated and practical pedagogy to teach writing (Hyland, 2007). A model designed to instruct students to write is known as genre-based Teaching-Learning Cycle, which serves a guidance to design this research of "scaffolding" students in their speech course.

2 Participants

During the six-week instruction, this research followed 28 students from Zhanglang College in Chengdu University. By comparing their initial and final drafts, this paper tries to find out some valuable results on the application of genre-based approach.

3 Analysis

1) Initial drafts:

Structure: the structure of speech draft is confused, not clearly demonstrated

Grammar: Less diversity and flexibility in clause structure; simple clauses are predominant in the text.

Vocabulary: the meaning of text becomes obscure and even incorrect; fewer vocabulary of the exposition and the related topic.

Cohesion: many sentences are independent and isolated, and some sentences started or ended abruptly.

2) Final drafts:

Structure: structure are well organized according to feature of genre.

Grammar: diversity and flexibility can be seen in clause structure.

Vocabulary: words are carefully selected from language and education, giving the reader an expression that the speaker would be an expert of the topic he or she delivered; words in Argumentative are used to describe speakers’ attitudes.

Cohesion: the meanings are clearly expressed through those cohesive sentences without any unnecessary repetition of many simple sentences.


This research has given a satisfactory response to the purpose that is planned to be tried achieved: Explicit instruction on how to construct a well-organized structure of one particular genre should be taken into serious consideration by English teachers; It is essential for teachers to teach grammar and vocabulary in context; Since many Chinese college students seldom known cohesion, instruction on cohesion should be on the teachers' syllabus..


Firkins, A., Forey, G. & Sengupta, S. (2007) Teaching writing to low proficiency EF students. ELT Journal, 2007.Vol61 (4). 341-352

Halliday, M.A.K. (1994) an introduction to functional grammar (2nd Ed.). London: Edward Arnold

Hyland, K. (2007) Genre and Second Language Writing. US: the University of Michigan Press

Martin, J. (2007) Construing Knowledge: a functional linguistic perspective.

Martin, J and Rose, D. (2008) Genre relations: Mapping culture. London: Equinox



刘博1987.5 男 汉族 四川 职务/职称:英语专任教师/助教,学历:硕士研究生,单位:成都大学外国语学院,研究方向:语言学/英语教育。 单位信息:成都大学外国语学院

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