Kaihua Paper-making Reborn
By Hu Hao
The sensational release of postage stamp Sailboat, designed by world-renowned stamp engraver, illustrator and artist Martin Morck, at the International Philatelic Exhibition in Stockholm from May 29 to June 2, not only brought the “Belt-and-Road” element into the exhibition but marked the significant debut of “Made in China” Kaihua paper on such a prestigious philatelic stage. More importantly, the paper on which the stamp is printed also brought a dying paper-making craft from a small, ancient county in western Zhejiang Province into the global spotlight.
Sponsored by the Royal Philatelic Society London, the worlds first one of its kind, the Stockholm event of this year was specially designed to celebrate the organizations 150th birthday, and received enthusiastic backing from the King of Sweden and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, drawing an unprecedented turnout from the organizations global members.
Inspired by nature, Morck is never tired of engraving, painting and illustrating. The Denmark-based Norwegian stamp-engraving master has left his mark in memorial works made for the United Nations, and has engraved two series of stamps for China since 2010, including a set of portraits on European musicians. His work has created a lot of buzz among Chinas stamp collectors. This time, he chose Kaihua paper for his creation in order to bring about the best of the art of stamp-engraving; and the result is a beautiful masterpiece that shows the vast possibilities of the use of this unique paper-making craftsmanship in such a demanding, highly-specialized field.
“Before this, China-made paper had never been used for stamp-making in foreign countries in the hundred-year-long history of postage stamps,” reveals Liu Yang, a Chinese collector specialized in copperplate etching. Liu is also the pusher behind the marriage of Kaihua paper and the Stockholm exhibition. Over the past few years, Liu has spared no effort to recommend Kaihua paper to public welfare ambassadors for possible use in and outside China.
In China, Kaihua paper enjoys a fine reputation, and adds lust to Qi Baishi, a masterpiece named after the art master (1864-1957) by master engraver Xu Yongcai. The special texture and superb quality of the paper has garnered the attention of many artists across the globe for its purity, thinness and an ideal level of transparency. It is widely regarded as a fine material that endows the art work it carries with supreme cleanness and stately, enduring beauty.
Expertise in making Kaihua paper is disappearing, although recent years have seen the significance of this hidden gem being reevaluated. In Kaihua County, a 91-year-old man is the only one who can claim to have the complete know-how. And there is almost nowhere to learn the art.
Dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) of China, the craftsmanship peaked during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties of China. The paper-making process practiced by paper-makers in Changshan and Kaihua during the Chenghua years of the Ming Dynasty was recorded in great detail in a book written by Lu Rong, then a government affairs chief. The book also reveals that for a long time the paper made by artisans in Kaihua and Changshan was used to make imperial edicts.
The reputation of Kaihua paper peaked in the years Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, with the paper used for rare books, such as Collected Tang Poems published by Yangzhou Poetry Publishing House, which was run by the imperial court.