The Beauty of Longquan Celadon
By Hu Jianjin
Celadon making in Longquan is a key chapter of the history of Chinese ceramics. Chen Wanli (1892-1969), a pioneering archaeologist who visited Longquan eight times and explored the celadon kiln sites there thoroughly, famously stated that half of the history of Chinese porcelain is about the porcelain wares produced in Zhejiang Province, and half of the history of the Zhejiang porcelain is about the celadon wares produced in Longquan City.
Celadon dates back to more than 1,000 years ago in Longquan as evidenced, for example, by 34 burial objects unearthed in March 2014 from the tomb of Hu Hong, a prominent court minister of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). Most of the 34 are celadon pieces and 22 of them were designated state treasures. The tomb site is in Qingyuan, which was part of Longquan before 1179. Archaeologists have exhumed quite a few celadon objects from tombs of different dynasties in the region and they agree that celadon was an everyday thing in the whole society.
Archaeological studies of celadon in Longquan have never stopped since the famous eight field studies conducted by Chen Wanli in the 1920s. Archaeological finds at kiln sites across Longquan over the past decades have confirmed a history of celadon production in Longquan and established the fine manufacturing techniques. Archaeologists have found over 500 ancient kilns that were dedicated to the production of celadon. About 360 sites are in the territory of Longquan, and other are scattered in nearby places.
The Longquan celadon timeline starts at the point of the Five Dynasties (907-960). In the Northern Song (960-1127) celadon-making flourishes. It begins to decline after the middle of the Ming (1368-1644). It struggled for existence for centuries and staged a comeback in the 1950. The whole timeline lasts over 1,000 years. No other group of kilns in ancient China functioned in such an extensive region for such a long time, producing and exporting such a large quantity of fine ceramics. In short, Longquan celadon was a never-before and never-again phenomenon in ancient China.
Zhang Shengyi and Zhang Shenger, two brothers in Longquan, represented two different styles of celadon made in Longquan. Zhang Shengyi was the elder brother whose celadon is characterized by a net pattern of gold and iron crackles on the surface as well as purple mouth and iron bottom. This product was difficult to produce largely because it was hard to control temperature in the kiln. His kiln is known as Ge Kiln (elder brothers kiln). The best celadon wares from Ge Kiln constitute an important part of the imperial collection of ceramics at the Palace Museum in Beijing. Zhang Shengers kiln is largely known as Di Kiln (younger brothers kiln) and celadon in this style is characterized by a smooth layer of glaze without any crackle on the surface. The best colors of celadon wares from Di Kiln are plum green and light green. During the Song and the Yuan (1127-1368) dynasties, the Di Kiln in Longquan and neighboring regions produced and exported a large number of celadon to the international consumers.
Celadon made in Longquan went to the world from the Ou River and Chinese seaports all the way to the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea and Eastern Africa. From seaports there, a large quantity of celadon artifacts was then further distributed. A museum in Istanbul, Turkey houses a collection of 1,300 celadon wares from Longquan. Celadon made in Longquan had impacted porcelain making techniques in other countries. It gave birth to Korean celadon on the peninsula. In Japan, celadon was imitated and mass-produced. In 1976, a sunken Chinese ship was discovered in the sea near South Korea. The ship dates back to the Yuan Dynasty. Of the over 17,000 porcelains salvaged, 9,000 were celadon made in Longquan. In 1987, a Chinese ship of the Southern Song Dynasty was discovered offshore Yangjiang, Guangdong Province. It was not until 2007 that the shipwreck was lifted from the ocean floor. Of the porcelain loaded on the ship are many celadon wares made in Longquan.