Shaoxing Initiates Chinese Contemporary Literature Protection Program
By Li Yuehong, Miao Lina
The birth of Sibu Congkan (The Four Branches of Literature Collection), a collection of authoritative editions of 504 Chinese original and historical monographs published by the Commercial Press in from 1919 to 1936, set a milestone in the publishing history of China.
Behind the unsurpassable quality of the project was the great foresight and more than a decades dedication of Zhang Yuanji (1867-1959), an eminent scholar from Zhejiang Province. For almost 100 years, Zhangs Sibu Congkan remained the paragon encyclopedia of Chinese classics for its supreme editorial quality.
Today, a reprint collection of Chinese books printed in years from 1840 to 1949 has been born.
The first one of its kind in China, this ambitious project is planned to take 10 to 15 years to complete. Zhejiang Yuesheng Culture and Media Group is the mastermind and full-time executor of the project. A special team, commissioned by the local government and led by a dozen heavyweight scholars and publishers, will reach out to the global resources to put together a full collection of works representing the interaction of different trends of thought covering all kinds of fields in China and other countries.
It is also the first time such a mega-size cultural project to have drawn proactive involvement of private enterprises, which also shows the uniquely strong participation from all social sectors in cultural promotion undertakings.
For more than a thousand years, present-day Yuecheng District of Shaoxing produced a galaxy of notable and erudite people. At a gallery of Zhejiang Yuesheng Culture and Media, based in the Yuesheng Culture Innovation Park located on Kuaiji Road in this culture-drenched part of Shaoxing, time seems to have frozen in the museum-like preservation of cultural artifacts and literature. Standing in front of the shelves filled to the brim with a dazzling variety of reprinted editions of extremely rare and antique classical books from that period of China, visitors will be filled with excitement and an overpowering yearning to meet the key undertaker of such a formidable cultural project.
Starting from a card printing business, the Shaoxing-based Yuesheng Culture and Media Group worked its way up the ladder into the printing and packaging field towards the end of the 1990s. Shou Linfen, the steerswoman, felt an urgent need to reshape the company in the new industrial context of the 1990s.
The strategy of the reloaded Zhejiang Yuesheng (the company name literally meaning “born in Shaoxing”) is clear: to continue the legacy of publishing the best and rarest works that appeal to the worlds most prestigious libraries and museums. Shou considers the classics reprints a renaissance project. The waning print media in todays digitalized China may be a saddening reality for many, but Shou sees it an opportunity to make the company a trailblazer in the reprinting and publishing sector, preserving the cultural quintessence of China through a global vision.
The companys new cultural mechanism took shape. After going boldly for years down a “revolutionary road”, the vision of Shou Linfen and her team is strong enough to lead the company into a new realm that interacts bravely with the global cultural database.
The first stage of the project has borne beautiful fruit: a select collection of about 10,000 volumes of literature covering economy, arts, education, history and geography. The first stage also saw the publishing of more than 100 works of poetry, essays, novels and dramas, with the first print of many others scheduled to complete in the second half of 2019.
“It is also the first time people today have the chance to admire at least half of the works in the ‘Literature category,” shares Chen Zishan, a professor at East China Normal University.
“It was an arduous journey over hale and dale and against innumerous trials and hardships,” recalls Shou Linfen about all the difficulties the company has encountered in the implementation of such a massive project. “More often than not, our persuasion aiming to solicit collaboration with other libraries in China barely started before it fizzled out, because of serious lack of awareness about what we strived to achieve, and we had to wait for five days before the representatives from the library of Harvard University finally agreed to sit down and talk to us,” recalls Shou Linfen.
“Luckily, we have our Sibu Congkan as the best diplomatic solution. It finally found its way into the worlds most prestigious libraries in and outside China.”
For the later generations of booklovers, the inaccessibility of a database as rare as Sibu Congkan is dismaying. Due to rarity, the existing editions of many classical Chinese books are so treasured by libraries that they stay on bookshelves not available to the public, which led the Shaoxing company to think seriously about new ways of book conservation as well as the possibility of bringing the huge treasure trove, laying unshared, to light.
One of the ideas is to digitalize, which means many rare books collecting dust in library storage rooms will be brought into the Internet world and shared by a global audience. In June 2019, Yuesheng Culture launched a new trading and viewing online platform designed for digitally published products from Chinas most prestigious publishers.
In a broader sense, the ambition and practice of Zhejiang Yuesheng Culture and Media is a living proof of how a culturally distinct city is innovating to transform its cultural riches into “soft power”.