
2019-08-23 02:07:06石吉勇李文亭胡雪桃黄晓玮李志华郭志明邹小波
农业工程学报 2019年13期




(江苏大学食品与生物工程学院,镇江 212013)



0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 缺素样本培育及验证


1.2 高光谱图像采集

高光谱成像系统由线扫描高光谱仪(V10E,Spectral Imaging Ltd.,芬兰)、线光源(DC-950A,Dolan-Jenner Ltd.,美国)、电控平移台(TSA200-A,北京卓立汉光有限公司,中国),光箱和计算机组成。为了防止基线漂移,数据采集前将高光谱图像采集系统预热30 min。数据采集时,将叶片样本平铺在电控平移台上,并关闭光箱以防止外界光线的干扰。设定样本高光谱图像采集参数为:曝光时间为45 ms、光谱分辨率为2.8 nm、图像分辨率为600´1 280像素、采样间隔为0.67 nm、电控位移平台速度为1.25 mm/s以及电控位移平台行程为100 mm[30]。高光谱图像数据采集完成后,得到一个大小为600´1 280(像素)´1 024(波段)的三维数据块。

1.3 叶绿素含量检测

采用高效液相色谱仪(LC-20A,岛津,日本)检测叶片样本对应的叶绿素含量[31]。准确称取30~40 mg叶片组织,于4 mL 体积分数为80%丙酮水溶液(含0.01%(质量分数)二丁基羟基甲苯)进行色素提取,以4 000 r/min的速度离心10 min后收集提取液,以70%甲醇水溶液(含0.05%(体积分数)三乙胺)和30%乙酸乙酯溶液(含0.05%(体积分数)三乙胺)为流动相,将提取液经0.45m微膜过滤器过滤送入C18反相色谱柱(Spherisorb ODS-2,规格:250 mm×4.6 mm),利用紫外可见检测器(北京科益恒达科技有限公司,Prominence SPD-20A)于440 nm 波段下获取叶绿素对应的检测信号。在相同的条件下,建立叶绿素a标准品(#C5753,Sigma公司,美国)、叶绿素b标准品(# C5758,Sigma公司,美国)与检测信号的对应关系,按公式(1)换算出提取液对应的叶绿素含量。

= 0.035´10-3X+0.08´10-3X+1.449 (1)


1.4 叶绿素叶面分布特征提取及N/Mg缺素诊断


图1 叶绿素叶面分布特征快速诊断设施栽培黄瓜氮、镁元素亏缺流程图

表1 校正集及预测样本

2 结果与分析

2.1 黄瓜叶片N/Mg元素检测结果

在黄瓜植株生长20 d后,分别采集缺N植株、缺Mg植株、对照组植株的10片老叶[31](第1~3节点)、10片中叶(第4~5节点)、10片新叶(第6~8节点)进行N元素以及Mg元素含量检测。缺N组、缺Mg组及对照组的N元素分析结果如图2 a所示,缺N植株老叶、中叶、新叶对应的N元素质量分数均值为7.15、13.83、17.97 mg/g,缺Mg组及对照组植株老叶、中叶、新叶对应的N元素质量分数均值范围为10.55~11.58、16.07~17.23、19.59~19.98 mg/g。缺N组、缺Mg组及对照组的Mg元素分析结果如图2 b所示,缺Mg植株老叶、中叶、新叶对应的Mg元素质量分数均值为0.85、1.11、1.41 mg/g,缺N组及对照组植株老叶、中叶、新叶对应的Mg元素含量均值范围为0.98~1.01、1.15~1.25、1.43~1.46 mg/g。


图2 不同组叶片对应的N、Mg元素含量

2.2 N/Mg缺素叶片叶绿素含量检测结果

在黄瓜植株生长30 d后,分别采集3棵缺N植株、3棵缺Mg植株、3棵对照组植株上所有节点的黄瓜叶片,并利用高效液相色谱法检测每个节点叶片对应的叶绿素含量,结果如表2所示。缺N植株老叶、中叶、新叶对应的叶绿素质量分数范围为5.59~6.59、8.51~9.65、11.85~13.90 mg/g,缺Mg植株老叶、中叶、新叶对应的叶绿素质量分数范围为6.45~7.37、8.93~9.95、12.65~13.93 mg/g,对照组植株老叶、中叶、新叶对应的叶绿素质量分数范围为6.85~7.53、8.93~10.49、12.41~13.95 mg/g。


表2 缺N组、缺Mg组及对照组植株不同节点处叶片叶绿素含量检测结果

2.3 黄瓜叶片叶绿素叶面分布检测

2.3.1 叶绿素含量校正模型的构建及验证

首先,提取60片校正集黄瓜叶片感兴趣区域(相对整个黄瓜叶片)的高光谱信息以及利用HPLC检测该感兴趣区域对应的叶绿素含量参考值,利用区间偏最小二乘(interval partial least squares, iPLS)、联合区间偏最小二乘(synergy interval partial least squares, siPLS)、后向区间偏最小二乘(backward interval partial least squares, biPLS)建立了叶绿素含量校正模型(如表3所示),其次,针对40片测试集黄瓜叶片,将其对应的高光谱信息代入iPLS、biPLS、siPLS校正集模型来测试集的叶绿素含量,同时利用高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC)测定测试集样品的叶绿素含量参考值,通过测试集相关系数、测试集均方根误差衡量叶绿素含量计算值与参考值之间的差异。结果表明,siPLS模型效果最优,对应的校正集相关系数为0.917 4、校正集均方根误差为1.93 mg/g,对应的预测相对标准偏差为4.58、测试集相关系数为0.900 7、测试集均方根误差为1.92 mg/g。

表3 叶绿素含量校正模型及其验证结果

注:z绿素检测结果表明:(RPD: 预测相对标准偏差;: 校正集相关系数; RMSEC: 校正集均方根误差, mg×g-1;: 预测集相关系数; RMSEP: 预测集均方根误差, mg×g-1。

Note:RPD: residual predictive deviation;: the calibration coefficients; RMSEC: root mean standard error of calibration, mg×g-1;: the prediction coefficient; RMSEP: root mean square error of prediction, mg×g-1.

2.3.2 缺素及对照组叶片叶绿素分布图检测

采集缺N叶片、缺Mg叶片及对照组叶片(老叶)对应的高光谱图像,提取高光谱图像中每个像素点对应的光谱信息,代入验证后的siPLS叶绿素含量校正模型计算出每个像素点对应的叶绿素含量,进而得到缺素叶片及对照组叶片的叶绿素含量分布图,如图3所示。对照组叶片的叶绿素含量分布如图3 a所示,该分布图表明对照组叶片微小区域之间叶绿素含量存在差异,但叶绿素含量在对照组叶片的整个叶面分布较均匀,其质量分数范围主要集中在10~20 mg/g。缺N叶片的叶绿素含量分布如图3 b所示,与对照组叶片叶绿素含量分布图相比较,叶绿素含量分布较均匀,但缺N叶片的叶绿素含量整体偏低,其质量分数范围主要集中在5~15 mg/g,表明叶绿素含量的叶面均值可作为诊断N元素亏缺的依据。缺Mg叶片的叶绿素含量分布如图3 c所示,与对照组叶片叶绿素含量分布图相比较,缺Mg叶片叶绿素含量整体与对照组叶片接近,其质量分数范围主要集中在10~20 mg/g,但缺Mg叶片叶脉之间叶绿素含量的分布均匀性较差,表明叶脉间叶绿素含量在各像素点处的均匀性可作为诊断Mg元素亏缺的依据。鉴于以上分析结果,可以以像素点为最小单元精确统计叶绿素叶面分布图中所有像素点对应的均值、标准差作为诊断N、Mg元素亏缺的特征参数。

2.3.3 叶绿素分布特征提取及N、Mg缺素诊断


图3 不同组叶片对应的绿素分布图


图4横坐标为样本叶绿素叶面分布图所有像素点对应的叶绿素均值,纵坐标为样本叶绿素叶面分布图所有像素点对应的叶绿素标准差。从图4可以看出,借助均值和标准差这2个叶绿素分布特征,缺N组分叶片、缺Mg组叶片及对照组叶片呈现出了明显的聚类趋势。缺N组主要表现为叶片所有像素点的叶绿素均值比对照组叶片偏低,对应的样本主要聚类于图4左下方。缺Mg组主要表现为标准差比对照组叶片偏高,对应的样本主要聚类于图4右上方。对照组具有高的叶绿素均值和较低的叶绿素标准差,对应的样本主要聚类于图4的右下方。为了对缺N及缺Mg样本进行诊断,设定11.50 mg/g作为诊断N元素亏缺的阈值(如图4中竖虚线所示),其对应的校正集诊断率为100%。利用该阈值对预测集的N元素亏缺样本进行诊断,对应的诊断率为90%。设定2.20 mg/g作为诊断Mg元素亏缺的阈值(如图4横虚线所示),其对应的校正集诊断率为93.33%,其中1个缺Mg样本被错误的诊断为对照组样本(如图4黑色实线箭头所示)。利用该阈值对预测集的Mg元素亏缺样本进行诊断,对应的诊断率为90%。

3 结 论

利用高光谱信号对黄瓜叶绿素含量的敏感性建立了叶绿素含量校正模型(预测集相关系数为0.900 7, 测试集均方根误差为 1.92 mg/g),结合高光谱图像包含每个像素点光谱信息的特性实现了叶绿素含量叶面分布图的快速、无损检测。通过比较对照组、缺N组、缺Mg组叶片的叶绿素含量分布图,从中提取叶片叶绿素分布图所有像素点的均值和标准差作为诊断作物N、Mg元素亏缺的特征,利用叶绿素叶面均值11.50 mg/g和叶绿素叶面标准差2.20 mg/g作为诊断阈值建立了基于叶绿素叶面分布特征的N、Mg元素亏缺诊断模型,对N、Mg元素亏缺的校正集诊断率分别为100%、93.33%,对N、Mg元素亏缺的测试集诊断率分别为90%、90%。研究结果表明,叶绿素叶面分布特征可作为一种新的黄瓜N、Mg元素亏缺诊断依据。

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Diagnosis of nitrogen and magnesium deficiencies based on chlorophyll distribution features of cucumber leaf

Shi Jiyong, Li Wenting, Hu Xuetao, Huang Xiaowei, Li Zhihua, Guo Zhiming, Zou Xiaobo※


Nitrogen (N) and magnesium (Mg) elements play important role in the growth of cucumber plants, N and Mg deficiencies in cucumber plants drastically affects the quality and most importantly yield of agricultural products. In the published papers, chlorophyll content was used as an indicator for diagnosing N deficiency and Mg deficiency. However, leaf with low chlorophyll content appears both in N deficient and Mg deficient plans, which makes it is difficult to simultaneously detect N and Mg deficiencies using chlorophyll content. In this study, new indicators based on chlorophyll distribution features of the whole cucumber leaves were proposed for diagnostics of N and Mg deficiencies. N deficient, Mg deficient and control cucumber plants were cultured in a greenhouse with special nutrient supply. The content of N and Mg nutrient elements in N deficient, Mg deficient and control leaves were determined to test the nutrient status of cucumber plants in N deficient, Mg deficient and Control groups. 100 fresh cucumber leaves were collected and used as samples for detecting a chlorophyll distribution map. Firstly, hyperspectral images of cucumber leaves in the calibration set were collected and chlorophyll content of the cucumber leaves was determined using high performance liquid chromatography technology. Chlorophyll content calibration models were built using the hyperspectral images and chlorophyll content. Secondly, the hyperspectral images and chlorophyll content of cucumber samples in testing set were used to test the chlorophyll content calibration models, and the chlorophyll content calibration model with the best performance was selected as the optimal calibration model. The chlorophyll content distribution maps of N deficient, Mg deficient and control cucumber leaves were measured using the optimal chlorophyll content calibration model. After hyperspectral image collecting, hyperspectral image data of N deficient, Mg deficient and control leaves were obtained. Then, the spectral data of every pixel in the hyperspectral images was extracted and substituted in the optimal chlorophyll content calibration model to calculate the chlorophyll content at each pixel. The chlorophyll content of all pixels were displayed in two dimension spastically, then the chlorophyll content distribution maps of N deficient, Mg deficient and control leaves were obtained. The chlorophyll content distribution maps of 25 N deficient cucumber leaves, 25 Mg deficient cucumber leaves and 25 control cucumber leaves were determined. Compared with the distribution map of chlorophyll content in the control leaves, N deficiency led to the decrease of chlorophyll content in the whole leaf, and Mg deficiency led to the decrease of chlorophyll content in the area between the main veins. According to these results, two chlorophyll distribution features, the average and standard deviation of chlorophyll content at every pixels in a chlorophyll distribution map, were extracted for diagnosing N deficiency and Mg deficiency. Result showed that an average of chlorophyll content (11.5 mg/g) could be used as a threshold value to diagnose N deficiency, and the diagnostic rates for the calibration set and prediction set were 100% and 90%, respectively. A standard deviation of chlorophyll content (2.20 mg/g) could be used as a threshold value to diagnose Mg deficiency, and the diagnostic rates for the calibration set and prediction set were 93.3% and 90%, respectively. The result indicated that the extracted features could reflect the characteristic of N and Mg deficient cucumber leaves and could be employed to diagnose N and Mg deficiency nondestructively.

chlorophyll; spectrum analysis; models; distribution; cucumber leaf; nitrogen; magnesium; hyperspectral imaging







国家自然科学基金(31772073, 60901079);江苏省重点研发计划(BE2016306);江苏省六大人才高峰(GDZB-016);江苏省自然科学基金(BK20130505);中国博士后科学基金(2016M600379);江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目(16KJB550002)和江苏省博士后科研资助(1601080B)联合资助。



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Shi Jiyong, Li Wenting, Hu Xuetao, Huang Xiaowei, Li Zhihua, Guo Zhiming, Zou Xiaobo.Diagnosis of nitrogen and magnesium deficiencies based on chlorophyll distribution features of cucumber leaf[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(13): 170-176. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.019 http://www.tcsae.org

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