
2019-08-17 02:36郭爱莲
河北教育(教学版) 2019年5期

○程 杨 郭爱莲


一、Look and say.看图,快速准确说出单词。

二、Look and read.请大声、快速并正确地读出下列短语。

三、Look and answer.看图,回答问题。

四、Look and say.请用英语准确地说出下面的天气。

1.--What's the weather like?

2.--What's the weather like?

3.--How's the weather?



一、Listen and circle.听音,圈出与你所听内容相符的图片。

二、Listen and judge.听音,判断正“T”误“F”

三、Listen,order and underline.听绕口令标序号,在相同读音规则下画线。

( )1.The girl wear a shirt and a skirt.

( )2.She gives her sister an eraser.

( )3.A little apple is on the table.

( )4.Mark drive a car to the park.

( )5.I see a ball beside the tall wall.

四、Listen and choose.听音,根据问句选答案。

( )1.A.Yes,we do.B.No,they don't.

( )2.A.It's my. B.It's mine.

( )3.A.Sure. B.It's too small.

( )4.A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,they are.

( )5.A.No,it isn't.B.No,they aren't.

五、Listen and judge.听对话,判断正“T”误“F”。

( )1.Mike doesn't like the pants.

( )2.This is Amy's dress.

( )3.Zhang Peng has breakfast at 6:30.

( )4.The computer room is on the second floor.

( )5.Harbin is cold and snowy.

Reading and Writing读写部分

一、Look and write.看图,补全单词。

二、Look and choose.读一读,选出不同类的一项。

( )1.A.second B.thirty

C.ten D.forty

( )2.A.hat B.sock

C.pants D.clothes

( )3.A.sunny B.weather

C.snowy D.rainy

( )4.A.breakfast B.lunch

C.dinner D.eat

( )5.A.garden B.farm

C.cow D.library

三、Read and write.读句子,根据句意选择合适的单词填空。

1.It's 30 degrees in Sydney today.It's______.(cold,hot)

2.This animal loves to eat grass.It can run very fast.It's a_____.(horse,cow)

3.The hat is$698.It is very _____.(cheap,expensive)

4.It's time for_______(music class,PE class).We are singing and dancing.

5.Boys like to wear______(skirt,shorts)in summer.

四、Choose the best.选择正确答案。

( )1.Ann usually wakes up______6:30______the morning.

A.in;at B.at;in

C.at;at D.in;in

( )2.Li Ting_____English every day.

A.read B.reads

C.reading D.to read

( )3.--_____does he go to work?

--He often walks to work.

A.when B.What time

C.What D.How

( )4.--Is your school____your home?

--No,it's near my home.

A.near from B.far to

C.far from D.near to

( )5.--How is the weather here?

--It is______.

A.cold and wind B.hot and sunny

C.warm and snow D.cool and rain

( )6.--Would you like some juice?


A.Hello B.No,thanks C.No,please D.Yes,I like

( )7.--What does Steven's father do?


A.a teacher B.Steven Smith

C.a tall man D.very old

( )8.--What's the date today?


A.warm B.Sunday

C.July the fifth D.cloudy

( )9.--_____?

--Yes,I want some erasers.

A.What are you doing

B.Where are you going

C.What's the matter

D.May I help you

( )10.Her mother bought two_______shoes for her.

A.a pair of B.pairs C.pairs of D.pair

五、Read and choose.根据问句选择正确答语。

( )1.Is that the art room?

( )2.What are those?

( )3.How many hats do you have?

( )4.Are these yours?

( )5.How much is the sweater?

A.They are green beans.

B.No,they aren't.

C.I have five.

D.Yes,it is.

E.It's forty yuan.

六、Read and write.句型转换。

1.This is a duck.(改写成复数形式)


2.Is it windy?(做出否定回答)


3.They are cows.(改写成一般疑问句)


4.This is Mike's coat.(对画线部分提问)

_______________________________is this?

5.Can I go outside?(做出肯定回答)


七、Read and choose.读对话,选择正确答案。

Uncle Dan:Hi,John!Welcome to my farm.

John:Thank you.Your farm is so big.What are those?

Uncle Dan:They are cows.

John:Wow!How many cows do you have?

Uncle Dan:Mm,fifty.They can make a lot of milk every day.

John:Milk is good for us.What about these?Are they hens?

Uncle Dan:No,they are ducks.

John:Ducks can swim.

Uncle Dan:Yes!This is my vegetable garden.

John:I know these are tomatoes and green beans.What are those?

Uncle Dan:Those are carrots and potatoes.

John:I like to eat vegetables.

Uncle Dan:Good kid!

1.This is________'s farm.

A.John B.Uncle Dan

2._________goes to a farm today.

A.John B.Uncle Dan

3.There are________cows on the farm.

A.forty B.fifty

4.________can swim.

A.Ducks B.Hens

5.John sees_____in the vegetable garden.

A.tomatoes,green beans and potatoes.

B.tomatoes,green beans,carrots and potatoes.

八、Read and write.请你读一读服装店的促销海报,然后试着为水果店设计一份促销海报。


四年级英语期末综合评价以《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》为指导,以PEP《小学英语》四年级下册学习内容和教学目标为依据,兼顾冀教版教材,注重考查学生综合语言运用能力,使绝大多数学生能体验成功的喜悦,较好地发挥评价的激励功能。如听力部分第三题,将冀教版第二单元、第三单元和第四单元Letters and sounds部分和人教版第二单元、第三单元、第五单元和第六单元Let's spell部分内容融合在一起,以绕口令形式呈现,训练学生对语言的敏感度,通过找规律,考查学生的拼读能力,通过排序,考查学生将听力材料的音、形、义联系起来迅速反应的能力。又如读写部分第二题,第一组话题为number,涉及人教版第一单元My school和冀教版第二单元第8课First,second,third内容。第二组话题为clothes,涉及人教版第五单元My clothes和冀教版第四单元第20课My favourite clothes内容。两组题目均考查学生对容易混淆的数字类和服装类单词的理解和掌握情况,提升学生的语言综合运用能力。

冀教版英语七下第16课We Are With You教学设计