
2019-08-17 02:36李秋丽
河北教育(教学版) 2019年5期



一、Look and say.看图并快速说出单词。

二、Look and read.大声并正确地读出下列单词、短语或句子。

三、Read the passage.请用正确的语音、语调及意群朗读下面的短文。

My Weekend Plan

I'm Helen.I am going to have a busy weekend.Today is Saturday.I am going to visit my grandparents this morning,and I'm going to the bookstore this afternoon.Then I'm going to see a film with my friend this evening.I'm going to wash my clothes and do my homework tomorrow.Next week,I'm going camping with my parents.I can't wait!I am so excited.

四、Look and tell.根据图片提示,试着讲一讲小故事。



一、Listen and choose.听句子,选出你所听到的信息。

( )1.A.watched B.washed C.walked

( )2.A.younger B.bigger C.stronger

( )3.A.go camping B.go fishing

C.go cycling

( )4.A.hotel B.hospital C.capital

( )5.A.Mid-Autumn Festival

B.Labour Day

C.Spring Festival

二、Listen and tick.听对话,想一想哪一幅图与谈话内容有关,在方格中打“√”。

三、Listen and choose.听问句,选择合适的答语。

( )1.A.On foot. B.I'm 12 years old.

( )2.A.In the countryside.

B.Read books.

( )3.A.I'm 48kg. B.I'm 164cm.

( )4.A.I have a toothache.

B.I have two hands.

( )5.A.They are going to the beach.

B.They went to the beach.

四、Listen and judge.听句子,判断正“T”误“F”。

( )1.Wuyifan was busy last Friday.

( )2.Wuyifan visited his grandmother last Saturday.

( )3.Wuyifan and his parents cleaned room together.

( )4.Wuyifan played basketball with his friends on Sunday morning.

( )5.Wuyifan cleaned the room and washed his clothes on Sunday afternoon.

Reading and Writing读写部分

一、Read and choose.读一读,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。

C.older D.smarter

( )2.A.had B.stayed

C.slept D.bad

( )3.A.cheetah B.tiger

C.fish D.wolf


( )4.A.daily B.dictionary

C.book D.pencil

( )5.A.fisherman B.head teacher

C.coach D.ferry

二、Read and choose.选择合适的词语填空,注意使用词语的正确形式。

A.shortB.mouse C.bookstore D.Italy E.study

1.Let's go to the____to buy some books.

2.There are many____in the room.

3.He is_______.

4.Mike always______in the classroom.

5.I am______than my father.

三、Read and write.读短文,根据图片提示选择单词填空,注意使用单词的正确形式。

What did you do last weekend?I____on Friday evening.Then I______in the morning of Saturday.On Saturday afternoon,I______.The next day,I________.On Sunday afternoon,I_______.

I was happy for the last weekend.

A.go swimming B.do my homework C.play basketball D.wash the clothes E.play the piano

四、Read and choose.选择正确答案。

( )1.I feel______,because I failed my math test.

A.happy B.sad C.cold D.hot

( )2.I am 12 years old.Mike is 13 years old.Mike is____than me.

A.taller B.shorter C.older D.younger

( )3.--What did Sarah do last Sunday?

--She______a bike in the park.

A.ride B.rod C.rode D.rided

( )4.Let's go______to the beach.

A.swim B.swiming C.swimming D.swims

( )5.--Where are you going on your holiday?


A.I am going to Beijing.

B.I am going to Beijing by train.

C.Iamgoingtotake pictures.


( )6.______at a red light.

A.Stop B.WaitC.Go D.Turn left

( )7.--Can I go to Zhongshan Park___?

--Sure.If you like,it's not far.

A.by car B.by plane

C.on foot D.by train

( )8.The traffic lights are_____in every country.

A.same B.the same

C.different D.difficult

( )9.In China,drivers drive on______of the road.

A.the left side B.the left sides

C.the right side D.the right sides

( )10.The sign means_______.

A.no bikes B.no turn left

C.crosswalk D.no entry

五、Choose the answer.根据问句选择相应答句。

( )1.How tall are you?

( )2.How do you go to school?

( )3.Whereareyougoingthisafternoon?

( )4.How long are your legs?

( )5.What are you going to do this morning?

A.I'm going to clean my bedroom.

B.On foot.

C.I'm 160cm tall.


E.To the bookstore.

六、Choose and write.选句子完成对话,并将句子规范地写在横线上。

Mike:Amy,let's go to the cinema this afternoon.

Amy:_______.But how do we go there?

Mike:_________.Come to my home by bike.We can go to the bus stop on foot.Then we go there by bus.


Mike:My home is near the post office.


Mike:The fifth floor.Room 5A.

Amy:Ok!This afternoon._________.

Mike:See you then.

A.See you at 4 o'clock.

B.But where is your home?

C.It's easy!


E.Which floor?

七、Read and finish.阅读并按要求完成练习。

Yesterday was a nice day.I went to Mike's home on foot.We read English tongue twister together.After that,we went to the park by bike.I flew my kite near the lake in the park.The wind was very strong.My kite was flew in the lake suddenly.There was a dog near the lake.It saw the kite and jumped into the water.Then he returned the kite to me.I was very grateful to it.

●Read and order the pictures.阅读短文,将下列图片排序。

●Read and choose the best answers.阅读短文,选择最佳答案。

( )1.Mike and I went to the park______.

A.by bus B.by car

C.on foot D.by bike

( )2.______flew the kite near the lake.

A.Mike B.I

C.Mike and I D.My friend

( )3.It was______yesterday.

A.sunny B.windy

C.rainy D.cloudy

( )4.______returned the kite to me.

A.The dog B.Mike

C.Mike's friend D.My friend

( )5.I was______to the dog.

A.wonderful B.kind

C.nice D.thankful


Hi,class!You are going to spend your summer holiday.Where will you go?Who will you go with?How will you go there?What will you do there?Write them down,please.


My Summer Holiday


六年级英语期末综合评价以《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》为指导,以PEP《小学英语》六年级教材的教学目标和学习内容为依据。该套试题趣味性强,贴近学生生活,编排由易到难,既综合考查了学生的语言运用能力,又体现了对学生学习策略的指导,为其初中阶段的语言学习做好了铺垫。该评价以人教版教材为主,兼顾冀教版教材,综合考查学生的听力理解、阅读理解、书面表达、口语表达以及实际情境中的语言运用能力。如读写部分的第三题考查学生的读图能力,即观察图片获取相关信息的能力,涉及动词过去时态,人教版六年级下册第三单元Last weekend及冀教版六年级下册第四单元Li Ming comes home均有所涉及。再如读写部分的第八题是一道书面表达题,涉及holiday话题的整体语言运用,这个话题在人教版六年级下册第四单元My holiday和冀教版下册第三单元What will you do this summer?都有所呈现,本题引导学生在重点句型和词汇的提示下进行表达,属于控制性写作,使用不同版本教材的学生都可以围绕该话题进行自由表达。

冀教版英语七下第16课We Are With You教学设计