
2019-07-22 04:38孙平张帅
电机与控制学报 2019年6期

孙平 张帅



中图分类号文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007 -449X(2019)06 -0000 -00

Abstract:A rehabilitative training walker needs to track trajectory which is prescribed by doctors so that it can help rehabilitee train.The design scheme of a safe predictive controller is proposed while simultaneously considering the safety of the rehabilitees,extensive motion position and velocity tracking errors during training.The ultimate aim is to realize robots trajectory tracking and velocity tracking simultaneously for arbitrary initial position,and restrict tracing errors within prescribed range in order to increase the safety of the system.The predictive model with incremental control is established by discretizing kinetics model of the rehabilitative training walker.In predictive timedomain,the performance index of trajectory tracking errors is designed and the constraint conditions of tracking errors are structured.The predictive control of satisfying the constraint conditions of tracking errors is obtained by designing auxiliary motion trajectory and solving quadratic program with incremental control.The simulation and experiment results show the feasibility and superiority of the proposed control method with position and velocity tracking errors simultaneous constraints.

Keywords:rehabilitative training walker;tracking errors constraints;safe predictive control;quadratic program

0 引 言


与工业机器人不同,康复机器人与患者接触,运动位置和速度对保证康复者的安全具有重要意义。如果速度状态超过患者承受能力,将导致患者与机器人运动不协调而再次受伤;位置状态超出空间环境限制,机器人可能会碰撞周围人或物体。由此可见,不约束运动位置和速度对患者来讲是极其不安全的。事实上,由于机械系统的状态受到限制,会导致系统性能的下降[8-9]。如约束运动位置,难以实现速度跟踪;约束运动速度,不能保证实时跟踪运动位置。文献[10]利用饱和函数约束了康复机器人的运动速度,控制器通过增加补偿使机器人实现了轨迹跟踪,不仅控制器设计复杂,而且不能同时约束机器人的运动位置。文献[11]通过直接构造康复机器人系统的渐近稳定约束条件,限制了机器人的运动速度,但无法进一步实现运动位置约束。文献[12-13]通过建立有界Lyapunov函数(Barrier Lyapunov Function)限制了系统的状态,然而,结构复杂的控制器仅能处理单一状态变量约束。


近年来,模型预测控制在处理系统约束问题中得到了广泛应用[17-18],由于同时约束康复机器人系统的运动位置和速度,需要建立6个约束条件,如何求解满足这些约束条件的预测控制器,具有一定难度。鉴于此,本文针对一种全方向康复步行训练机器人(omnidirectional rehabilitative training walker,ODW)[19]提出了安全预测控制方法,确保ODW从任意位置出发,都能同时约束其运动位置和速度跟踪误差,完成的主要工作有:





5 结 论


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