余海涛 张涛
中图分类号文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007 -449X(2019)06 -0000 -00
Abstract:Linear compressor driven by linear oscillatory actuator is more efficient and easier to control than traditional rotary motor.In order to improve the efficiency of linear compressor,a new method based on second order general integral resonant frequency tracking control (SOGIRFTC) is proposed. The steadystate displacement signal x and current signal i are sensed under the control of stroke stability. Based on theory that phase shift between actuator displacement and current is 90°when drive frequency equals to mechanical resonant frequency, the AC signal is transformed into DC signal by frequency locked loop and coordinate transformation. Then PI controller is used to achieve zero steadystate error. Besides, the second order general integral controller is adopted to filter out the sampling noise and high frequency interference of the input signal, which improves the stability of the controller. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed resonant frequency tracking control can quickly track the inherent mechanical frequency of the Actuator and improve the efficiency of the system.
Keywords:linear compressor; linear oscillatory actuator; resonant frequency tracking; second order general integral;coordinate transformations
0 引 言
在最初电机设计时,将振荡系统的固有机械谐振频率设计为50 Hz或60 Hz,采用固有频率控制,该方法控制简单,成本低,但当负载变化时,不能有效跟踪谐振频率,降低效率[5]。2004年,韩国学者Chun通过分析振荡电机特性,得出当振荡谐振系统效率最优时,电流波形滞后位移90°,并采用相角控制方式实现谐振频率跟踪控制[6]。Yoshida等采用判断反电势的相位或位移与电流的相位的方法,实现频率跟踪[7]。上述控制方法在相角检测时存在过零检测带来的误差问题。Chun等采用控制位移与电流乘积的平均值的方法进行压缩机效率的最大化控制,解决了电流的过零点检测带来误差的问题[8]。在控制过程中,频率不断改变,从而给平均值的计算带来困难。上述的控制方法建立在振荡电机工作时特有的工作特性上,是一种间接控制的控制策略。Lin等采用扰动和观测的搜索方法,直接以输出功率为目标量,通过改变频率扰动量,直接对最大输出功率点进行跟踪[9]。于明湖等人采用模糊算法搜索一定行程下电流(功率)最小时的共振频率[10]。采用扰动观测法,控制简单,但跟踪响应受扰动步长的影响,同时在最大功率点附近出现频率振荡现象[13-14]。
5 结 论
最后进行仿真和实验验证。实验结果表明所提出的谐振频率跟踪控制技术,在行程环稳定下,驱动频率快速跟随电机固有机械频率,空载下电机谐振频率f=68 Hz,电机效率提高约为65%。
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