Vice p resident Zhang visited Cryosphere Research Station in A laska,Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resource,Chinese Academ y of Sciences

2019-07-10 09:53
Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 2019年3期

On June 14-17,vice presidentof Chinese Academy of Sciences—YaPing Zhangmade a visit to University of A laska and visited the co-established Cryosphere Research Station at Nome between the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resource,Chinese Academy of Sciences(NIEER,CAS)and the University of A laska Fairbanks(UAF),to enhance the cooperation on scientific research between Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of A laska.

YaPing Zhang and his delegation firstly visited University of A laska Fairbanks Northwest Campus in Nome,then Bob Metcalf—director of Northwest Campus briefly introduced the teaching and academ ic research in this campus.Professor ShiChang Kang—director of State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science(SKLCS),Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resource introduced the establishmentof cryospheric observation network in A laska based on bilateral collaboration between NIEER,CAS and International Arctic Research Center(IARC),UAF.Bob Bolton,research assistant professor of International Artic Research Center introduced the ongoing Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment(NGEE)project and the collaboration of establishing cryospheric observation sites at Nome.YaPing Zhang and Yin Li—director of Bureau of International Co-operation Chinese Academy of Sciences,showed full appreciation upon this international cooperation on cryospheric sciences and climate change between Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resource and International Arctic Research Center,and advised both sides to enhance cooperation to makemore contribution to Arctic climate change and sustainable development.

A fter thismeeting,YaPing Zhang made an on-the-spot investigation to the Teller site,60 km away from the Nome town,which aim tomonitoring permafrostand snow cover changes and their impacts on the surroundings for a long term.

In themorning of June 17,YaPing Zhang and his delegation also visited IARC,UAF,and held a conference with Professor Larry Hinzman—vice chancellor for research at the UAF,Dr.Hajo Eicken—director of IARC,Scott Rupp—deputy director of IARC,JohnWalsh—chief scientistof IARC and so on.Dr.Hajo Eicken introduced IARC and the collaboration with NIEER,CAS,what ismore,he also expected further cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the field of common interest during the follow ing years.YaPing Zhang firstly appreciated the continuous support from the IARC,and then anticipated more communication between the two sides.During this conference,Yin Li,representing the Chinese Academy of Sciences,reported the detailed international policy about exchange of personnel visit,regular academ ic sem inars and talentproject funding etc.

After this conference,YaPing Zhang and Yin Li,togetherwith Larry Hinzman attended the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreementbetween NIEER,CASand IARC,UAF.

DanielWhite,chancellor of the UAF,Larry Hinzman,vice chancellor of the UAF,Brian Barnes,director of Institute of Arctic Biology,hosted awelcome dinner to every distinguished guests.YaPing Zhang and Yin Liexpected that the UAF could keep on supporting bilateral research personnel to strengthen academ ic communication and cooperation,and gave their high praise of w in-w in cooperation on climate change in Arctic.Furthermore,YaPing Zhang highlighted the CASPresident's International Fellowship Initiative(PIFI)and encouragedmore research personnel communication and training on youth scientists by means of academ ic conferences and project cooperation and etc.

During this trip,YaPing Zhang and his delegation also paid a visit to UAFMuseum of the North,Institute of Arctic Biology and UAF Large Animal Research Station.The responsible persons from Bureau of International Cooperation,Chinese Academy of Sciencesand SKLCSand State Key Lab of Frozen Soil Engineering of NIEER attended thisactivity,too.

Editor Qiang Zhu and Professor TongHuaWu from the State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science contributed this report.

ShiChang Kang introduced the cryosphere observation network in A laska

YaPing Zhang visited the Teller observation site atNome

The jointworkshop between Chinese Academy of Science and InternationalArctic Research Center,University of Alaska Fairbanks

YaPing Zhang,Yin Li,Larry Hinzman,XueHua Zhuw itnessed the signingmemorandum of understanding between Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resource,Chinese Academy of Sciencesand InternationalArctic Research Center,University of Alaska Fairbanks