
2019-05-31 03:47建筑设计刘晓钟
世界建筑 2019年5期







项目信息/Credits and Data

设计团队/Design Team: 刘晓钟,吴静,朱蓉,周皓,马晓欧,王晨,钟晓彤,徐超,丁倩,郭辉,李端端,张妮,刘淼,孙喆 /LIU Xiaozhong, WU Jing, ZHU Rong,ZHOU Hao, MA Xiaoou, WANG Chen, ZHONG Xiaotong,XU Chao, DING Qian, GUO Hui, LI Duanduan, ZHANG Ni,LIU Miao, SUN Zhe

总建筑面积/Floor Area: 238,346.66m2

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2010

摄影/Photos: 杨超英/YANG Chaoying

2 外景/Exterior view

1 鸟瞰效果图/Aerial view rendering

3 平面/Plans

4 平面/Plans

5 外景/Exterior view

Drawing on the experience of elevating the ground floor in the southern area, the project developed the concept of platform to elevate the overall community, fundamentally solving the diversion of people and vehicles as well as achieving a hierarchical and pedestrian-first transportation system. At the same time, it enhanced the differentiation between itself and surrounding buildings, while promoting the overall characteristics and quality of the whole community.

The planning and design of the project will explain the new concept of "differentiated community". Through product differentiation, this project fully exploited the advantages of the plot ratio and the functional diversification, and then planned to realise the differentiation between small and medium-sized units, between large-sized units,between small and medium-sized units and largesized units, and between plots, creating a brand-new property feature.

In the case of high plot ratio, the point layout has the advantage of solving the area pressure.Meanwhile, the point layout for the high-rise buildings can provide a large area of greening,forming a unique platform landscape, such as solid soil greening, covered greening garage, community entrance, residential entrance and overhead space.The scattered layout can allow better sunshine,ventilation, and landscape conditions, realising a spacious housing.

The plan proposed a breakthrough concept of"introducing the urban park into community". That is, 2hm2of green space is reserved for introducing the platform garden. Combining the point layout,build a multi-level and rich community landscape.Based on maximising the landscape resources, the design fully exploits the landscape value of the plot and strives to achieve the uniform landscape. That is how 100% of the residents can enjoy the landscape of the large green space, greatly improving the community level and laying the precondition for the later successful sale of the developers.

In order to explore the maximum potential of the site, the theme is defined as a high-comfort residential area, featuring in the living environment,lifestyle and life quality. That means to attach importance to the neighbourhood relationship;strengthen the internal communication; create an identifiable community centre; focus on the treatment of public open space; attach importance to the natural ecology of residential design and overall planning; attach importance to the mix functions of residence, leisure, entertainment, business, and others, establishing a public transportation-oriented traffic system scaled by pedestrians and making here become an ideal home in people's minds. □

番禺:江景“楼王”+全城热卖 TOP1+“巨无霸楼盘”齐登场!