
2019-04-19 07:42建筑设计克里斯托弗系列建筑事务所
世界建筑 2019年3期


Design Architect: Christopher Lee/Serie Architects

1 远景/Distant view







(克里斯托弗·李 文,庞凌波 译)

3 近景/Nearby view

At its best, faculty buildings that house schools of architecture and design - apart from serving functional needs of its occupants - strive to demonstrate and represent the pedagogical ambitions of the school itself. This is evident in the Bauhaus Building in Dessau that adopted the logic of industrial production; the open studio trays for cross-disciplinary collaboration in Harvard GSD;or the bar and front members rooms as a social condenser in the AA's Georgian Terrace School.

From the outset, it was clear that SDE intended to use the design and the completed building as a pedagogical tool for tackling the challenges of climate change in the tropics. Here, the focus was on creating a NET Zero energy building - that is to say,the building generates as much if not more energy that it consumes within its building footprint.The second ambition was to use the building as a living laboratory for learning and testing various technologies and architectural responses to the harsh tropical climate.

Our design is a revalidation of the grammar of vernacular tropical architecture in Southeast Asia,namely that of the Malay House from which we find a large over-sailing roof, the loose accumulation of rooms to allow cross ventilation and the use of platforms to raise the building off the ground. Thus our response was to first employ a large over-sailing roof to protect rooms from the sun and at the same time use this large surface for the installation of 1225 PV cells for energy generation.

An open social plaza together with a circulation system that cuts across the different studios and classrooms is intended to generate chance encounters and foster social interaction. As study and work become increasingly collaborative and thus social in nature, these spaces compliment the four key learning spaces in the school.

The first of these is the large and continuous open studio space designed to foster collaboration and instil curiosity in the work of others. The second is more contemplative in nature, designed as a series of smaller rooms surrounded by landscape to be used by researchers and masters level students. A central presentation space is highly visible from various approaches to the building and the design studios. It drops down to peer into the social plaza making design dialog a central activity of learning. The fourth learning space located behind the east and west curtain walls is intended for proto-typing and model making. Soft undulating perforated aluminium panels moderate the harsh western and eastern sun while remaining demountable to allow students and researchers to test various facade systems on the building itself.

One of the key cultural and technological shifts in this NET Zero energy building is the way the building is cooled with the least amount of energy. This was achieved by using a hybrid system of cooling coupled with natural ventilation. The hybrid cooling uses a combination of tempered air (less energy intensive than conventional AC cooling) with ceiling fans. The resulting architecture is transparent, open, and comfortable, while at the same time requiring very little energy. As a whole the design is a revalidation of the grammar of tropical architecture that fuses new technologies and thinking about energy efficiency in the tropics.□ (Text by Christopher Lee)

项目信息/Credits and Data

主持建筑师/Design Architects: Serie + Multiply Architects设计团队/Design Team: Christopher Lee, Bolam Lee,Martin Jameson, Edouard Bettencourt, Jerome Ng, Onusa Charuwana, Julia Cabanas, Jarrel Goh, Yap Mong Ling, Lee Pei Shyun, Tiffany Yap, Leon Yap

项目管理/Project Architect: Surbana-Jurong Consultants Pte. Ltd.

结构设计/Structural Design: Surbana-Jurong Consultants Pte. Ltd.

SDE学院顾问/Consultants from SDE: Lam Khee Poh (SDE Dean), Heng Chye Kiang (Former SDE Dean), Erik Gerard L'Heureux (Vice Dean), Nirmal Kishnani (Former Vice Dean),Giovanni Cossu (Senior Manager, Dean's Office), Bertrand Lasternas (Energy Manager, Dean's Office)

专家小组/Panelof Experts: Chandra Sekhar, Cheah Kok Ming, Erik Gerard L' Heureux, Kua Harn Wei, Joseph Lim,Lee Siew Eang, Nalanie Mithraratne, Nirmal Kishnani, SHEN Lijun, Tan Beng Kiang, Tan Puay Yok, Tham Kwok Wai

能源与气候顾问/Energy and Climatic Consultant:Transsolar Energietechnik Gmbh

声学顾问/Acoustic Consultant: Acviron Acoustics Consultants Pte. Ltd.

总承建/General Contractor: Kajima Overseas Asia Singapore Pte. Ltd.

基础结构/Foundation: 钢筋混凝土/Reinforced concrete

整体结构/Overall Structure: 钢筋混凝土板和框架/Reinforced concrete slab and framing

屋顶结构/Roof: 钢桁架与细钢柱构成的金属屋顶/Metal roof with steel truss and slender steel columns

场地面积/Site Area: 5044.4m2

总建筑面积/Gross Floor Area: 8588.37m2

景观面积/Landscape Area: 1083.4m2

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2019.01

摄影/Photos: Rory Gardiner

6 开放工作室/Open studio

7 二层平面/First floor plan

8 五层平面/Fourth floor plan

9 评图空间/Forum

10 走廊/Veranda

11 过道/Hallway






(庞凌波 译)

12 屋顶1225个PV电池发电/The installation of 1225 PV cells

13 可拆卸立面/Demountable façade

14 立面外侧/Exterior view of the façade

15 立面内侧/Interior view of the façade


SONG Yehao: The design of SDE4 is fascinating.There are three most impressive points. One is the architectural parallel with the concept of future-oriented education, the second is the adaptable relationship between architecture and climate, and lastly the pursuit of design and completion of zero energy consumption under certain cost control. These three points are closely interwoven together, allowing us to experience a very flexible functional partition, which perfectly de fi nes the air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned areas, and this partition obviously has great signi fi cance for achieving the goalof zero energy consumption. Not only the nonair-conditioned area considers sun-shading and natural ventilation, the relative randomness of its boundary also responds to the characteristics of education.The variability of aluminum alloy facade units used for East-West shading is also the embodiment of the combination of shading function and educational function. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)Veronica Ng: The relationship between architecture and pedagogy has been a longstanding discourse.The New Schoolof Design and Environment 4 in the National University of Singapore have embraced this relationship in an inclusive manner, starting from its design ethos, rationale of the form, to the functions and pragmatism of space. As a NET Zero Energy building, the New School acts as a living lab that reflects its pedagogical aspirations being the protagonist for research and innovation of climate change in the tropics.

While embracing the grammar of vernacular architecture, particularly the Malay house, its rectilinear form elevated by pilotis appears as a dialogue of a modernist and vernacular language.Moving away from traditional school design, its ordering of space is evidenced through its plans and section, illustrating spatial transparency and dynamism. The stairways, the open social plaza, the forum interlaced with studios and labs re-de fi ned the language of learning space that generates collaboration and curiosity in learning. Giving a balanced emphasis on both the social and learning spaces, the building attempts to promote education through architecture and how schools should be designed for the contemporary time. In reminds me of the words on Hertzberger:

"I think a school should be like a small city. In a city you have small places, large places, all sorts of secluded and semi-secluded places, you have vistas and you have all sorts of activities. In effect, these pupils are not yet of an age to go into the city and explore the life of the city but they should explore life through the school, so you must create as many conditions as possible in the school so that they experience the world through the school building."

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