1 东立面/East elevation
Inventronics Electric Vehicle Charging Station is located in the north of the base building at the headquarters of Inventronics. Architects are asked to build a pilot charging station which can not only match the electric vehicle background, but also be built as quickly as traditional petrol station in a standardised way.
It not only verifies its technology of supplying vehicles with electricity generated by photovoltaic power, but also adopts the technology of quick construction. Hence, on one hand, the project needs to have functions in a small space, and on the other hand, prefabricated parts of modules of the station shall integrate technology units and modules of water supply and drainage, strong and weak electricity, air conditioner, structure, photovoltaic conversion, and storage power station. Therefore, all parts for main body are produced by the factory in a standardised way and then are jointed on site.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 英飞特电子股份有限公司/Inventronics
地点/Location: 浙江省杭州市滨江区江虹路/Jianghong Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
主创建筑师/Principal Architect: 朱培栋/ZHU Peidong
设计团队/Project Team: 朱培栋,林德鸿,谢道清,周剑,丰建华,黄国华/ZHU Peidong, LIN Dehong, XIE Daoqing, ZHOU Jian, FENG Jianhua, HUANG Guohua
建筑面积/Floor Area: 150m2
设计时间/Design Time: 2016
建成时间/Completion Time: 2017
摄影/Photos: SHIROMIO Studio
2 充电站内部/Interior of the station
5 总平面/Site plan
6 从西向东看建筑内部/Viewing the building from west to east
7-9 鸟瞰/Aerial views
Jury Statement
In response to the emerging trends in vehicles powered by new energy resources, this project provides a solution to the problem of construction, structure,and form of charging stations with three strategies:standardised manufacturing, technology hybrid, and open space.
The suspension height of the roof is 20 metres,representing the pursuit of technological limits.This anti-gravitation floating posture reflects the transparency and openness in the Internet era and an active response to urban space. The huge suspension also satisfies the demands of two types of vehicles for charging space and represents the active exploration of charging stations as a new type of architecture.
15 立面材料细部/Details of the elevation material
16. 节点大样/Enlarged details
17. 节点大样/Enlarged details
18. 节点大样/Enlarged details
19.节点大样/Enlarged details
20节点大样/Enlarged details
21.节点大样/Enlarged details
1-绝缘垫片/Insulation spacer
2-铝塑板/Aluminum plastic plate
3-铝扣件/Aluminum fasteners
4-亚克力板/Acrylic plate
5-钢方管/Steel square tube
6-钢结构柱/Pillar with steel structure
7-LED灯带/LED tape lights
8-保温岩棉/Heat preservation rock wool
9-玻璃幕墙/Glass curtain
10-幕墙胶/Curtain wall glue
11-钢结构屋面/Roof with steel structure
12-铝镁锰直立锁边/AlMgMn up-right lockrand
13-LED显示屏/LED viewing screen
14-显示屏底盒/Bottom case of viewing screen
15-红色铝塑板/Red plate of aluminum plastic plate
16-黑色不锈钢踢脚线/Black stainless steel kick line
17-黑色插座面板/Black socket
18-电缆沟盖板/Cable trench cover
19-电缆沟/In cable trench
20-电缆支架/Cable bracket