
2019-03-30 01:32建筑设计蔡永洁曹野同济大学建筑设计研究院集团有限公司
世界建筑 2019年1期


1 纪念馆全貌/Full view of the memorial

5·12 汶川特大地震纪念馆(原名北川地震纪念馆)是为纪念2008年5月12日汶川特大地震而设立,是这次灾难后修建的众多地震纪念馆中唯一的国家级纪念馆,基地位于四川省北川羌族自治县,涵盖原北川中学遗址,包括纪念、展示、科普、教育、科研五大功能。项目设计重点着眼在两个方面:一是如何平衡项目的纪念性特征与自然的关系,二是如何对待基地内的北川中学遗址。

建造地震纪念馆的首要目的是缅怀在灾难中逝去的无数生命,因此,建筑造型的重要任务就是通过一种与事件相关联的形象展示纪念性。最初的想法是一种直觉,这场灾难其实是大自然在传递一个信息: 我们别无选择,必须尊重自然,并与之和谐共处!这一基本观念成为贯穿整个设计工作的线索。

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 5·12汶川特大地震纪念馆管理中心/The Management Centre of 512 Wenchuan Earthquake Memorial

地点/Location: 四川北川羌族自治县/Beichuan County, Sichuan Province

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 蔡永洁,曹野,刘韩昕,邱洪磊/CAI Yongjie, CAO Ye, LIU Hanxin, QIU Honglei

设计团队/Project Team: 李学平,龚海宁,孙峰,毛华雄/LI Xueping, GONG Haining, SUN Feng, MAO Huaxiong

建筑面积/Floor Area: 14,981m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2010.04-2013.03

建成时间/Completion Time: 2013.06

摄影/Photos: 蔡永洁,邵峰/CAI Yongjie, SHAO Feng

The 512 Wenchuan Earthquake Memorial(formerly known as the Beichuan Earthquake Memorial) was the only national memorial to commemorate the 512 Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008. Covering the ruins of Beichuan Middle School, this Memorial includes five functions:commemoration, display, science popularization,education and scientific research. The design focuses on two aspects: firstly, how to balance the commemorative characteristics of the project with nature, and secondly, how to treat the Beichuan Middle School ruins in the base.

The primary purpose of building a seismic memorial is to remember the countless lives that have passed away in the disaster. Therefore, the important task of architectural modelling is to show the commemoration through a form associated with the event. This disaster is actually a message from the nature: we have no choice but to respect nature and live in harmony! This basic concept becomes the guiding principle.

2 剖面/Section

3 总平面/Site plan

4 外景/Exterior view

5 入口广场及生命之门/Entrance plaza and Gate of Life

6 首层平面/Ground floor plan

7 耐候钢板与石材铺地/Corten steel plates and stone paving



Jury Statement

With the overall image of the earth's landscape in the background, the 512 Wenchuan Earthquake Memorial effectively conveys the metaphorical meaning of earthquakes through the incorporation of the shape of a crack in the landscape design. Further,it expresses the relationship between humans and nature. Across the memorial hall, the linear crack plays a dominant role. The commonly used building façade is replaced by in the indentation on the ground. The dramatic expression is full of vigour and contrasts sharply with the silence of nature. It not only leaves eternal memory for the later generations, but also conveys new life and hope.

8 钢板幕墙构造剖面/Section detail of steel curtain wall

9 主馆主楼梯实景/Main staircase of the main hall

10 裂缝通道/The passage of cracks

11 主馆采光顶/Atrium of the main hall

원촨(汶川)대지진 10주년 기념일