1.1 投稿前,请认真阅读本《投稿指南》和本刊近期文章,并逐项修改、补充有关内容。
1.2 稿件自收到之日3个月内通知作者修改或录用情况。超过3个月,未接到本编辑部通知者,请自行处理。请勿一稿多投,来稿除反转片外一律不退稿,请作者自留底稿。
1.3 来稿免审稿费和版面费。稿件发表后,本刊即向每位作者奉送当期刊物一本。
2.1 字数
以4 000~6 000字为宜(含图及表),语言简练,论点明确,数据可靠。
2.2 题名
2.3 摘要
2.4 关键词
2.5 标题
3.1 插图一般不超过20幅,应提供清晰的优质图照。插图请将编号插入正文的相应位置,并将图片与图题排在文中。同时单独提供图片,注明与文章相对应的编号。图题需译出英文。
3.2 数码相机拍摄的照片,要求像素不少于400万(2272×1704像素),推荐500万像素(2592×1944像素)以上,可以是JPG格式。如果是数码单反相机拍摄,要求600万像素以上,TIF格式。
3.3 电脑绘制的效果图、彩图请提供分辨率大于350dpi的电子文件,图件尺寸不小于12cm×8cm,并给出成图一份。
3.4 所绘地图必须使用我国新近出版的地图绘制。
3.5 表格尽量使用三线表,标号及标题置于表上居中位置,编号插入相应文字处。表题需译出英文。
4.1 参考文献是作者写作论著时所参考的文献书目,按文稿出现的先后次序用阿拉伯数字顺序标号集中列表于文末;注释是对论著正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明及对图表来源的说明,一般排印在文章末。参考文献序号用方括号标注,而注释用数字加圆圈标注(如①、②……)。参考文献只列直接引用的公开发表的文献,从非公开出版物引用的文献只能作为注释注于文章后面。正文内引用参考文献的标注按引用文献出现的先后顺序连续编码,并将序号置于方括号中标在相应的文字右上角。
4.2 图中引用参考文献,按在全文中出现的顺序编号,标注写在图的说明或注释中。图内不应出现引文标注。
4.3 表中引用参考文献,按在全文中出现的顺序编号,在表注中依次标注;若必须在表中标注,可另列一栏,将引文序码置于方括号中,以避免与表中其他数字混淆。
4.4 参考文献具体著录格式参见《信息与文献 参考文献著录规则(GB/T7714-2015)》
4.5 在中文后另起一行,不另外编号。中文参考文献中统一使用全角符号,英文参考文献中统一使用半角符号。
5.1 作者姓名的汉语拼音采用姓前名后,中间为空格,姓氏的全部字母均大写,复姓应连写;名字的首字母大写,姓氏与名均不缩写。通信作者名字后请用*标记。若文章作者中有外籍人士,请在作者名字前写明作者的国籍,并放在括号中。
如:ZHANG Ying(张颖),WANG Xilian(王锡联),ZHUGE Hua(诸葛华)外国作者的姓名写法遵从国际惯例。
5.2 作者简介包括以下内容:姓名/出生年/性别/民族(汉族可省略)/籍贯/ 最高学位/工作单位及职称研究方向(任选)(通讯城市 邮政编码),并同时提供同样信息的英文。通信作者中文简介后面请添加通信作者邮箱(Corresponding author Email)。
5.3 同一篇文章的其他主要作者简介可以在同一“作者简介:”的标识后另起一行相继列出。一篇文章作者不超过4个。
6.1 题目应简洁明了,一般不超过20个汉字,并且应提供相应的英文翻译。
6.2 文章的作者可以是本项目设计公司,也可以是主持设计师。文章作者需要提供相应的英文翻译。
6.3 项目信息必须包括:项目地点、项目规模、项目设计时间和完成时间、客户名称、设计公司名称和图片来源,设计公司可根据项目具体情况提供项目顾问、主持设计师、参与项目的设计师、相关配套专业的设计师或设计公司名称、施工单位名称。
Notes for Contributors
Landscape Architecture, supervised by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, and hosted by Beijing Forestry University, is an international journal that publishes papers home and abroad covering modern landscape architecture design and planning, theoretical issues on landscape architecture planning and design, academic papers on environmental science and technology in landscape architecture, as well as the overall design in landscape architecture and empirical urban design program, landscape design and public art works, etc. Our articles are included in the Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database (CSTJ-full text), Chinese Academic Journal(CAJ-CD), and the Chinese Core Journal (Selection).
Copyright infringement, plagiarism or other academic misconducts in publication are prohibited. Authors are requested not to make multiple submissions of the same article to different journals at the same time and should be responsible for any malpractice. Articles must provide precise and sufficient acknowledgements for cites, figures or pictures. Authors should take responsibility for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. Landscape Architecture is not to assume the joint liability for any plagiarized manuscripts and photographs or articles included copyrighted material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement.
All paper should be submitted through the online submission system (www.lalavision.com), and email or paper delivery will not be accepted.
1.1 Please read this guide and our recent articles carefully and revise the relevant content.
1.2 Submissions are normally reviewed within 3 months of submission,during which an editorial decision of “revised” or “accepted” is generally reached to the author. Authors who are not informed of a decision can decide otherwise the manuscripts beyond 3 months from the date of receipt. Authors are requested not to make multiple submissions of the same article to different journals at the same time. Please note that copies of rejected articles will not be retained. Please keep the original manuscript.
1.3 The draft fee and layout fee are free of charge. When the manuscript is published, a copy of the current issue will be sent to each author.
2.1 Number of words
Article submissions should normally be between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length, inclusive of references and tables with concise language, clear arguments and reliable data.
2.2 Title
Title of the article should be concise, sepcific and exact, summarizing the gist of the article, which conforms to the relevant principles of compiling,indexing and searching, and helps to select keywords. Chinese title should be no more than 20 characters, and the corrseponding English translation should be provided.
2.3 Abstract
Each article must be accompanied by an abstract in both Chinese and English summarizing such main points as the background and purpose of the paper (research), the methods used in the study, the results or the conclusions of the study and innovative points. The Chinese abstract is generally about 200 words and the English abstract must correspond to Chinese abstracts in line with the principle of “having the same amount of information as the paper”.
2.4 Keywords
All academic papers and commentaries should provide 3 to 8 Chinese keywords and corresponding English. The keywords should be the most searchable terms, which can be used to reflect the content or domain of the paper and the comments, so that the reader can retrieve the paper. Use a semicolon for each keyword as separation.
2.5 Headings
In dividing articles under headings, please use the following format: The headings of each level shall be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals.
The numbers of different levels of the same heading should be separated by dots, and the last digits should not be punctuated, such as “1”, “1.1”, “1.1.1”.Please avoid using more than three levels of subheadings.
3.1 Illustrations usually no more than 20 should be submitted in a clear highquality artwork suitable for reproduction. Illustrations and their headings should be put in the text and tables, identified by an Arabic numeral and indicated clearly in parentheses in the text where they are to appear. Note that illustrations should also supplied in a separate file labelled clearly as same as the text. Also,the English version for the heading is required.
3.2 Photo taken by a digital camera requires no less than 4 megapixels (2272 x 1704 pixels) and recommend 5 megapixels (2592 x 1944 pixels)in the JPG format.If it’s a digital SLR camera, more than 6 megapixels and TIF format is required.
3.3 For computer rendering or color drawings please provide the electronic files with resolution above 350dpi. The size of the drawings should be not less than 12cm x 8cm. Drawing file should also be attached.
3.4 Maps must be drawn with the newly published map of China.
3.5 Three-line table is preferred above which the number and heading are labeled in the middle. The number should be indicated clearly in parentheses in the text where they are to appear. Also, the English version for the heading is required.
4.1 References are the published bibliography used by the author of the submitted article. They should be listed in full in an Arabic numeral based on the order of the text it appears at the end of the article. Notes, a further explanation or supplement to the specific content of the text, or non-public publications cited, are also placed in an Arabic numeral at the end of the text. The numbers of reference are marked with square brackets ([1]), and notes are marked with numbers in circles (e.g ① , ② ...).
4.2 The references for the illustrations should be listed as notes after the text in order or closely after the illustration. There should be no notes in the illustration.
4.3 The references for tables should be listed as table notes in order. If you have to mark it in the table, you can put the citation mark in brackets to avoid confusion with other numbers in the table.
4.4 The principal responsible author refers to the author, the editor of the essay proceedings, the applicant for the degree, the applicant for the patent,the author of the report, the author of the journal article. The two authors are separated by “, ” and notice that “…” is not allowed in this column. Principal responsible author is listed only with the name, not followed by “writing”,“editing”, “editor-in-chief” or “co-editor”.
4.5 The specific description of formats for references can be referred to“References in the literature (GB/T7714-2005)”
5.1 The author’s Chinese name in Pinyin should use the form of surname before given name with a space in between, all letters of the surname should be capitalized; the first letter of the given name should be capitalized, surnames and names are not abbreviations. Please mark with * after corresponding author’s name. If the author of the article is a foreigner, please state the author’s nationality in front of the author’s name and place it in brackets.
Such as: ZHANG Ying, WANG Xilian, ZHUGE Hua, foreign author’s name should follow the internationalconventions.
5.2 The brief introduction of the author should include the following: Name /Year of Birth / Sex / (Ethnicity - Han may be omitted) / Birthplace / Highest Degree / Workplace, Title and Research Area (Optional) (Communications City,ZIP Code) and the corresponding English translation. After the corresponding author’s Chinese introduction, please add his/her mailbox.
5.3 Other key authors of the same article can be listed one line after the other. No more than 4 authors altogether.
Required to provide introductory text, master plan, project completed photos,if necessary, provide conceptual and analyzing images reflecting the design idea or construction drawings, office name and other related project information.
6.1 Title should be concise, generally no more than 20 Chinese characters,and should provide the appropriate English translation.
6.2 The author of the article can be the project design company, it can be the host designer, the article author needs to provide the corresponding English translation.
6.3 Project information must include: project location, project area, project design time and completion time, client, design company and image source, the design company may provide the project consultant, the host designer, other designers involved in the project, designers or design companies for the related supporting facilities or the construction company according to the specific circumstances of the project.