
2019-02-26 06:50:14建筑设计什姆尔贾瓦里卡德里萨利卡沙缇SJK建筑事务所
世界建筑 2019年2期


1.2 外景/Exterior views




手工艺和文化是印度民族精神的固有部分,并被作为传统根植于农村社区。每个地区都有反映其历史的独特工艺。安得拉邦是蒂鲁帕蒂的居住地,以各种各样的纺织品和金属工艺品而闻名。与这10个化身相关的符号已经被“dhokra”工艺统一并作为门把手整合到此项目中。用比德里形式的银与炮铜结合制作的壁画和附近拉哈斯蒂的卡拉姆卡里画风被结合到酒店的多处,该地区的传统织物也被应用到家具设计中。□(陈雨潇 译)

3 建筑概念示意/Architectural conception diagram

The most venerated and the wealthiest temple trust in India, Tirumala - Tirupati, is considered to be the sacred abode of Lord Vishnu, one of the three supreme deities in the Hindu Trinity. The practice of religion here is devout and ritualistic with great faith being invested in the idol and the customs of the temple. The temple is visited by 20 million devout pilgrims annually requiring organised crowd management. The area is considered auspicious for wedding rituals and celebrations and caters to discerning business travelers who like to combine leisure conferences with a divine temple visit.

The brief required us to build a 121 key boutique Hotel on a 13,150m2plot of land, at the foothills of the Saptagiri Mountain range.The functions included guests rooms & suites,Banqueting facilities a business centre, health centre with a spa, gym, a games room & swimming pool and 2 Specialty restaurants. The all pervading position of the worship of Lord Balaji (or Lord Vishnu) in this temple town pointed us towards an environment that embodies the classical elements of temple architecture - the orthogonal,introverted Hindu temple plan. The need to express both divinity and serenity after the overwhelming experience of gaining a glimpse of the Lord also guided this design. These ideas have been refined &distilled into a contemporary building with a central open courtyard and a water body, within which" fl oats" the all day dining space - "The Lotus Café",envisioned as a lotus in the pond. This central water body forms the core of the hotel, both spatially &experientially. Simplicity and divinity are the core values this building stands for whereas the interiors draw on craft, mythology and symbolism to weave a story that one encounters throughout the project.

Mythology recounts that the Lord Vishnu appeared on the earth in ten incarnations called the Dasavatara - each avatar appropriate to his position as a saviour within that era. It is said that whenever there is a decline of religion, Vishnu is said to incarnate himself to protect the good, to destroy the wicked and re-establish the balance of life on earth. These avatars also represent the evolution of humankind and each embody character, stories,colour and emotion. The interiors of all the public spaces have been designed to represent an avatar,replete with character, colour and symbolism.

Craft & Culture are an inherent part of the Indian ethos & are embedded as tradition within rural communities. Every region has its distinct crafts that reflect its history. Andhra Pradesh the state in which Tirupati resides, is known for its varied textiles & metal crafts. Symbols associated with these ten avatars have been contemporised using the "dhokra" craft and integrated into the project as door handles. Wall artworks that use the bidri form of silver in gunmetal, and the kalamkari painters of nearby Srikalahasti have been incorporated in various locations whereas, the traditional weaves of the area have been designed into the furnishings.□

4 带有毗湿奴神化身意义的总平面/Site plan with Vishnu avatars

1-Matsya: 水-水池庭院/Water-pool courtyard

2-Kurma: 变形-接待室/Transformative-reception

3-Varaha: 激烈-游戏室/Fierce-games room

4-Narsimha: 过渡-莲花咖啡/Transitional-Lotus Cafe

5-Vamana: 智慧-商务中心/Intellectual-business centre

6-Parasurama: 强大-健身房/Powerful-gym

7-Rama: 社交-宴会厅/Social-banquet rooms

8-Krishna: 多才多艺-塔利餐厅/Versatile-Thali Restaurant

9-Buddha: 宁静-水疗/Peaceful-SPA

10-Kalki: 现代-入口庭院/Modern-entrance courtyard

11-客房/Guest rooms

12-厨房和后勤服务/Kitchen and back of the house services

13-连廊步道/Connecting walkway

14-中心水池/Central waterbody

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Marasa Hospitality Pvt. Ltd.

建筑设计/Architects: SJK Architects

设计团队/Design Team: Shimul Javeri Kadri, Sarika Shetty,Michelle Pereira

结构工程师/Structural Engineers: Engineering Creations Consultancy (I) Pvt. Ltd.

机电和消防顾问/MEP & FF Consultant: AECOM

灯光顾问/Lighting Consultants: Lighting Design Works

景观顾问/Landscape Consultant: IPDM Services (India)Pvt. Ltd.

厨房和后勤顾问/Kitchen & BOH Consultant: Mistry Associates

生产及物料控制/PMC: Sycone CPMC Pvt. Ltd.

土建承包商/Civil Contractor: Asia (Chennai) Engineering Company Pvt Ltd

室内承包商及软装家具/Interior Contractor & Loose Furniture:K.P.Interiors, 客房区/Guest Block, Interex Arch Designs Pvt. Ltd.,公共区域/Public Areas

立面玻璃和窗户/Façade Glazing & Windows: Urban Arch System Pvt. Ltd.

外墙喷涂/Exterior Paint: Asian Paints & Oikos India Pvt.Ltd.

内墙喷涂/Interior Paint: Asian Paints & Val paint.

家具陈设/Furnishings: Synergy Lifestyles Pvt Ltd & Maspar Industries (P) Ltd.

Dhokra金属工艺/Dhokra Metal works: Baaya Design

定制壁纸/Customised Wallpapers: Shreeji Innova Wallcoverings Pvt. Ltd., Jasra Graphics Pvt. Ltd.

装饰性灯光/Decorative Light Fixtures: Saw International

场地面积/Site Area: 1.32hm2

项目面积/Project Area: 10,684m2(121房间/121rooms)

设计到竣工时间/Design & Construction Period: 2011.02-2015.01

摄影/Photos: Rajesh Vora (fig. 1,7-10), Himanshuu Sheth(fig. 2,5)

5 夜景/Night view

6 剖面/Sections

7 中心水池中的莲花咖啡厅/Lotus Cafe in central waterbody





CHENG Xiaoxi:Boutique hotels are often a deliberately beautified existence wandering from the local economic foundation. Dasavatara Hotel seems to re fl ect this reality. The hotel design is undoubtedly exquisite, based on the concepts of simplicity and divinity. The spacious and lightweight colonnade,the large areas of calm water surface and the fl oating lotus all bring people into the spiritual world beyond daily life. However, the addition of various artificial elements has obvious traces of splicing and attachment. The spatial organisation of the core Lotus Cafe lacks centripetal activities as supports, which especially shows the alienation of space from content.(Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

8.9 接待室/Reception

10 塔利餐厅/Thali Restaurant

DING Jianhua:Dasavatara is undoubtedly a successful innovation in designing cultural hotels. The religious motif is continuously connected, integrated and strengthened on the multi-dimensional design levels.At a macro level, although the overall spatial shape of the building inherits from the Tirupati temple, it still installs the functions of contemporary hotel buildings.Close to the scale, the concise architectural form has a strong religious metaphor. For example, the prototype of"Lotus" echoes to the legend of Vishnu's umbilical lotus.If you carefully appreciate, the traditional crafts that originally served the religious activities were transformed into exquisite details. The religion gives the architecture features, and the architectural experience subtly conveys the culture, and the two complement each other.

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