
2019-02-26 06:50:12建筑设计吉里什多西Navkar建筑事务所
世界建筑 2019年2期


1 外景/Exterior view

2.3 墙体细部/Details of brick walls









周边环境的美化衬托了校区与城市肌理的融合,通过建筑工艺使生活品质得以提升。自然存在的活水,汇聚成一个个隐匿的蓄水库,通过管道季节性地供水。总而言之,这个阶梯状的纪念碑式作品以内省、平和的姿态,静静矗立在时间流逝之中表现自己。□(天妮 译)

4 总平面/Site plan

1-主入口大门(人行)/Main entrance gate (pedestrian)

2-入口广场/Entrance plaza

3-干蓄水池/Dry kund

4-门卫室/Watchman's cabin

5-常设展览空间/Permanent exhibition space

5 外景/Exterior view


7-入口大门2(车行)/Entrance gate 2 (vehicular)


9-顶楼蓄水箱/Overhead water tank

10-设计学校(二期)/Design school (phase II)

Much of the creative endeavour was to perfecly fantasise a unified space for contemporary learning exchange with keen dialogue with past - a factory centre with a clear intent of celebrating "building culture experience".

The project's contoured site, like many other new areas is part of upcoming urban neighbourhood -Undri, located on the out-skirts of Pune city; wherein local predominant built components comprise of housing parcels. Apart from two arterial roads, a hilly range in the far backdrop composes the only significant aspect of the brown field.

It was recognised that the development of this site offered the opportunity to create a muchneeded intervening institutional social hub between the housing densities. This new campus was consequently briefed to be an identity of knowledge having symbolic value integrated with the city culture and spirit.

First, designing process from the inside-out(Intrinsic) - engaging the specified functional needs and spiritual pursuit of the programme.Secondly, the outside-in process (Extrinsic) -making neighbourhood fabric and street culture's connections to the campus.

The "Plan" is powerfully symmetric. Conforming the intrinsic principle, from the reception plaza the observer is engaged in a quintessential pedestrian realm guided by their own intuition to understand interior spaces. The interior informal spaces are designed as interlinked circulation network - a fluid network designed as kind of spatial series,composed of amphitheatres, bridges, corridors,open-to-sky courtyards, overhangs, platforms,ramps, stairs and verandah. This "fluid circuit" of connection throughout the building encourages the creative informal engage across and between users that is central to the workings of such school.

Extrinsically, the aggregate volume assembly is conceived on a monumental vocabulary of layered and opaque brick-cladded parallel walls, descending in scale from southern studio's direction towards the northern entrance plaza rhythmically fragmenting to meet the human scale. This largely monolithic massing is deliberated, reminiscing heritage history of the region. The functional hierarchy within dictated the architectural roof geometry of the building's enclosure. Consequently, these parallel walls are roofed by accessible sloping and flat terraces, accommodating administrative and learning programme respectively. Climbing down,the project resembles a series of sculpted terraces quarried into the contoured landscape. The building encloses a landscaped loggia and indoor piazza in the form of a Central Court, serving the school a social core for interactive destination and a kind of decongestion chamber.

The studio string are developed as modular enclosed pavilions; interconnected by light, airy and overlooking mezzanine, hosting intimate working spaces fostering the motto of interactive learning experience.

Manipulation of the building section for light and ventilation in inventive ways has inspired our approach towards a volumetric planning in different light. The studio is the basic modular block of the building. Enclosed, Semi-enclosed and open spaces have been interlocked not only to reflect their interdependent relationships but also for their varying needs of natural light. Studio's openings on South façade are sheltered with large overhangs opening generous view of hills in the site backdrop.Additional studio light is strategically crafted via"clerestory" openings. Spaces that do not have a requirement for the same quality of natural light,such as the administration and offces are purposely planned on the north façade where access to users sunlight is balanced through application of shaded courts. Punctuated courts not only light up but also allow for the integration of programme, spatial modulation and ventilation. The light shafts deliver natural light through the depth of the building volume providing direct connectivity with the exterior through the changing intensity and colour of the ambience. In addition, they enhance thermal performance of the space throughout the building,reducing the need for active conditioning of air.Moreover these sun-lit volumes enhanced by the immaterial presence of silence render a meditative integrity to spaces.

Quantitative differences between the analyzed groups should be considered as the limitation of this study,as well as the lack of information on the long-term results.

The landscaping of the surroundings expresses the school's sensitivity in the urban fabric embodying a progressive life for the Building craft.The natural surface run-off water is routed and harvested into concealed tank and seasonal stepped kund through open ducts. Conclusively, the sense of introspection and peace of this terraced monument;ambitions itself to immerse in time.□

6 首层平面/Ground floor plan

7 二层平面/First floor plan

8 三层平面/Second floor plan

9 四层平面/Third floor plan

10 立面/Elevation

11-16 剖面/Sections

17 院子/Courtyard

18 剖面详图/Detail of section

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Satish Misal Educational Foundation (Pooja Misal)

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: Girish Doshi

设计团队/Design Team: Girish Doshi, Ajeet Hippergekar,Ubez Shaikh

结构工程/Structural Engineer: Vilas Purandare

机电顾问/Electrical Consultant: Sachin Godbole

工程管理顾问/Project Management Consultant: Nikhil Gathani (R.K.Gathani Engineers)

承包商/Contractors: Ajay Sanas, Sanskruti Buildcon

标识设计/Signage: Sayali Sancheti (Forest Communications)占地面积/Site Area: 20,000m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 3529m2

项目启动/Initiation of Project: 2012.04

摄影/Photos: Onil Shah (fig.1,17,19-21), Hemant Patil(fig.2,3,5,22-25)

19-22 流线/Route views

23.24 内景/Interior views




WANG Yizhi:The architectural techniques applied on the construction group by the architect are quite skillful. Compared with creation of external form, it seems that the architect is more obsessed with the interior space: diversified materials, structures, and colours to create a complex small environment and complicated interwoven flow lines, which expand the spatial dimension and enriches the space to a great extent. Though a delicate geometrical image is designed on northern façade of the construction for people's appreciation, I believe the right way to experience the building is to wander in it. (Translated by QIAN Fang)


DING Jianhua:This is not a traditional "pictureperfect" building. Architects do not avoid exposing the building without "filters", but presenting its most authentic materials and functions. Roughness and strength may be the most intuitive feelings about it.However, for this study, it is not diffcult tofind out the ingenious ideas of the architect. The rich spatial form provides a matrix for the breeding of diverse campus activities. Another example is the delicate treatment of light and wind in the learning space, making the comfort and health of the built environment as far as possible. Also the careful combination and application of a variety of materials and three primary colours,which brings different vitality and poetry to the originally serious and heavy brick building. This strong contrast between "crude and refined" is rather unique.

25 内院/Inner courtyard

丝路艺术(2018年3期)2018-06-23 10:12:28
第九道 灵化阁入口保卫战