Friendship via Vegetables

2019-01-30 09:12ByXinShangxie
Special Focus 2019年1期

By Xin Shangxie

After dinner, an old lady neighbor of ours, brought us a red salmon freshly caught by her son that weighed two kilograms.I thanked her for the fish, and she thanked my in-laws for sharing with her the vegetables they grew in our backyard.

I have to say that the vegetable garden planted by my in-laws in the backyard is magical in building friendships with most of our neighbors.

The 86-year-old lady and her 89-year-old husband live to the right of my house.They are the second and third generation ethnic Chinese who have a son and a daughter.Their son’s wife is a native Canadian, and their daughter’s husband is ethnic Asian.None of them speak Chinese.The first time we met, the old man told us, “We are Chinese, but we don’t speak Chinese.” They are completely Westernized.They had been polite to us, but there was no further friendship between us, until my in-laws began to plant vegetables.

One year, in early summer, we started to share our harvests with our neighbors.When I first brought the old lady vegetables, she was very happy to receive them.She enthusiastically said a lot of words in English to express her gratitude, but I could only respond by grinning, giggling and nodding.This friendship built via vegetables started inadvertently that day.Not long after, they gaveus a salmon in return.

During the first few years after we started growing vegetables, it was my job to deliver them to the elderly neighbors regularly.Later, when my children grew up, it became their job.Now, as our two families got closer, my parents-in-law, who do not speak good Mandarin, are actually able to pass the fresh cucumbers, green beans, summer squash, and lettuce over the fence, in spite of the language barrier.The old lady also often brings us fish caught by her son.This year, we have received three fish from her.

Sharing vegetables has been an effective method for us to build friendship with our ethnic Chinese neighbors with a shared fence.At first, they were quite cold to us, and even sometimes cut the tree branches stretching into their backyard from ours.

The vegetable garden broke the ice, though.Maybe it was because my in-laws’ gardening skills impressed them, or because my in-laws would greet them from across the fence every day.I was surprised to find the neighbor’s wife chatting with my in-laws more and more frequently.They often exchanged planting experience and gifts through the fence.Our vegetables grow well, so we give them vegetables, and the lady brings us snacks.During the summer vacation, they went out to travel for a week.Before leaving, they even asked my inlaws to water their vegetables every day.

Our vegetables not only tour around the neighborhood, but also have become the standard gifts for our guests.Every guest to our house leaves with a bag of vegetables.Even friends who haven’t visited us for a few years ask about how our vegetables are growing when we catch up.

(FromBeijing Evening News, October 12, 2018.Translation: Chen Jiani)










