A Beautiful Encounter at the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory

2019-01-30 09:12ByZhangYangchun
Special Focus 2019年1期

By Zhang Yangchun

On the afternoon of December 19, 2018, Bernd Gerich placed the China Reform Friendship Medal awarded by the Wuhan Municipal Government around his father’s bronze statue’s neck, at the Wuhan Hanzheng Street Urban Industrial Park.Werner Gerich, Bernd’s father, was the first foreign factory director after China’s reform and opening-up policy was initiated.He was appointed as director of the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory from 1984 to 1986.This was unprecedented in 1980s—no one could imagine that a foreigner would be the head of a state-owned enterprise during that time in China, let alone in Wuhan, a second-tier city in China.What made Werner Gerich come so far away from Germany to work in Wuhan? How did he become the director? It’s quite an extraordinary story.

To Be a Consultant in China

It was in a morning of early September in 1984 when Lyu Zhiqing, the then deputy director of the Wuhan Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, welcomed Werner Gerich at the former Hankou Train Station.It was Gerich’s first visit to China.The now 87-year-old Lyu recalled clearly that “He was tall and strong, wearing a cap and carrying a one-meter tall case of luggage.There was no weariness on his face.”

Before coming to China, the 64-year-old Gerich was a retired mechanical engineer.At that time China was unveiling itself by implementing the reform and opening-up policy, and many Western technicians and professionals were welcomed.Gerich was very excited to read the news that Germany government was planning to form Senior Experts Service (SES), designed to help the underdeveloped countries for free by leveraging the talents of German retired experts and to promote international friendly cooperation.Therefore, he signed up and joined the SES.

伯恩特·格里希(中)在父亲威尔纳·格里希的铜像前拍照留念(苗剑/摄)Bernd Gerich (middle) in front of the bronze statue of his father Werner Gerich (Photo by Miao Jian)

The SES started to dispatch experts to Wuhan one year after Wuhan and Duisburg shook hand into sister cities in 1982.A staffer found Gerich on the experts’ list and invited him to work as consultant at the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory for four months.

After graduating from college, Gerich started his career in a tractor factory in Germany.He switched to the airplane engine manufacturing industry in the 1950s, and then joined an Egyptian airplane engine factory in the 1960s and worked as a mechanical engineer at the Karlsruhe Research Center before retirement.He had rich experience in engine manufacturing and company management.

Gerich was very delighted to be a consultant in China.His son, Bernd Gerich wrote in an article, “My Father Werner Gerich,” that Werner Gerich had been interested in the time-honored and glamorous Chinese culture and had made a lot of preparation before coming to China.

Becoming a Director Overnight

The Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory had been a successful factory that produced the first handmade mini hand tractor after the founding of the People’s Republic of China.However, it lagged behind the rivals after the Reform and Opening-up policy was implemented.

Once in the factory, Gerich quickly became a good consultant.He fully showed his meticulousness and commitment by walking to every corner of the factory and studying the details in production, equipment, workmanship, management, and quality.He gave over 100 suggestions and measures after 10 days.However, most of his suggestions had been ignored, put aside, or rejected, for many different reasons.He was troubled by the messy management and poor quality control and often complained “How could it be like this? If I were the director, everything would be changed…” He said that if he were the director, he would help to increase production and prolong the life of diesel engines they made.

What Gerich said reached Ding Hua, the then director of the Wuhan Municipal Foreign Affairs Office.He immediately reported to the Municipal Government to appoint Gerich as the factory director.

On October 24, 1984, a meeting was held by the Wuhan Municipal Government to discuss the proposal of appointing Werner Gerich as the factory director.The proposal was approved by an overwhelming majority.It was decided at the meeting that Gerich would be appointed as the director of Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory.It was highly valued as a way of introducing talentand learning from advanced Western managerial expertise.Seven days later, Wu Guanzheng, the then mayor of Wuhan Municipality, awarded the Letter of Appointment to Gerich at the great hall of the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory.

Reinvigorating the Factory with Perfect Performance

As outlined in the approval document, the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory implemented Director Responsibility System, and Gerich was entitled to all rights—same as a Chinese director.Gerich said in his inauguration speech that “The aim of my stay in Wuhan is nothing but to help the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory to produce high-quality diesel engines.” “All the workers have the right to talk to me directly.Any worker who raises good suggestions for the improvement of product quality and working efficiency will be warmly welcomed and rewarded.”

The workers were excited to hear the words and the room stormed with thunderous applause.

Almost ten days later, State Councilor Zhang Jingfu heard about this during his visit to Hubei and praised the move: “Wuhan has made the first bold step.” Hu Yaobang, the then General Secretary of CPC Central Committee, also made positive comments in a magazine issued by Xinhua News Agency.

Mayor Wu Guanzheng wrote that, “China is still lagging behind developed countries in many aspects and we need teachers and experts to help us.Werner Gerich is the teacher we want.Only by emancipating our thoughts and introducing talents can these enterprises in Wuhan have better management and development.”

Werner Gerich worked hard on the improvement of quality and management of the factory after taking office.He frequently checked the quality of the products randomly with a f lashlight and a vernier caliper in different workshops and worked over 10 hours a day.

Gerich believed that the chief engineer and the director of quality control should take major responsibility for defects or inferior goods and intended to fire them.However, it was not feasible to fire any worker during that time.He f inally compromised and relieved them of their original posts.Under his leadership, those who neglected their duties would be punished and those who contributed to the factory would be rewarded.He ended the culture of egalitarianism and implemented a structural wage system.The workers’ salary would f luctuate according to their skills and workload.

老格里希回武汉后与当年的朋友们在一起 Werner Gerich with his old friends in Wuhan

Gerich’s two-year tenure ended on November 1, 1986, when he was appointed as honorary director.Fundamental changes had taken place in the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory in those two years.The annual production of diesel engines had increased from 18,300 to 60,000, and the service life of the engines had been extended from around 1000 hours to 6000-8000 hours.Moreover, the engines were exported to 7 countries in Southeast Asia and helped to turn a 5 million yuan loss making factory into one which made 6 million yuan profits a year.One year later, the bookWerner Gerich in the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factorywas published in Wuhan.Zhu Rongji, the then Deputy Director-General of the State Economic and Trade Commission, wrote in the preface that “The foreign factory director’s practice of strict management has been widely recognized among entrepreneurs and attracted overseas attention.His case is a successful model of introducing international strategies into China.”

Gerich still cared about the economic development of China even after leaving the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory and had come back to Wuhan many times.He passed away in 2003 in Milhausen, Germany.In 2005, two bronze statues of him were erected by the Wuhan Municpal Government in commemoration—one in Wuhan and another in Duisburg, Germany.





1984年9月初的一个早晨,时任武汉市外事办公室副主任吕志清从老汉口火车站把格里希接下了火车。这是格里希第一次来中国。“身材魁梧,个子很高,戴一顶鸭舌帽,拖着个一米多高的大皮箱,脸上看不出一点旅途的疲惫。” 87岁高龄的吕志清回忆当年场景,仍记忆犹新。

1984年,“洋厂长”格里希在武汉柴油机厂加工车间检查零部件质量。(新华社资料片)In 1984, Werner Gerich inspected the quality of spare parts in the processing workshop of the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory.(Source: Xinhua News Agency)



1985年,“洋厂长”老格里希和武汉柴油机厂干部一起拟定全厂劳动工资的改革方案。(新华社资料片) Werner Gerich discussing with the cadres a reform plan for the salary system of the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory in 1985 (Source: Xinhua News Agency)


威尔纳·格里希(中)与技术人员和工人一起分析柴油机的质量问题(新华社资料片)Werner Gerich (middle) analyzing with technicians and workers the quality issues of the diesel engines (Source: Xinhua News Agency)











1985年,时任武汉市市长吴官正(左)向格里希(右)授予荣誉市民证书。(新华社资料片)Wu Guanzheng (left), the then mayor of Wuhan, conferring the honorary citizen certif icate to Werner Gerich (right) in 1985.(Source: Xinhua News Agency)





