郭丽 刘春 巩爱玲
[中图分类号] R711.75 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2019)11(c)-0021-03
Research progress of climacteric syndrome
GUO Li1 LIU Chun2 GONG Ai-ling1
1. Department of Reproductive Health, Yinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Shandong Province, Yinan 276300, China; 2. Department of Gynecology, Yinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Shandong Province, Yinan 276300, China
[Abstract] Climacteric syndrome is a common clinical disease, which manifests as symptoms of menstrual disorders, hot flashes, sweating, impatience and depression. Climacteric syndrome seriously affects the quality of life of patients. The main reason is the decline of ovarian reserve function, which resulting in the continuous reduction of hormones secreted by the ovaries. With the advancement of society and the improvement of medical conditions, the life expectancy of Chinese women has increased, and the number of menopausal women has increased. So far, the number of women with 40 to 65 years was 220 million, and health care and treatment of menopause are becoming more and more important. Standardized health care and treatment are conducive to the management of menopausal women′s life cycle management and can improve the life quality of menopausal women. This article reviews the pathogenesis, health guidance, hormone replacement therapy of menopausal syndrome.
[Key words] Menopausal syndrome; Pathogenesis; Hormone replacement
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(收稿日期:2019-05-22 本文编辑:崔建中)