摘 要:学生的学习经历“无知—暴露—注意—理解—运用—实践”这样一个逐步递进的过程。在浙江省英语新高考全新题型概要写作教学中,教师也可以遵循这个学习规律,循序渐进,步步为营,使学生从一开始的茫然,到逐步接受,直至最后的产出。
A summary is a short statement that gives only the main points of something, not the details. It is a brief, complete and objective restatement of the main idea and key points of a longer composition[1].基于上述定义,概要写作需要符合以下要求:No details/examples/repetition/comments/copying,即省略细节,删除例子,避免重复,不做评论,不抄袭原文。此外,概要写作的评分标准可以概括成4C原则,即:
1. Complete——理解准确,涵盖全部要点;
2. Correct——能准确使用相应的语法结构和词汇;
3. Coherent——有效使用语句间的连接成分,使所完成的概要结构紧凑;
4. Concise——简洁地使用自己的语言。
Jim Scrivener认为,学生的学习经历“无知(Ignorance)—暴露(Exposure)—注意(Noticing)—理解(Understanding)—运用(Active use)—实践(Practice)”这样一个逐步递进的过程[2]。
Step 1.暴露+初次注意(Exposure+First noticing)
1.读文本,读体裁——Read for the style of the passage.
【点拨】记叙文的主要特征是描述一个事件,即to tell a story,并以故事的几个基本要素who, when, where, what, why, how等为主要特征。议论文就某个主题或议题展开争执或讨论,大家提出各种不同的观点,目的是为了说服别人,即to argue over something and to persuade。说明文是对客观事物做出说明或对抽象事理进行阐释,使人们对事物的性质、成因、关系等能有科学的认识,即to explain。
2.读主题,读结构——Read for the topic and structure of the passage.
【点拨】说明文的主题从主题段中找,其一般落脚于第一段,开门见山,直抛主题。说明文的典型结构有“The author talks about … Its caused by … As a result/Consequently ...”或“The author states/presents the phenomenon of… Because …(原因1) and …(原因2). Therefore ...
Step 2.有意注意和初步理解(Noticing+First understanding)
1.找各段關键句或关键词——Find the topic sentences or key words of each part.
Para 1. Children spend so much time staring at screens.
Para 2. Their health might be at risk; Eyesight is worsening.
Para 3. Lack of natural light seems to be the key issue; Studying a lot online.
Para 4.A dilemma: academic success or eyesight protection.
Para 5. Its time to hit the “off” button and get our children outside.
2.省去细节和实例——Leave out details and reduce the examples.
Para 1. These days there is so much tempting technology to look at: smartphones, tablets, computer games and TV screens.(删去举例)
Para 3. Chris Hammond, consultant ophthalmic surgeon at St Thomas Hospital, (省略同位语)said, “We know that short-sightedness is becoming more common. It has spread greatly in East Asia, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea,(删去举例)where approaching 90% of 18-year-olds are now short-sighted.” Annegret, expert at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London(省略同位语)says lack of natural light seems to be the key issue. Shes suggested that children in East Asia(省略地名)study a lot online, using computers, smartphones or tablets,(删去举例) and they go outside less, which could be a cause of short-sightedness.本段中提到两位专家的具体细节,直接用some experts来代替。
Step 3.深层理解+主动运用(Second understanding+Active use)
1.列要点,重建构——Use your own words.
Para 1. These days there is so much tempting technology to look at. 可以进行以下改变:
(1)词性转换法、改变语态:Children are tempted by/attracted to so many electronic devices.
(2)同義替换法:Children are glued to/are attached to/get hooked on so many electronic screens.
(3)同义替换法:Children can hardly tear themselves away from so many electronic screens.
Para 2. There is a concern that their health might be at risk. And there is a fear that their eyesight is worsening. 可以进行以下改变:
(1)同义替换法:It will put their health and eyesight at risk(stake)/in danger.
(2)同义替换法:It will endanger/harm/do harm to/be harmful to their health and eyesight.
Para 3. Annegret says lack of natural light seems to be the key issue. Shes suggested that children study a lot online and they go outside less, which could be a cause of short-sightedness.可以进行以下改变:
同义替换法:Lack of natural light and studying a lot cause/lead to/contribute to/result in childrens short-sightedness.
Para 4. This leads to a dilemma: achieving short-term academic success or protecting your long-term eyesight. 可以进行以下改变:
(1)同义替换法:We may be torn/struggling/stuck/trapped between protecting eyesight and studying online.
(2)同义替换法、词性转换法、句式转换法:Its a tough choice between academic achievement and eyesight protection.
Para 5. We cant turn a blind eye to this serious situation. 可以进行以下改变:
(1)同义替换法:We cant (afford to) ignore/neglect/take no notice of/pay no attention to this serious situation.
(2)改变语态法:This serious situation cant be ignored/neglected/taken no notice of/paid no attention to.
2.巧衔接,连段落——Add transitional expressions to make your summary coherent.
Step 4. 主动运用+经常实践(Active use+Practice)
1.主动运用,完美呈现——Active use
Nowadays, children are glued to various electronic screens, which has raised peoples concern about their health, especially their eyesight.(要点1)Some experts think doing heavy school work through a screen and lack of natural light can cause childrens short-sightedness. (要点2) However, that leads to a dilemma between protecting eyesight and studying online.(要点3). Obviously, the increasing number of short-sighted children at early age warns us not to ignore the problem. (要点4 )
从上述实例来看,概要写作教学完全遵循了学习规律,让学生在概要写作中经历“无知(Ignorance)—暴露(Exposure)—注意(Noticing)—理解(Understanding)—运用(Active use)—实践(Practice)”这样一个逐步递进的过程,使学生在掌握主旨大意、列出各段关键信息、将内容分项扼要表述、用自己的语言组织内容、巧用衔接词、修改、定稿、课外实践的过程中循序渐进,步步为营,最终达到掌握概要写作技能的目的。
[1] HORNBY A S.牛津高阶英汉双解词典[M].北京:商务印书馆,2014:2023.
[2]SCRIVENER J. Learning teaching: the essential guide to English language teaching[M]. 3rd ed. Oxford: Macmillan Education, 2011: 126-127.
[3]姚旭辉,周萍. 英语教学中的读写整合:铺垫与输出[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社,2013:6.