
2018-12-01 09:30杨华新
广东教育·高中 2018年9期



1.(2018年全国I卷)... To avoid knee pain, you can run on soft surfaces, do exercises to 68 (strength)your leg muscles (肌肉),avoid hills and get good running shoes. Running is cheap, easy and its always 69 (energy).


2.(2018年全国II卷)... This switch has decreased 66 (pollute)in the countrys major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people.

According to the World Bank, China accounts for about 30 percent of total 67 (globe) fertilizer consumption ...

解析:在第66题中,decrease是及物动词,其后须接宾语,故该空填pollute的名词形式pollution;而第67空所填的词,在句中充当定语,与total一起修饰名词短语fertilizer consumption“化肥消费(量)”,故填globe的形容词形式global。

3.(2018年全国Ⅲ卷)My name is Mireya Mayor. Im a

66 (science) who studies animals such as apes and monkeys.

解析:根据括号后面的定语从句who studies animals such as apes and monkeys以及结合提示词science可知,第66题应填scientist。值得关注的是,此题是把名词变成名词,属于词形转换。

4. (2018年浙江卷)The obvious one is money; eating out once or twice a week may be 62 (afford) but doing this most days adds up. There could be an even 63 (high) cost on your health. Researchers have found that there is a direct link between the increase in food eaten outside the home and the rise in

64 (weigh) problems.




1. I promise Ill try to do my job to the best of my __________ (able).

2. They thought his behavior was __________(normal)and unreasonable.

3. The naughty boy turned up __________(abrupt)in front of me, which nearly scared me to death.

4. He fell ill all of a sudden the other day, accounting for his __________ (absent) from school.

5. __________(absorb)in reading, I was unaware of what was happening around me.

6. The remote desert area is only __________(access)by helicopter.

7. She dreams of being an __________ (account) in a foreign enterprise after she graduates from university.

8. The skilled player hits the ball with great __________ (accurate).

9. After a period of time, my cousin finally got __________ (accustom)to the local lifestyle.

10. We all admire him for he has been working hard and has made great __________(achieve)in his career.

11. Tom is not lazy. __________(actual)he is rather diligent.

12. In __________(add)to building up my body, exercising keeps me energetic as well.

13. I have made some necessary __________(adjust)to better the design.

14. His spirit is really __________(admire)and worth learning from.

15. The __________(admit)to the museum is free for children under 9 years old.

16. Ive made up my mind to learn more__________ (advance)science and technology so that I can serve the people better.

17. He planned to put an __________(advertise)in the newspaper to sell his used car.

18. Id like you to offer me some __________(advise)on how to improve my writing skills.

19. Smoking, in fact, has a number of negative __________ (affect)on our health.

20. Quite a few __________(Africa)children are still going hungry nowadays.

21. After debating for some time, they reached an __________(agree)eventually.

22. This morning I came across a boy in rags, __________ (age) ten or so.

23. With the __________(agriculture)development, more and more farmers are better off than before.

24. To our __________(amaze),the little girl is able to speak seven languages.

25. Traditional __________(amuse)during the Spring Festival include dragon and lion dances, setting off fireworks and so on.

26. The book is an __________(analyze)of crime and its causes.

27. What made her so __________(anger)was that her boyfriend broke his word.

28. The sports meet takes place __________(annual)and it usually falls in October.

29. We are all __________(anxiety)about the safety of the missing boy.

30. You owe him an __________(apologize)for what you said this morning.

31. __________(apparent),they were not present at that time.

32. When the well-known international superstar made his __________(appear)on stage, the audience couldnt help screaming.

33. All the __________(apply)for the job must meet the following requirements and hand in their __________(apply) forms by this Friday.

34. Ive got an __________(appoint)with the dentist next Monday.

35. She sent him a lovely gift in __________ (appreciate) of his generous help.

36. He desperately wanted to win his fathers __________ (approve).

37. It was __________(approximate)nightfall when they got to the destination.

38. The __________(architect)of the eighteenth century is in a fancy and unique style.

39. This morning mom had an __________(argue)with the salesgirl over the price of the goods.

40. All the students are busy making __________(arrange) for the coming of the honored foreign guests.

41. On their __________(arrive),they set about doing their work in no time.

42. This is an exhibition of work by contemporary American __________(art).

43. China as well as Japan is one of the __________(Asia) countries.

44. The professor made a detailed __________(assess)of the present situation.

45. The company provides advice and __________(assist) in finding work.

46. I have benefited a lot from my __________(associate) with him.

47. We visited a number of tourist __________(attract)in his hometown the other day.

48. I like Jim, but I dont find him __________(attract) physically.

49. To stay healthy, we need to do sports regularly and have a __________(balance)diet.

50. After some time of practice, the foreign student finally got the hang of the __________(base)communication with his classmates.

51. The __________(base)of a good marriage is trust and respect.

52. The movie is __________(base)on a true moving love story.

53. I was about to take a __________(bathe)when there was a knock at the door.

54. You look particularly __________(beauty)tonight in this red dress.

55. The little boy is curious about the __________(behave) of ants and often observes them with great interest.

56. I hold the firm __________(believe)that so long as we never give up, were bound to make it.

57. Reading is __________(benefit)for the reason that it enables us to broaden our horizons and open our eyes.

58. We all look up to him for his courage and __________ (brave).

59. If you feel nervous, take a deep __________(breathe) to calm yourself down.

60. When we finally caught up with him, we were __________(breath).

61. The sun is shining __________(bright)and the wind is blowing gently.

62. I always focus on my teachers in class, listening to them __________(care).

63. You are so __________(care). Youre always making mistakes!

64. Its improper to wear__________(casual) on formal or important occasions.

65. The government has been __________(caution)in its response to the report.

66. Many amusing activities are carried out in __________ (celebrate)of the Spring Festival.

67. The __________(center)government is taking measures to fight against pollution.

68. The physics problem is really __________(challenge). It took me a whole week to work it out.

69. The weather these days are _________(change). Youd better take good care of yourself.

70. She speaks English with a __________(character)accent, which can be easily recognized.

71. Alice is a __________(cheer)and pleasant girl, whom we are all fond of.

72. The__________(chemistry)factory keeps pouring waste water into the river day and night.

73. There are a wide range of __________(choose)open to you.

74. Regular exercise will improve blood __________(circulate).

75. It is sunny today while it was __________(cloud)yesterday.

76. My brother has been interested in stamp __________ (collect)since childhood.

77. A variety of activities are carried out to make our school life more __________(colour).

78. These new shoes are not very __________(comfort). They are too tight.

79. If you are serious about our relationship, you should make a __________(commit).

80. Most important of all, computers create wide __________ (communicate)around the world.

81. He is a fantastic __________(company). I really enjoy his company.

82. There is now fierce__________(compete)between schools to attract students.

83. We need to equip ourselves with more knowledge to remain __________(compete)with other graduates.

84. All the__________(compete)did a good job in the singing contest.

85. From the incident, I drew a __________(conclude) that safety must come first whatever we do.

86. I have __________(confident)in you, believing you can overcome all the difficulties along the way to success.

87. They offered me their warm __________(congratulate) on my being admitted to a key university.

88. There is a close __________(connect)between our health and diet.

89. Youre so __________(consider) that you always take everything into__________(consider).

90. Dont bother me__________(constant). Im trying to solve this tough problem.

91. The new great hall is still under __________(construct)and it is likely to be completed next month.

92. She longs to be a __________(consult)working in a foreign company after she grows up.

93. Food will last longer if kept in an airtight(密封的) __________(contain).

94. He made a very positive__________(contribute)to the success of the project.

95. Id like to call on you at your__________ (convenient). When are you available?

96. The example you gave is_________(convince). Im __________(convince)that the students will have a better understanding.

97. Ive made a few minor__________(correct)to your report youre going to give.

98. Mr. Yang, our English teachers, often__________ (courage)us to take English seriously.

99. Murder and stealing are __________(crime)acts.

100. While shopping yesterday I picked him out in the __________(crowd)street at first sight.


1. ability 2. abnormal 3. abruptly 4. absence 5. Absorbed 6. accessible 7. accountant 8. accuracy 9. accustomed 10. achievement(s) 11. Actually 12. addition 13. adjustments 14. admirable 15. admission 16. advanced 17. advertisement 18. advice 19. effects 20. African 21. agreement 22. aged 23. agricultural 24. amazement 25. amusements 26. analysis 27. angry 28. annually 29. anxious 30. apology 31. Apparently 32. appearance 33.applicants; application 34. appointment 35. appreciation 36. approval 37. approximately 38. architecture 39. argument 40. arrangements 41. arrival 42. artists 43. Asian 44. assessment 45. assistance 46. association 47. attractions 48. attractive 49. balanced 50. basic 51. basis 52. based 53. bath 54. beautiful 55. behavior 56. belief 57. beneficial 58. bravery 59. breath 60. breathless 61. brightly 62. carefully 63. careless 64. casually 65. cautious 66. celebration 67. central 68. challenging 69. changeable 70. characteristic 71. cheerful 72. chemical 73. choices 74. circulation 75. cloudy 76. collection 77. colourful 78. comfortable 79. commitment 80. communication 81. companion 82. competition 83. competitive 84. competitors 85. conclusion 86. confidence 87. congratulations 88. connection 89. considerate; consideration 90. constantly 91.construction 92. consultant 93. container 94. contribution 95. convenience 96. convincing; convinced 97. corrections 98. encourages 99. criminal 100. crowded

責任编辑 蒋小青

Comparative Adjectives (形容词比较级)