Subject index WJEM 2018

2018-11-21 09:00
World journal of emergency medicine 2018年4期


Abdominal aortic aneurysm 270

Abdominal pain 147,252

Abdominal trauma 85

Abdominal ultrasound 267

Acute care 13

Acute mountain illness 172

Acute respiratory distress syndrome 118

Acute respiratory failure 101

Advanced cardiac life support 70

Agitation 54,105

Ambulance 24

Analgesia 249

Anaphylactic shock 15

Angioembolisation 90

Angiography 85

Anthropometry 276

Anxiety 125

Aortic dissection 144

Aortic stenosis 227

Aortic transvalvular gradients 227

Appendicitis 26,270

Architectural distortion 120

Asthma 96

Atrial fi brillation 75,223

Automated external defi brillators 143

B 70,95,141,165,172,237,288

Cecal ligation and puncture 56

Cerebral perfusion pressure 256

Chest injury 203

Chest pain 147,288

Child 276

Choroidal detachment 272

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 96

Chronic pain 252

Circulatory diseases 23

Complications 216

Computed tomography 26,258,262,267,294

Continuous infusion 250

Coronary artery disease 282

Coronary heart disease 213

Cortisol 51

Craniocerebral trauma 256

Crash cart 93

Curriculum 189


Deep vein thrombosis 196

Dental medicine 174

Depression 282

Dexmedetomidine 56

Diabetes mellitus 142

Diastolic blood pressure 53,205

Digestive diseases 23

Direct laryngoscopy 99

Dispatcher 165

Disseminated intavascular coagulation 193

Dosing errors 195

Dyspnea 227


Echocardiography 228

Education 41,130,191

Elderly 20

Electroencephalography 69

Electronic medical record 201

Embolisation 85

Emergency department

Back pain 147

Basic life support 172

Bicuspid aortic valve 64

Blood diseases 23

Blood pressure 76,144,193,288,294

Blunt trauma 47

Bowel sounds 193

Bupropion 68


Cancer 211

Carbon monoxide 73

Cardiac arrest 16,67,96,141,165,227,237,288

Cardiogenic shock 15

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 20,93,195,262,267,277,288,291

Emergency medical service 141,172,204

Emergency medical technician 41

Emergency medicine 46,113,125,130,136,188,192,282

Emergency medicine residents 5

Emergency physicians 130,149

Endotracheal intubation 102

Enoxaparin 195,198

Epidural hemorhage 48

Epinephrine 288

Etomidate 128

Exogenous administration 283

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 288


Facial bone fracture 48

Falls 46

Fever 201

Fire 154

First aid 237

First degree residents 136

Follow-up 213

Frequent attenders 20

Fungal endocarditis 228


Glasgow Coma Scale 53,288

Graduate medical education 187 Ground-glass attenuation 120


Haemorrhage 272

Head injury 105,256

Heart disease 142

Heart rate 57,193

Helicopter ambulance 204

Hematoma 224

Hemorrhagic shock 15

Hypertension 142,282

Hypertriglyceridemia 282

Hypoglycemia 54

Hypotension 76,101

Hypoventilation 54

Hypovolemic shock 14

Hypoxemia 99,101


Immunity disorders 23

Immunomodulation 56

Infectious diseases 23

Infl ammatory response syndrome 113

Infl uenza A virus 118

Infusion 249

Inguinal hernias 291

Injury 172

Injury severity score 205

Instructional aid 165

Intensive care unit 51,56,70,89,99,105,118,154,203,211

Internal medicine 192

Intraabdominal abscess 269

Intracerebral hemorrhages 201

Intracranial cerebral pressure 257

Intracranial hypertension 256

Intravenous fl uid 13

Intravenous push 250

Intubation 99,256

Intubation location 203

Ischemic stroke 73


Ketamine 249,256

Knowledge 191


Lactic acid 113

Left ventricle outfl ow tract 227

Lineer fracture 48

Liver injury 48


Magnetic resonance imaging 26,262

Mean arterial pressure 257

Mechanical ventilation 118,203

Medical records 136

Medical student 191

Medical training 176

Medication 252

Medication errors 41

Melatonin 282

Mental disorders 23

Midazolam 125

Mortality 20,46

Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 56

Musculoskeletal pain 252

Musculoskeletal symptoms 262


Nasogastric tube 267

Nausea 128

Negative predictive value 27

Neoplasms 23

Nervous diseases 23

Neurologic defi cit 147

Neuropathic pain 252

Neutrophils 26

Night shift 282


Obstetrics ultrasound 216

Outcome 105,211

Oxygen saturation 205


Paediatric ocular emergencies 272

Paramedics 42

Patient safety 187

Pelvic fracture 48,85

Pelvic packing 85

Pelvic trauma 85

Percutaneous coronary intervention 223

Perichondritis 152

Perimortem caesarean section 70

Pharmacokinetics 192

Pharmacologic effects 192

Pneumonia 106,204

Point of care ultrasound 33,149,216,262,291

Poisoning 51

Polytrauma 205

Positive predictive value 27

Posterior segment and orbital pathologies 272

Pregnancy 26,149,216

Preventability 211

Prognosis 51

Prone positioning 118

Propofol 105

Pulmonary edema 173

Pupils 193


Race 199

Radial artery pseudoaneurysm 223

Rapid sequence intubation 256

Readmission 211

Recruitment maneuvers 118

Repositionable 64

Residency training 5

Respiratory diseases 23

Respiratory distress syndrome 193

Respiratory rate 206

Resuscitation 13,93,276

Retinal detachment 272

Retrievable 64

Return of spontaneous circulation 70,141


Safety management 41

Seizure 54

Sepsis 113

Septic shock 15,56,114

Shock 227

Short infusion 250

Shoulder dislocation 125

Sinus rhythm 227

Skin 193

Sleep 282

Small bowel obstruction 267

Splenic injury 48

Subarachnoid hemorrhage 106

Subarachnoidal hemorhage 48

Subdural hemorhage 48

Survey 237

Systolic blood pressure 53,205


Temperature 193

Thiopental 125

Thyroid emergency 288

Thyroid function tests 51

Thyroid stimulating hormone 288

Tired bullet injuries 295

Toxicology 191

Training 172,237

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement 64

Transcatheter heart valv 64

Transesophageal echo 146

Transradial artery catheterization 224

Transthoracic cardiac echo 145

Trauma 46,105,203

Traumatic brain injury 256

Traumatic hemorrhagic shock 15


Ultrasound 26,119

Ultrasound education 33,216

Upper airway edema 96


Ventilator-associated pneumonia 203

VenusA-Plus valve 64

Video laryngoscopy 99

Viral pneumonia 118

Vomiting 128


Weight 197,276

Weight-based dosing 195

White blood cell count 204