
2018-10-10 07:21:52楼建忠陈骏炀麻桂杨李建平
农业工程学报 2018年18期

楼建忠,吴 康,陈骏炀,麻桂杨,李建平,3※


楼建忠1,2,吴 康1,陈骏炀1,麻桂杨4,李建平1,3※

(1.浙江大学生物系统工程系,杭州 310029;2.浙江机电职业技术学院机械技术系,杭州 310053;3.农业部设施农业装备与信息化重点实验室,杭州 310029;4.华纳圣龙(宁波)有限公司 宁波 315104)

针对现有瓜类蔬菜嫁接机在砧木子叶压持过程中容易导致子叶根部折断,或由于压持力过大导致砧木子叶损伤等问题,以葫芦苗为试验对象,通过测定砧木苗子叶特征参数,设计制作了一种适用于瓜类蔬菜嫁接的砧木子叶压持机构,压持机构中的仿形垫块形态曲线与砧木苗子叶自然形态接近,防止子叶根部折断;在子叶压持过程中,压持机构的压辊能在仿形自适应垫块上自动滑移以实现压紧力自动调节,避免砧木子叶表面损伤。取60株苗龄15 d的葫芦苗进行子叶压持试验,并与没有加仿形垫块的砧木子叶压持机构进行比较,试验结果表明:加仿形垫块的压持机构子叶压持成功率为100%,无子叶根部折断和子叶表面损伤现象,生长点去除率达到98.3%,说明所设计的子叶自适应压持机构是可行的,该研究为解决蔬菜嫁接砧木子叶压持提供了设计参考。


0 引 言




1 砧木苗形态特征及压持机构原理

1.1 砧木苗形态特征

如图1所示为砧木苗实物图,砧木苗由子叶、生长点和苗茎3部分组成。葫芦苗在苗龄在12~15 d时生长点柔嫩且容易被去除,适合于嫁接,但由于砧木苗子叶比较柔嫩,压持时容易受到损伤。苗龄在12~15 d时的砧木苗子叶尚未完全展开,形状呈Y型,由于生长点嵌于两片子叶之间,所以子叶往两边拉伸,将生长点完全暴露于子叶外面,将有助于生长点去除。

1.2 砧木子叶特征参数测定


图1 砧木苗实物图


表1 砧木苗子叶特征参数

注:葫芦苗培育时间为15 d,样本数为60。

Note: Seedling age of cucurbit is 15 d, sample number is 60.

2 砧木苗子叶自适应压持机构设计

2.1 砧木子叶自适应压持机构原理


图3 砧木子叶压持机构原理图


图4 砧木子叶压紧机构结构图

2.2 砧木子叶自适应压持机构力学分析







Note:Gis the gravity of pressing block, N:is the gravity of pressing arm, N;Pis the forces acting on the arm indirection, N;Pis the forces acting on the arm indirection, N;Fis the friction between cotyledon and pressing rod, N;Fis supporting force on pressing rod, N;is spring tension, N;is the angle between two clamping arms,(°),is the angle between supporting force on pressing rod and vertical face,(°);is connected point of pressing arm and left pressing block;is connected point of pressing arm and right pressing block;is connected point of pressing arm and spring;is the centre of gravity of pressing arm;is connected point of pressing arm and pressing rod;lis the length of pressing arm, mm;1is the length of, mm;2is the length of, mm.

图5 压紧机构受力分析图

Fig.5 Stress analysis of compacting mechanism








注:F f1为压辊作用于砧木的摩擦力,N;Ff2为砧木子叶与垫块之间的摩擦力,N;Ff3为砧木苗与夹持片之间的摩擦力,N;FN1为压辊对砧木苗的压力,N;FN2为垫块对砧木苗的支撑力,N;FN3为夹持片对砧木苗的夹紧力,N;G'为砧木的重力,N。

2.3 砧木子叶压持机构结构设计


注: l为左、右2压持垫块闭合后总长度,mm;d为压持垫块的宽度,mm;h为压持垫块的高度,mm。









其中l为段的长度,mm。设计l'的长度为10 mm。


取弹簧自由长度为20 mm,压臂的初始位置通过两侧定位销进行定位(结构见图4)。

3 砧木子叶压持试验

3.1 试验条件与方法

砧木子叶的压持试验如图10所示。取60株苗龄在15 d的葫芦苗,将无仿形垫块压持机构[8](图10a)与加仿形垫块压持机构(图10b)2种压持机构进行比较试验,比较子叶压持成功率、子叶折断率、子叶表面损伤率和生长点去除率。

图10 砧木子叶压持试验



3.2 试验结果


表2 砧木子叶压持试验结果

注:葫芦苗培育时间为15 d,样本数每组60。

Note: Seedling age of cucurbit is 15 d, sample number is 60.

4 结 论



3)取苗龄在15 d的葫芦苗进行砧木子叶压持试验,在给定工况下,用加仿形垫块与不加仿形垫块2种压持机构进行比较试验,结果显示,加仿形垫块后压持成功率为100%,子叶根部无折断现象,子叶表面无损伤情况,生长点生长点去除率达到98.3%,表明所设计的砧木自适应压持机构能较好地满足砧木苗的压持要求。

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Design and test of self-adaptive stock cotyledons pressing and clamping mechanism for oblique inserted grafting ofvegetables

Lou Jianzhong1,2, Wu Kang1, Chen Junyang1, Ma Guiyang4, Li Jianping1,3※

(1.,,310029,; 2.,,310053,; 3.,,310029,; 4315104, China)

The grafting and cultivation ofvegetables are characterized by the strong root system, heat resistance, disease resistance and good absorbing ability for soil fertility. Oblique grafting is a common method forvegetables. The pressing and clamping of the stock cotyledons is one of the important issues to be considered in the design of oblique inserted grafting machine. According to the problem that the existingvegetable grafting machine easy to break the petiole of cotyledons or damage the cotyledons in the process of cotyledons pressing, the stock cotyledons pressing and clamping mechanism used invegetable grafting was designed and developed by measuring the characteristic parameters of the cotyledons and by adding an imitation blocks on the cross clamp mechanism designed by the author before to adapt to the morphological characteristics of the stock cotyledons. The shape of the imitation blocks in the pressing and clamping mechanism was close to the natural shape of the cotyledons in order to prevent the breaking of the cotyledon. In the process of pressing the cotyledon, the pressing roll of the pressing and clamping mechanism could automatically slip on the imitation blocks to realize the automatic adjustment of the compression force and to avoid the damage of cotyledon. Then the growth point removal mechanism designed by the authors was used to successfully remove the growth point of rootstock seedlings. Through the force analysis of the pressing and clamping mechanism, it could be seen that the supporting force of the cotyledon to the pressing rod was getting smaller and smaller when the pressing rod rolled from middle to outside on the imitation blocks. That is, the pressing mechanism could automatically adjust the force on the cotyledon and prevent the cotyledon surface damage. At the same time, the pressing rod could extend the cotyledons to outside making the growth point fully exposed and convenient to be removed. The stock cotyledon pressing tests on 60 cucurbit seedlings were carried out by using the self-adaptive pressing and clamping mechanism and compared with that of without imitation blocks. The results showed that the success rate of the stock cotyledon pressing and clamping mechanism with the imitation blocks was 100%. It was also found that cotyledons could easily be broken by using the pressing and clamping mechanism without imitation blocks, and the breaking rate of cotyledons was 13.3%, but cotyledons was totally not broken by using the pressing and clamping with imitation blocks in the same condition. The damage rate of cotyledons surface was 21.6% by using the mechanism without imitation blocks, but it was totally not damaged by using the mechanism with imitation blocks in the same condition. The growth point of stock could easily be removed by using the mechanism with imitation blocks, and the remove rate of growth point was 98.3%, while it was only 16.7% by using the mechanism without imitation blocks. It indicated that the design of the stock cotyledon pressing and clamping mechanism with the imitation blocks was reasonable. It can better meet the requirements of the grafting and cultivation ofvegetables. The study provides a design reference for solving the problems on pressing cotyledons in the process ofvegetable grafting.

agricultural machinery; design, grafting;vegetable; grafting machine; cotyledons pressing and clamping; self-adaptive; imitating










楼建忠,吴 康,陈骏炀,麻桂杨,李建平. 瓜类蔬菜斜插式嫁接砧木子叶自适应压持机构设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(18):76-82. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.18.010 http://www.tcsae.org

Lou Jianzhong, Wu Kang, Chen Junyang, Ma Guiyang, Li Jianping. Design and test of self-adaptive stockcotyledons pressing and clampingmechanism for oblique inserted grafting ofvegetables[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(18): 76-82. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi: 10.11975/j.issn.1002 -6819.2018.18.010 http://www.tcsae.org

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