
2018-09-26 05:54PierreGuertin
国际人才交流 2018年9期

文/ Pierre S. Guertin







Our interest for the revitalization of marginal villages dates back more than 20 years ago when we first engaged into voluntary international mandates in numerous countries. In the case of the Chinese village, our interest has been recently re-aroused by the Chinese Government’s program of Poverty Alleviation whose objective is to reduce, if not eliminate altogether, the unacceptable living conditions of some 70 millions persons confined into marginality.

In China, a village is defined as a spread out or clustered, smaller than a town, having from a few hundreds to a few thousands inhabitants and forming an administrative entity headed by a village Leader. Such an administrative entity sometimes consolidates together a few smaller villages.

For a community, to be marginal means to occupy the borderline of a socio-economic system or to barely qualify to be part of it. Simply defined, a marginal village or town answers to a set of tightly knitted criteria related to spatial organization, to bio-physical resources, to demographic structure, to agricultural economy, to family wealth sources, to community life.

We witness a general material impoverishment of the villagers living in lamentable environmental conditions, while its remaining population,made up with sometimes aging adults, seemed split between the attraction of the city‘s life style and the tangible values of their community made up of houses, production assets, neighbors and secular daily practices. Farmers straddling agricultural picking and internet surfing!

What precedes raises a capital question: given the proper resources, should every marginal village be pulled out of poverty?

The following three tier analysis of options is meant to shed some light over that problem.

乡村旅游带动了经济发展,图为游客在浙江东洲街道陆家浦村的葡萄采摘园内采摘葡萄 (图片来源:新华社)





Village removal

The above expression sounds drastic. Yet, it means what it says: to simply move a village population somewhere else and to leave its buildings to abandon or (eventually) to demolition. This alternative has advantages, the main one being that of eliminating the problem, literally wiping it out of the map.There is a proverb saying that “Death heals the hunchback”. A radical cure!

In China, to our knowledge, there has been some attempts to relocate entire villages: we witnessed some in Shizuishan near Dawukuo, some on the Loess Plateaus of central China and some in Mianyang after the earthquake of 2008. With mitigated success. Why? Because village removal creates two-directional problems, starting with the enormous upstream problem of community disruption, including the potential loss of social networks and of daily community practices, not to forget the loss of an ancestral house, of agricultural equipment and buildings, and the loss of familiar agricultural patches to till... in an appropriated historical landscape.

Then, downstream, emerges the problem of choosing an adequate site for the new human establishment. Our experience with the English, Scottish,Cambodian and French New Towns tells us that rural sites often bear symbolic values, are often related to historical events marking them with a “no access” sign, while in some developed countries a site fit for a new village also qualifies for the title of prime, if not primeval, landscape or production land. This has been the case with a land portion in Yinchuan, for example,and in central Ningxia. Moreover, the construction of the new village, if the village is to be rebuilt, or the construction of a public housing complex,if the displaced population is to be located in an existing town, implies important capital input.






If a new village is to be constructed, then it generally has to be established in an existing agricultural area. And this may pose the problem of finding such available land in a country like China where most, if not all, of the appropriate agricultural land is already under cultivation. For example, in Kovalin, Ukraine, back in the 1990’s, large tracts of existing agricultural land were subdivided to accommodate a relocated population from Chernobyl, resulting in the allocation to the newcomers of parcels which were too small for resource-efficient cultivation. Not to mention the open opposition from the existing villagers which emerged.

How does the relocated agricultural population recreate a new community,how does it integrate an existing one in the case of a relocation into an existing town? In any case, one can easily imagine the heavy individual and collective stresses imposed upon a relocated population.

There remains the important question of new employment provision for the relocated population. Farmers are usually quite resourceful and skilled enough to accomplish the diversified tasks required them by their farmstead. Yet, they can hardly be considered as skilled labour fit for city jobs.So. only odd jobs, available mainly on construction sites of towns or cities,are accessible to them; this is already the case for many migrant villagers now working in towns on a weekly basis. So, village removal runs the risk of sending workers from marginal villages to work in cities as marginal workers...

On that subject, a French poet, Charles Aznavour, tells us in one of his songs that “Misery is sweeter under the sun” , which means that it is better to be poor in the village than poor in the city. In cities where daily living conditions may even be worse than on the farm.

Hence, the above problems and risks should not be underestimated when village removal is considered as an option.





Village survival

The mere concept of village survival connotes numerous negative notions.However, it always remains a tempting option for regional authorities,especially in a context of limited available human and financial resources.To this temptation one must add the huge challenges of facing entangled complex community situations, intensified by unpredictable issues.

Likewise and more specifically, some may argue that there are practical advantages in simply allowing a marginal village to exist and last the way it is. One of them being simply that of leaving the improvement burden on the shoulders of the village inhabitants themselves. And of course, inaction costs little in terms of short term capital and managerial investments, if not in longer terms of social and community negative impacts.

Even if the (regional) gross national product should increase, some negative characteristics of a marginal village will nevertheless always remain:constraints of physical distances; accessibility impediments to services and amenities; harsh climate extremes; depleted agricultural soils; chronic water shortages; sub-standard gross operating income; limited farm capitalization; fractioned cultivable plots; survival household revenues; high unemployment levels; scarcity of basic goods; quantity and quality of services; social isolation... Most agricultural villages will always be facing such adversities, while trying to cope with them and even neutralize them.






The above traits of marginality echo the human dramas lived through by the often disseminated rural inhabitants in their struggle to survive. We observed two totally different village spatial organizations. In the first one,houses and apartments are concentrated in the form of a traditional compact village from which farmers leave in the morning to work in their disseminated fields, to be back only after sundown. The other model consists in a series of spread out farmsteads each surrounded by the owner’s plots.In this last case, farmers live near their fields but away from their (centered or dispersed) neighbors and community services. The two above models only show that being a farmer always implies adverse working and living conditions made worse if he lives in a state of chronic meagerness.

From another point of view, the above traits of marginality also reflect the missed opportunity of sharing, on the national or a regional scale, the fruits of the on-going national socio-economic development process. It is this problem that the Poverty Alleviation Program is addressing. To our knowledge, the proper sharing the national wealth is now a recognized priority policy in China.

Can national or regional tourism compensate village decline? Yes, as long as the village has an attractive “tourism offer”. But in many cases, tourists will not be attracted to the rural empty houses simply because of the local shortage of water for daily household use.

To the question: can these villages be maintained as they are, the answer lies in another question: In what state would a village survive when its teenagers and young adults leave for the city, when the most educated persons also leave for rewarding jobs, when only the aging population remains, when this population is confined to traditional low-productivity activities, when it partly lives out of state subsidies of many sorts?

Hence, one is tempted to conclude that the village removal option may even be more desirable then keeping the village in a state of survival. But these two first options may stand next to the option of village revival.



Village revival

In many developing countries and regions spread around the world and including China, we have been involved with elaborating ways and means of pulling marginal communities out of precariousness. The main objectives of public intervention in marginal villages includes: upgrading living standards; providing local quality employment; improving community infrastructures and services. Completed by a less tangible objective, that of raising hopes for a brighter future.

Yet, many institutions may remain hesitant to engage into village improvement programs. Their hesitation may be justified by the important human and material investments required, the continued and long term provision of these inputs, the time delay for any tangible result to appear...









Therefore, the general aim of a revival program is to assist marginal communities to attain both self-sufficiency and long term socio-economic sustainability.

How can this be achieved? This is a challenging question whose answer cannot lie in a unique model simply because each Chinese region, each Chinese village is relatively different from the next; hence, no common revival model or plan can be conceived and equally applied to all. But the answer may lie in the elaboration, not of a revival village model, but in a general intervention approach or process applicable, mutatis mutandis( 比照适用 ), to most marginal villages, as long as such an approach be rooted in, each specific village context, a context made up of two related components: the village’s region of insertion and its inside socio-economic structure.

Yet, any village revival process should be subjected to, and imbued by, the concept of “development” and to its application contingencies. We understand that development mainly springs from an inner force, an interior impulse for improving the well-being of the individual in view of actualizing his full potential.

But change is often difficult to envisage and accept, for an individual or a community needs to abandon known, proven and somewhat comfortable ways and means inherited from past generations. Known, since they are part of a cumulative knowledge and know-how. Proven, because these ways and means, if not altogether efficient, have been producing an accepted level of well-being. Comfortable, because they have the advantage of setting families and communities into a securing continuum.

Some individuals or communities may be reluctant to envisage change,because change pushes them, and sometimes even forces them, into the unknown: enlarged perspectives, abstract objectives, complex processes,unconceivable results, uncertain success... Not to forget the new concrete requirements that any well defined project will impose upon villagers:updating skills, training for new techniques, upgrading production, initiating book-keeping, sometimes adopting regular work schedules...

Again, some individuals may not be altogether ready for the sometimes systematic changes implied by village development. As witness the negative reactions of some Ningxia farmers to every proposal made of complementary activity creation, re-creation or of simple modification. Why such reluctance? First, villagers are probably not in the habit of engaging dialogue with foreigners. Second, some proposals were made in a sort of improvised and simplified fashion from our part, while probably lacking the needed contextual knowledge and references. Third, because farmers may be reluctant to discuss their becoming even with Chinese agents:they probably needed to first “domesticate” their relationship with these agents.

Said otherwise, any village and community development approach should be transformed into a systematic planning process.

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