❷The best gift to college graduates

2018-09-10 05:59ByTylerDurde陈望珍
疯狂英语·新策略 2018年9期

By Tyler Durde/陈望珍



According to the latest news from Ministry[(政府的)部]of Education,China has a record high number of college graduates in 2018 because about 8.2 million students got their degree this year.

The number of college graduates in China has been rising since 2001.That leads to stronger competition in the employment(就业)market.

However,besides strong competition,many graduates say that they face another big problem——employment discrimination(歧视).

A research in 2017 showed that around 75.7%of new graduates said they ever faced employment discrimination or met some unfair situations when they were searching for jobs.

Women college graduates face more discrimination in the employment market.“Men only”and“Married with children preferred”are the conditions they often meet.

According to a research by Renmin University of China in 2015,men college graduates have more interview chances than those women graduates with the similar study and work experiences.

Some companies sometimes also only need local people.The people who are not local won’t get the job they want.However,college graduates in recent years were disappointed because they found that personal information like blood type and look was all part of the decision-making process by some employers.

To fight against employment discrimination,both the government and society have made great efforts.In 2007,Employment Law was passed with the purpose of opposing employment discrimination and having fairness in the employment market.

The Ministry of Education in 2017 made rules about banning employment discrimination.This year,several cities have set special desks to deal with job seekers’complaints(投诉)about discrimination.


the number of...……的数量

search for寻找

fight against与……作斗争;对抗

both the government and society政府和社会都

the purpose of...……的目的


1.According to the latest news from Ministry of Education,China has a record high number of college graduates in 2018 because about 8.2 million students got their degree this year.根据教育部最新消息称,2018年中国高校毕业生数量创历史新高,因为今年大约有820万学生获得了学位。

because引导的是原因状语从句;according to是固定搭配形式,意为“根据……”,其后接名词或代词;a number of是常见的词组,意为“许多”,后接可数名词的复数形式。

2.A research in 2017 showed that around 75.7%of new graduates said they ever faced employment discrimination or met some unfair situations when they were searching for jobs.2017年的一项研究显示,约有75.7%的应届毕业生表示他们在找工作时曾受到歧视或不公正待遇。


3....because they found that personal information like blood type and look was all part of the decisionmaking process by some employers.……因为他们发现像血型和长相这类的个人信息都成为一些雇主决策的一部分。

because引导的是原因状语从句,该从句里又含有一个宾语从句;part of意为“一部分”。




1.There were the most college graduates ___________.

A.in 2007 B.in 2015

C.in 2017 D.in 2018

2.Which condition isn’t mentioned in this passage?

A.The sex. B.The age.

C.The area. D.The marriage.

3.Why were college graduates disappointed in recent years?

A.Because their personal information might make employers refuse them.

B.Because they couldn’t get their degrees in time.

C.Because they weren’t local people with good look.

D.Because they didn’t have the abilities to find jobs.



__________________in our class is fifty.


I__________________a job in this beautiful city.


Many people think that___________________is to get good grades.


That old granny often ______________________.


___________________________are my favorite subjects.

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