赵士鹤 彭文祥
摘 要:设计制作一系列“一进两出”交叉裂隙试样,通过自主设计的高精度渗流测试系统中完成试验,发现在高水力梯度和大雷诺数条件下,交叉角处形状会对裂隙中水力特性产生严重影响。发现“夹角模式”会影响两条出水裂隙流量分配比(),并给出了影响分布域。
中图分类号:TU45 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5168(2018)07-0088-03
Experimental Study on Behaviors of Fluid Flow in the Intersecting
Fractures at a High Hydraulic Gradient and a High Reynolds Number
ZHAO Shihe1,2 PENG Wenxiang1,2
(1. Key Laboratory of Metallogenic Prediction of Nonferrous Metals and Geological Environment Monitoring, Central South University,Changsha Hunan 410083;2. Department of Geological Engineering, School of Geosciences and Info-physics, Central South University,Changsha Hunan 410083)
Abstract: Fluid flow tests were conducted on a series of one-inlet-two-outlet specimens with fracture intersections using experimental system for the fluid flow test. It was demonstrated that the intersection shapes can enhance the strong nonlinearity of the fluid flow at a high Reynolds number and a high hydraulic gradient compared with that in natural cases. The angle pattern, which is represented by the case of intersecting fractures, affects the ratio of the outlet flow rate distribution (
2.2 “夹角模式”对[ε]的影响趋势
2.3 [ε]与[α]、[β]的关系
3 结论
②当[β]恒定时,[ε]关于[α]成不规则对称分布,当[β]≤60°、45°≤[α]≤ 105°时对[ε]影响较大,且[β]越小、[α]越接近90°,影响越显著;当[α]=0°或180°、0°<[β]<180°时对[ε]无影响。
③[ε]在[β]≤60°、45°≤[α]≤ 105°时取较大值,原因是该区域内交叉角处形状对裂隙中水流分配影响显著;根据[ε]随[α]、[β]的增长趋势,可以推测当[α]= 90°且[β]趋近0°时,[ε]值接近无穷大。
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