
2018-08-10 07:09刘嘉宁毕金峰
农业工程学报 2018年13期

刘 璇,刘嘉宁,毕金峰,周 沫,吕 健,彭 健


刘 璇,刘嘉宁,毕金峰※,周 沫,吕 健,彭 健

(中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所,北京 100193)



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1 果胶的结构与性质

1.1 果胶结构

果胶的主要构成物是D-半乳糖醛酸,世界粮农组织(Food and Agricultural Organization)和欧盟(European Union)规定果胶分子必须含有65%及以上的半乳糖醛酸[5]。果胶的一级结构通常包括以下3种类型:同型半乳糖醛酸聚糖(homogalacturonan,HG)、鼠李半乳糖醛酸聚糖I(rhamngalacturonan I,RG-I)和鼠李半乳糖醛酸聚糖II(rhamngalacturonan II,RG-II)[6]。图1为果胶基本结构,参考Willats等[5]稍作修改。

图1 果胶基本结构图

如图1,这3种多糖结构类型形成了果胶的结构,其中HG是果胶中含量最多的1种以-1,4糖苷键连接的线性半乳糖醛酸聚合体[7]。在HG中,半乳糖醛酸的C6羧基可被甲酯化,在某些情况下,C2和C6羧基也被乙酰化[6]。据报道,在甜菜根和马铃薯块茎中,有丰富的乙酰化HG结构[6,8]。RG-I是1种以鼠李半乳糖醛酸二糖为骨架的含有侧链的结构[9]。RG-I的结构具有多样化的特点,通常认为RG-I与HG区域以糖苷键连接[6]。一般情况下,RG-I中的20%~80%鼠李糖残基被中性和酸性低聚糖支链取代,取代位置为C4位,主要侧链结构包括线性和支链的结构的-L-阿拉伯聚糖和(或)-D-半乳聚糖残基[10]。RG-II是以HG为主链的含有支链的区域[6],结构较复杂,由至少12种不同多糖以多于20种不同的键合方式连 接[7]。除此之外,HG中的半乳糖醛酸中C3可被木糖残基取代,形成1个新区域,这一区域通常被称为木糖半乳糖醛酸聚糖(xylogalacturonan,XG)[6]。

1.2 果胶性质


2 脂类和类胡萝卜素的消化吸收

2.1 脂类的消化吸收


2.2 类胡萝卜素的消化吸收


注::释放出的类胡萝卜素单体;:释放出的类胡萝卜素在胃中与脂相结合,并随着脂相一起被乳化成小脂滴; :类胡萝卜素从脂滴中转移出来,与胆盐﹑磷脂和脂类及其水解产物在小肠中一起转化为混合胶束。

类胡萝卜素的生物利用度受到许多饮食和生理因素的影响。Castenmiller等[27]将所有可能的影响因素概括为“SLAMENGHI”,包括:类胡萝卜素种类(species of carotenoids)、分子间连接结构(molecular linkage)、饮食中摄入的类胡萝卜素的量(amount of carotenoids consumed in a meal)、类胡萝卜素所在的食物基质(matrix in which the carotenoid is incorporated)、吸收和生物转化的效应物(effectors of absorption and bioconversion)、主体的营养状况(nutrient status of the host)、遗传因素(genetic factors)、与主体相关的因素(host-related factors)、各因素间的相互作用(interactions)。类胡萝卜素所在食物基质种类﹑所处位置和存在状态的不同都会影响其从基质中的释放,进而影响生物利用率。在口腔阶段,咀嚼作用作为一种破碎方式,可以促进食物中类胡萝卜素的释放和与消化酶的作用,从而对脂类和类胡萝卜素的消化吸收有重要作用[28-29]。类胡萝卜素的消化吸收与脂类的消化吸收密切相关,因此脂类也是影响类胡萝卜素生物利用度的重要因素,不同脂类对类胡萝卜素生物利用度的影响也有差异[30]。对于果蔬类食品,其含有较多的膳食纤维,如果胶,被认为是导致水果和蔬菜中类胡萝卜素生物利用度低的因素。一方面,果胶是植物细胞壁的重要组成成分,而细胞壁的存在限制了类胡萝卜素从基质中的释放。另一方面,在消化过程中,果胶也会通过不同途径影响类胡萝卜素的生物利用度。因此,将果胶对类胡萝卜素生物利用度的影响途径进行分类梳理,可以为进一步研究如何提高果蔬中类胡萝卜素生物利用度提供理论基础。

3 果胶对脂类消化和类胡萝卜素生物利用度的 影响

3.1 果胶对消化液黏度的影响

黏度反映一种物质抵抗流动或运动的能力,果胶会增加胃中消化液的黏度,从而影响对食糜的剪切力作 用[19],延长食物在胃和小肠阶段的消化时间并且降低基质与酶之间的运输效率[31],改变运输过程[32-33]。果胶对消化液的黏度增加程度取决于许多因素,如结构和化学组成﹑浓度和分子量[34-35],同时黏度对类胡萝卜素胶束化的影响也受到类胡萝卜素种类的限制。近几年,Yonekura等[36]研究表明-胡萝卜素和叶黄素的胶束化受到果胶的抑制,原因可能是高黏度的消化液引起的,但这一猜测未经证实。Xu等[37]发现在脂类消化过程中,向乳液中添加甜菜果胶会对游离脂肪酸的释放有影响,并将这一现象归因于果胶引起的黏度变化对脂肪酶的移动产生阻碍作用。Verrijssen等[38]的研究表明由果胶引起的胃肠道介质的黏度的增加会降低-胡萝卜素的胶束化程度,而且,介质的黏度取决于果胶的酯化度。果胶的存在和其酯化度的变化会改变胃肠液消化介质的黏度从而影响-胡萝卜素的胶束化[39]。Cervantes-paz等[40]证实高浓度果胶会增加胃肠消化介质的黏度和粒径,对类胡萝卜素的胶束化有阻碍作用。分子量高与分子量低的果胶相比,更有利于胃肠消化介质的黏度并促进极性较低的类胡萝卜素的胶束化。综上所述,果胶可以改变消化液黏度,从而对类胡萝卜素胶束化率产生负面影响。而在不同消化阶段,果胶引起消化液黏度变化的影响因素、黏度变化动力学及其对不同极性营养物质组分传递途径和机制是未来值得研究的一个方向。

3.2 果胶对消化酶的影响

在脂类消化过程中,果胶对胰脂酶存在竞争性抑制作用,在底物存在的情况下,脂肪酶优先与果胶形成复合物,从而抑制脂肪酶对底物的作用,因此限制油脂的消化分解及其混合胶束形成,进而限制混合胶束携带类胡萝卜素。Cudrey等[41]的研究结果表明,果胶与胰脂酶活性部位以共价键结合,并形成稳定复合物。果胶除了直接与脂肪酶结合抑制其活性外,果胶中的羧酸残基也可以使脂肪酶活性部位质子化,这也解释了低甲氧基的果胶对脂肪酶活性有较高的抑制作用[42],上述现象的存在可能对脂类消化和类胡萝卜素生物有效性产生影响。果胶的分子量、凝胶性和酯化度是影响脂肪酶-果胶复 合物形成的因素[7,43]。Tsujita等[44]的研究结果表明,当果 胶的分子量较低时(90 kDa)对脂肪酶的抑制作用较 强。相反,Edashige等[45]的结果表明,高分子量的果胶(>300 kDa)对脂肪酶活力抑制作用较强,而较低分子量的果胶(<300 kDa)对脂肪酶活力抑制作用较弱。Verrijssen等[38]研究发现当果胶酯化度从99%和66%降为14%时,-胡萝卜素胶束化率显著降低,他们将这一现象归因于消化过程中凝胶状果胶聚集体对油滴的包裹作用,从而抑制了脂肪酶的活性。甲酯基通过中和负电荷[7],增加果胶的疏水性,从而影响上述竞争性抑制过程。然而,由果胶引起的脂肪酶活力的抑制作用与类胡萝卜素的胶束化和生物有效性关联的研究内容少见报道。由此可见,果胶对脂类消化的影响与消化酶活力有关,但其作用机制尚未明确,特别是对果胶引起的脂肪酶活力的抑制作用类型及其是否直接作用于类胡萝卜素的胶束化过程值得进一步探讨。

3.3 果胶与钙离子的相互作用


果胶与钙离子除了通过形成凝胶体系影响类胡萝卜素消化外,果胶还可能通过影响钙离子与脂类消化产物之间的交互作用降低脂类和类胡萝卜素的消化吸收。钙离子可以使游离脂肪酸从油滴表面沉淀下来,以不溶性钙盐状态存在,这一过程可以避免游离脂肪酸聚集在表面,为脂肪酶与乳化脂滴中甘油三酯的接触提供更多机会[49-50],研究已经证实为保证脂类消化过程顺利进行,游离脂肪酸必须从脂滴表面及时清除[49,51]。当果胶存在时,阻碍钙离子对脂肪酸的清除作用,从而使游离脂肪酸聚集在脂滴表面,阻碍脂滴的吸收[4],因此在脂滴中的类胡萝卜素消化可能也会降低。Corte-real等[52]研究表明钙离子的浓度和类胡萝卜素的类型影响类胡萝卜素的胶束化程度,随着钙离子浓度增强,类胡萝卜素胶束化程度降低,当钙离子浓度达到500 mg/L时,胶束化程度几乎降为0。在5种代表不同类胡萝卜素存在状态的食物体系中,钙离子的存在使所有体系中类胡萝卜素的生物利用度均降低[53]。许多研究都证实钙离子对脂类消化和类胡萝卜素胶束化的抑制作用,而钙离子和不同性质果胶的结合作用对类胡萝卜素吸收的影响效果还没有定论,仍需进一步明确。

3.4 果胶与胆盐的结合作用


3.5 果胶对脂滴的包裹作用

果胶对脂滴的包裹作用会直接影响脂类的消化吸收,而其对类胡萝卜素消化吸收和生物利用度的直接影响尚未见报道。在脂类消化过程中,脂滴的中心主要由疏水性较强的二酰基甘油和三酰基甘油组成,极性相对较高的磷脂、游离脂肪酸、胆固醇和胆盐聚集在脂滴表面[4]。带负电的果胶由于表面活性和静电吸引力包裹在脂滴表面形成一层保护膜,阻止脂肪酶与脂滴的接触[31]。果胶结构决定上述保护膜的形成,由于果胶具有表面活性,特别是结构中存在乙酰基时,果胶吸附在油滴周围,形成一层保护膜,通过阻断油滴之间的静电吸引作用来防止油滴的聚集反应[4]。乳状液体系常见与食品体系,而在有果胶存在的乳液体系中,果胶对油滴的包裹作用存在以下3种情况(图3):1)如果果胶不吸附在油滴表面,由于空缺絮凝作用(depletion flocculation)脂滴会聚集(图3a),聚集现象会降低脂滴有效表面积,从而对脂类的消化起到负面作用。2)当包裹在油滴表面的果胶形成一层较厚的稳定的保护膜时(图3b),接近的脂滴会相互排斥,一方面提高乳液的稳定性,但同时也会阻碍脂类与脂肪酶的接触而影响消化效率。3)当果胶在脂滴周围形成不完整的保护层时(图3c),由于架桥絮凝(bridging flocculation)作用,脂滴可能会产生聚集现象[42]。果胶保护层的形成与果胶结构有关[58]。果胶结构中RG-I区域决定其空间稳定性,HG区域决定其静电稳定性。RG-I区域中的中性糖侧链决定吸收的果胶链分子间相互作用,这一作用形成较厚的吸附层,防止脂滴聚集[18,59]。Zhao等[60]的结果表明,乳液中含有带负电的甜菜果胶时,有很高的稳定性,原因是多糖的高电荷密度促进了被包裹的脂滴之间的静电排斥作用。以上3种果胶存在状态会对脂类及类胡萝卜素消化吸收和乳液稳定体系产生不同影响,而如何通过加工技术、加工单元操作调控果胶结构形成,使其对类胡萝卜素从原料释放、到稳态结构形成、消化过程传递、以及吸收利用实现靶向、高效调控,需要开展系统研究。


表1 果胶对脂类消化和类胡萝卜素生物有效性和生物利用度的影响

4 结论与展望



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Review on effects of pectin on digestion of lipid and carotenoids

Liu Xuan, Liu Jianing, Bi Jinfeng※, Zhou Mo, Lü Jian, Peng Jian


Pectin is a family of galacturonic acid-rich polysaccharides, which mostly exists in plant cell walls. Pectin structure determines its properties, and the structure characteristics usually refer to the molecular weight, degree of methoxylation and acetylation, galacturonic acid content, neutral sugar composition. The texture and rheological properties of raw fruit and vegetable and their products are dependent on the structure of pectin. Carotenoids are lipophilic pigments responsible for the yellow, orange, and red colors of many fruits and vegetables, which have beneficial health effects. Carotenoid bioavailability is usually considered as the fraction of the ingested carotenoids that are accessible for utilization in normal physiological functions or for storage in the human body. A prerequisite for carotenoid bioavailability is its bioaccessibility in the small intestine. Carotenoid bioaccessibility is defined as the amount of carotenoids that are released from its food matrix during digestion and made available for absorption into intestinal mucosa. A number of studies suggested that certain types of dietary fiber such as pectin could inhibit the digestion and absorption of lipids. Therefore, pectin has a potential impact on the digestion and absorption of carotenoids, since carotenoids might be encapsulated in lipid droplet in stomach phase. The present review summarized recent studies about the effects of pectin on lipid digestion and carotenoid bioavailability in order to provide theoretical basis for further improving the bioavailability of carotenoids in fruit and vegetable-based food products. Additionally, future research challenges in this review are identified. Structure and properties of pectin were summarized at first, and the specific processes of lipid digestion and carotenoid absorption were also elucidated. On one hand, pectin is an important component of plant cell wall, and the presence of cell wall restricts the release of carotenoids from the matrix. On the other hand, pectin may interfere with the the processes of lipid digestion and carotenoid absorption in a variety of different ways, and these could be summarized as 5 aspects. 1) Pectin could change the viscosity of the digestive juice, which would alter the magnitude of the shear forces operating on the chyme, increase the duration in the stomach and small intestinal phase and decrease the transport efficiency. 2) Pectin could act as a physical barrier between substrates and digestive enzymes. Pectin could compete with the substrate for the active site of the enzyme, protonate the enzyme active site through the participation of the carboxylic acid residues and generate direct molecular interactions between pectin and enzymes. 3) Galacturonic and galuronic acid residues of pectin could form gels with calcium ions. These pectin-calcium complexes reduce lipid digestion by reducing the surface area of the lipid droplets where lipase exerts its activity as a consequence of lipid flocculation or microgel formation. Besides gel formation, the binding between calcium ions and pectin might also affect carotenoid absorption in another way. The levels of free calcium in the gastrointestinal medium can be reduced in the presence of pectin, causing accumulation of free fatty acids on the lipid droplet surfaces and reducing lipid droplet digestion. 4) Pectin may bind bile salts in the small intestine, and affect the lipid digestion and the efficiency of carotenoid incorporation into mixed micelles. 5) Pectin may be adsorbed to the surfaces of the emulsified lipids and form a protective coating, which may prevent the lipase from being adsorbed to the droplet surfaces and getting access to the lipids inside the droplets. The effects of pectin on the digestive pathways and digestive efficiency of lipid and carotenoids depend on pectin structure, especially molecular mass, degree of methylesterification and acetylation, and neutral sugars composition. At present, most studies used emulsion system containing carotenoids, and added exogenous pectin to explore the influence of pectin on digestion and absorption of carotenoids. Thus, the results they found in the simulation system might be different in fruit and vegetable-based food products, and the effect of endogenous pectin on the bioavailability of carotenoids in the fruits and vegetables needs further verification. In addition, the effect of pectin on the absorption of lipid and carotenoids is also manifold. Pectin may inhibit digestion and absorption of lipid and carotenoids through the above 5 ways and also form a coating around the carotenoids and thus increase the stability of carotenoids during the processing, storage and further digestion. For fruit and vegetable materials, processing method is the important factor to determine its physicochemical properties, and some crushing and refining treatments, such as colloid mill and high pressure homogenization, can improve the release rate and pathway of carotenoids from the raw materials. Thus, it is worthy to be studied whether these crushing and refining treatments can improve the structural characteristics of pectin and make it play a positive role in carotenoid bioavailability.

gel; lipid; digestion; pectin; carotenoids; bioavailability




刘 璇,博士,副研究员,研究方向为果蔬加工适宜性评价、制汁品质形成机理与调控技术。Email:liuxuancaas@126.com






刘 璇,刘嘉宁,毕金峰,周 沫,吕 健,彭 健. 果胶对脂类和类胡萝卜素消化利用影响研究进展[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(13):311-318. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.13.038 http://www.tcsae.org

Liu Xuan, Liu Jianing, Bi Jinfeng, Zhou Mo, Lü Jian, Peng Jian. Review on effects of pectin on digestion of lipid and carotenoids[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(13): 311-318. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.13.038 http://www.tcsae.org

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