在2011年3月11日海啸摧毁了老车站之后,离原址大约150m的靠近内陆的位置新建了一座车站。这座三层的建筑一层是车站、零售店和候车区,二层是市内温泉浴室,三层是观景台。作为对重建受灾区的关心和祝福的象征,屋顶的形象被设计为向着光明的未来展翅高飞的鸟儿。□(尚晋 译)
This new station building is built approximately 150m inland from the old station building which was destroyed by the tsunami on March 11th,2011. The 3-storey station building will consist of the station, retail shops, and waiting areas on the 1st floor, a municipal hot spring facility on the 2nd floor, and a viewing deck on the 3rd floor. As a symbol of our thoughts and prayers towards the rebuilding efforts of this disaster-stricken area,the design of the roof is based on an image of a bird with its wings spread soaring towards a bright future.□
1 外景/Exterior view
2 夜景/Night view
3 轴测图/Axonometric
项目信息/Credits and Data
主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 坂茂/Shigeru Ban
结构工程/Structure Engineer: 星野建筑构造设计事务所/Hoshino Architect & Engineer
机电工程/Mechanical Engineer: 知久设备计划研究所/Chiku Engineering Consultants
承建商/General Contractor: 户田建设/Toda Corporation
占地面积/Building Area: 599.91m2
总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 899.51m2
施工时间/Construction Date: 2014.04 – 2015.02
摄影/Photos: 平井广行/Hiroyuki Hirai
4-6 内景/Interior views
7 剖面/Section
1-瞭望台/Viewing deck
5-更衣室/Changing room
6-浴室/Bathing place
7-家庭浴室/Family bathroom
9-交流空间/Communication space
11-机械室/Mechanical room
8 三层平面/2nd floor plan
1-瞭望台/Viewing deck
9 二层平面/1st floor plan
3-更衣室/Changing room
4-浴室/Bathing place
10 首层平面/Ground floor plan
1-会议室/Meeting room
2-家庭浴室/Family bathroom
5-浴池入口/Entrance of baths
6-交流空间/Communication space 7-车站办公室/Station office
8-机械室/Mechanical room
WANG Jiangyan: The Onagawa Station is a railway station of Japan Railway (JR) Company near the seaside in Onagawa, Miyagi County. The old one-storey wooden structured station was destroyed in the tsunami triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March, 2011.The new station, a steel structured three-storey building, is about 200 metres away from the old site and was reopened on 21 March, 2015.The architectural design of the station was undertaken by Shigeru Ban Architects. The station building was designed with light wooden colour and bright lighting at night, so it is very striking both in the day and at night. Although it is a small end station with only one side platform that holds 4 carriages, it was excellently designed,and made full use of the station space, comprehensively arranging the functions of square in front of the station,the passenger transport inside the station, the viewing platform and the spa pool, into a lively, multifunctional place with architectural attractiveness. This kind of architectural design with high quality, comprehensive utilisation and characteristic should be an example for us all. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)
Ichikawa Koji: In the aftermath of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, many Japanese architects have been involved in the reconstruction efforts. Shigeru Ban is particularly experienced with such work, because he was already involved in rebuilding after the 1995 Great Hanshin earthquake in Japan and the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China. For the disaster areas, Shigeru Ban designed and constructed partition walls for relief shelters,as well as temporary housing and transport facilities. JR Onagawa Station is part of a larger reconstruction project.The architect has listened to the needs of the local people,for example by integrating a public bath into the station building. The station roof consists of two layers: a wooden lattice frame underneath, and a white membrane roof on top. This solution makes possible a very bright interior space. The lightness of the membrane and the hardness of the wood symbolise grace and strength, mental qualities required of this disaster-struck community on their journey back to normality. The unique roof structure resembles Shigeru Ban's other work – for example Centre Pompidou-Metz in France. Ban has also made use of cardboard tubes for the construction of the ground floor ceiling - a material he has employed many times before when reconstructing in disaster areas.(Translated by ZHANG Xin)
11 从休息区看向浴室/View from breakroom to bathroom
12 浴室入口/Entrance of bathroom
13 浴室内景/Interior view, bathroom