
2018-04-21 07:04建筑设计法国AREP设计集团
世界建筑 2018年4期





1 外景/Exterior view

2.3 图解/Diagrams


4 平面/Plan

Positioned 50 metres above sea level on the edge of fhe Saint-Charles plateau, the Marseille railway terminal has sat enthroned overlooking the city from its balcony for nearly 150 years. While its splendid isolation, somewhat relieved by the construction of the Athens stairway in 1930, was finally allayed by the urbanisation of the northern districts, the station remained unconnected to the city. The arrival of the TGV in 2001 required that it be enlarged and transformed into an exchange hub to improve its inks with the bus station and urban networks, as well as with the university and surrounding districts.

The construction of a side wing resolved all these problems and resulted in the redevelopment of the station surrounds and access points. Aligned to the station's historic pediment, the new wing picks up the slope and connects with the bus station network located to the rear. The old station seated over the railway lines is now provided with a new 160-metre-long and 40-metre wide perpendicular concourse expressed along the elevation by a colonnade of pre-stressed stone piers.

Seated on a plinth housing a 400-space car park, the Honorat concourse is on the same level as the platforms, making the trains and buses easily accessible along an esplanade lined with services and shops. The new wing stretches out and connects the station to the city. Passengers and locals crisscross one another in this large glazed volume extended by terraces shaded by the stone columns. A railway "fortress" in the past, Saint-Charles station has now become a showplace in the city, located in a setting that is accessible, useful, and agreeable to all who make use of its services.□





WANG Mu: Although the Athens big steps in front of the original Marseille Station provided the connection between the station and the city, a practical connection on the north of the station was lacked because the Athens steps mainly provided the connection to the seaside commercial area on the south of the station. Therefore, the creation of a new station hall and connection facilities is needed to offer a solution to connecting the north and south sides of the station. The key problem to be dealt with in the design of the new station is how to overcome the elevation difference between the high and low ground on either side due to the reason of the track. From the vertical perspective,the new station learned from Parthenon of Athens Acropolis, formed a connection between the station and the city with the Athens steps, which also created the lofty image similar to the highland temples. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

MA Ying: The significances of "efficiency" and"connection" are fully demonstrated in the expansion project of Marseille Saint-Charles Railway Station. The main body plane layout of the classical-style old railway station building and the "endpoint" railway lines reduced the using and passing efficiency due to the paralleled design of the lines and space. The newly constructed side wing hall improves the people flow organisation in the endpoint railway station building to a great extent, and at the same time enhances shopping experience in the commercial facility, and upgrades the spatial environmental atmosphere in the transportation station building for passing through. The elegant side wing hall not only effectively "connects" the existing station building and the endpoint railway station, but also forms a connection of high efficiency between the bus station, the underground garage, and the surrounding traffic network of the city. In term of its exterior environment, the design skillfully solves the interface obstruct caused by the heights differences of existing platform, and turns the building into a visionary opposite scenery to the Nedelec Avenue. What's more, the disconnected second-floor platform adds an urban space sense of "easy access" and "human-oriented" to the newly constructed station building.

5 外景/Exterior view

6 剖面/Section

7 内景/Interior views

项目信息/Credits and Data

业主/Client: SNCF G&C(服务处,广场,停车场),市政单位/马赛城市共同体(隧道和城市网),省议会/罗讷河口省议会(公交站台)/SNCF G&C (concourses and services, esplanade, car park), Urban community (tunnel and urban networks),Conseil GénéraI 13/ Bouches-du-Rhône area local council (bus platform)

建筑面积/Building Area: 31,000m2

交付时间/Delivery: 2007.12

摄影/Photos: AREP

8 内景/Interior views
