潘 钰
Step 1.Lead-in
T:Do you like this film?
Ss:Yes,I do.
T:Do you like lions?
S1:Yes,I do.
T:What are the lions like?
S1:Lions are brown.
S1:Lions are large.
T:Do you like Jerry,the mouse?
S2:Yes,I do.
T:Why do you like him?
S2:Because the mouse is clever and cute.
Step 2.Presentation
T:Lions are large,but the mouse is small.What if they met some day?Today we are going to learn a story named“The lion and the mouse”.Let’s see what happened in this story.
1.Look at the four pictures and try to say
T:Boys and girls,look at these four pictures.Try to describe them in a few words.
2.Listen,choose and judge
T:Boys and girls,Let’s listen to the passage and try to find the exact picture of each paragraph.After listening to the whole passage,try to judge these four sentences.
(1)The mouse was small and weak.(T)
(2)The lion ate the mouse.(F)
(3)The mouse helped the lion.(T)
(4)The strong lion and the weak mouse can be friends.(T)
3.Learn the text
T:Boys and girls,there are five paragraphs in this passage.We can divide them into two parts,according to the lion’s experience.How can we divide them?Can you try?
S1:We can put paragraph 1 and 2 together as one part.
T:Verygood.Now let’swatch thecartoon and try to answer these questions.
(1)Learn Paragraph 1+2
Watch part of the cartoon and answer these questions.
Whathappened between the lion and the mouse one day?
What did the mouse say?
What did the lion say?
(2)Learn Paragraph 3+4+5
PPT上播放狮子被捉住时说的音频“How can I get out?”,同时播放老鼠的音频“I can help you.”。引出两个问题:How did the two men catch the lion?How did the mouse help the lion?
Work in pairs,read paragraph 3+4+5 and underline difficult or important words and sentences.(认真阅读第三、第四、第五自然段并画出段落中的重难点)
Try to answer two questions above.
4.Read the passage sentence by sentence after the video
Step 3.Production
1.Work in pairs and act it out
2.Show time
3.Retell the story
T:Well done!Boys and girls,now let’s try to retell the story according to the blackboard.
Step 4.Brief Summary
T:Boys and girls,we have learned the whole story.Let’s try to sum up.When we want to describe the beginning of the story,we can use the phrase...
Ss:One day.../Long long ago...
T:When we want to describe the process of the story,we can use the phrase...
Ss:Just then...
T:When we want to describe the ending of the story,we can use the phrase...
Ss:From then on...
T:Excellent!About this fable,everyone has his interpretations.What do you get from this story?
Make more friends.多交朋友。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难与共的朋友才是真朋友。
Don’t look down upon others.不要小看任何人。
Everyone has his own strong and weak points.每个人都有自己的长处和短处。
设计意图:简单总结此类寓言故事的“三段式”结构,即学会用“One day”“Just then”“From then on”来描写英文故事。同时让学生感受故事中的真理,用英文分享所感所获。