
2018-03-30 23:09
生物技术进展 2018年2期



论文链接: Bourdeau R W,etal.. Acoustic reporter genes for noninvasive imaging of microorganisms in mammalian hosts.



论文链接: Zhu W,etal.. Precision editing of the gut microbiota ameliorates colitis.

Nature, 2018, 553(7687): 208-211. DOI:10.1038/nature25172.

Abstract: Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are frequently associated with dysbiosis, characterized by changes in gut microbial communities that include an expansion of facultative anaerobic bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family (phylum Proteobacteria). Here we show that a dysbiotic expansion of Enterobacteriaceae during gut inflammation could be prevented by tungstate treatment, which selectively inhibited molybdenum-cofactor-dependent microbial respiratory pathways that are operational only during episodes of inflammation. By contrast, we found that tungstate treatment caused minimal changes in the microbiota composition under homeostatic conditions. Notably, tungstate-mediated microbiota editing reduced the severity of intestinal inflammation in mouse models of colitis. We conclude that precision editing of the microbiota composition by tungstate treatment ameliorates the adverse effects of dysbiosis in the inflamed gut.



论文链接: Rodriguez-Fraticelli A E,etal.. Clonal analysis of lineage fate in native haematopoiesis.

Nature, 2018, 553(7687): 212-216. DOI:10.1038/nature25168.

Abstract: Haematopoiesis, the process of mature blood and immune cell production, is functionally organized as a hierarchy, with self-renewing haematopoietic stem cells and multipotent progenitor cells sitting at the very top. Multiple models have been proposed as to what the earliest lineage choices are in these primitive haematopoietic compartments, the cellular intermediates, and the resulting lineage trees that emerge from them. Given that the bulk of studies addressing lineage outcomes have been performed in the context of haematopoietic transplantation, current models of lineage branching are more likely to represent roadmaps of lineage potential than native fate. Here we use transposon tagging to clonally trace the fates of progenitors and stem cells in unperturbed haematopoiesis. Our results describe a distinct clonal roadmap in which the megakaryocyte lineage arises largely independently of other haematopoietic fates. Our data, combined with single-cell RNA sequencing, identify a functional hierarchy of unilineage- and oligolineage-producing clones within the multipotent progenitor population. Finally, our results demonstrate that traditionally defined long-term haematopoietic stem cells are a significant source of megakaryocyte-restricted progenitors, suggesting that the megakaryocyte lineage is the predominant native fate of long-term haematopoietic stem cells. Our study provides evidence for a substantially revised roadmap for unperturbed haematopoiesis, and highlights unique properties of multipotent progenitors and haematopoietic stem cellsinsitu.



论文链接: Gao X,etal.. Treatment of autosomal dominant hearing loss byinvivodelivery of genome editing agents.

Nature, 2018, 553(7687): 217-221. DOI:10.1038/nature25164.

Abstract: Although genetic factors contribute to almost half of all cases of deafness, treatment options for genetic deafness are limited. We developed a genome-editing approach to target a dominantly inherited form of genetic deafness. Here we show that cationic lipid-mediatedinvivodelivery of Cas9-guide RNA complexes can ameliorate hearing loss in a mouse model of human genetic deafness. We designed and validated, bothinvitroand in primary fibroblasts, genome editing agents that preferentially disrupt the dominant deafness-associated allele in theTmc1 (transmembrane channel-like gene family 1) Beethoven (Bth) mouse model, even though the mutantTmc1Bthallele differs from the wild-type allele at only a single base pair. Injection of Cas9-guide RNA-lipid complexes targeting theTmc1Bthallele into the cochlea of neonatalTmc1Bth/+mice substantially reduced progressive hearing loss. We observed higher hair cell survival rates and lower auditory brainstem response thresholds in injected ears than in uninjected ears or ears injected with control complexes that targeted an unrelated gene. Enhanced acoustic startle responses were observed among injected compared to uninjectedTmc1Bth/+mice. These findings suggest that protein-RNA complex delivery of target gene-disrupting agentsinvivois a potential strategy for the treatment of some types of autosomal-dominant hearing loss.



论文链接: Osterwalder M,etal.. Enhancer redundancy provides phenotypic robustness in mammalian development.

Nature, 2018, 554(7691): 239-243. DOI:10.1038/nature25461.

Abstract: Distant-acting tissue-specific enhancers, which regulate gene expression, vastly outnumber protein-coding genes in mammalian genomes, but the functional importance of this regulatory complexity remains unclear. Here we show that the pervasive presence of multiple enhancers with similar activities near the same gene confers phenotypic robustness to loss-of-function mutations in individual enhancers. We used genome editing to create 23 mouse deletion lines and inter-crosses, including both single and combinatorial enhancer deletions at seven distinct loci required for limb development. Unexpectedly, none of the ten deletions of individual enhancers caused noticeable changes in limb morphology. By contrast, the removal of pairs of limb enhancers near the same gene resulted in discernible phenotypes, indicating that enhancers function redundantly in establishing normal morphology. In a genetic background sensitized by reduced baseline expression of the target gene, even single enhancer deletions caused limb abnormalities, suggesting that functional redundancy is conferred by additive effects of enhancers on gene expression levels. A genome-wide analysis integrating epigenomic and transcriptomic data from 29 developmental mouse tissues revealed that mammalian genes are very commonly associated with multiple enhancers that have similar spatiotemporal activity. Systematic exploration of three representative developmental structures (limb, brain and heart) uncovered more than one thousand cases in which five or more enhancers with redundant activity patterns were found near the same gene. Together, our data indicate that enhancer redundancy is a remarkably widespread feature of mammalian genomes that provides an effective regulatory buffer to prevent deleterious phenotypic consequences upon the loss of individual enhancers.



论文链接: Vanlandewijck M,etal.. A molecular atlas of cell types and zonation in the brain vasculature.

Nature, 2018, 554: 475-480. DOI:10.1038/nature25739.

Abstract: Cerebrovascular disease is the third most common cause of death in developed countries, but our understanding of the cells that compose the cerebral vasculature is limited. Here, using vascular single-cell transcriptomics, we provide molecular definitions for the principal types of blood vascular and vessel-associated cells in the adult mouse brain. We uncover the transcriptional basis of the gradual phenotypic change (zonation) along the arteriovenous axis and reveal unexpected cell type differences: a seamless continuum for endothelial cells versus a punctuated continuum for mural cells. We also provide insight into pericyte organotypicity and define a population of perivascular fibroblast-like cells that are present on all vessel types except capillaries. Our work illustrates the power of single-cell transcriptomics to decode the higher organizational principles of a tissue and may provide the initial chapter in a molecular encyclopaedia of the mammalian vasculature.

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