欧丽娜 杨大伟
【关键词】 糖尿病;抑郁症;危险因素
中图分类号:R587.1;R749.4+1 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-1383.2018.01.013
Analysis of prevalence and risk factors of diabetics combined with depression in Zhuang nationality
OU Lina,YANG Dawei
【Abstract】 Objective Cross-sectional survey was conducted to investigate the prevalence of diabetics combined with depression in Zhuang nationality,and to analyze its risk factors,so as to provide new perspectives and basis for the education of patients with diabetes mellitus.
Methods A total of 420 hospitalized patients were enrolled,which included 264 males and 156 females,aged(53.3±12.63) years,and the course of disease was(4.13±3.27) years.Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to measure the depression score of the patients.The depression score was 0~7 in non depression group and 8~21 in depression group,and the prevalence of depression in diabetics patients was obtained.A comparative study was carried out on general situation like age,sex,body mass index,course of disease,smoking,diabetes education and treatment methods and educational background as well as related biochemical data like blood pressure,blood lipid,glycosylated hemoglobin,C reactive protein,urinary albumin/creatinine ratio(ACR) between the two groups.Meanwhile,Logistic regression analysis was used to find out the risk factors of depression.
Results 39.28% (165 cases) of patients had varying degrees of depressive symptoms,of which 108 cases were male,accounting for 65.45%,and 57 cases were female,accounting for 34.55%.Age,diastolic blood pressure,cystatin C,VLDL,TG,HbA1c,CRP and ACR in the depression group were higher than those of the non depression group,difference was statistically significant(P<0.01).Binary Logistic analysis showed that cystatin C (OR=2.03,95% CI 1.11~3.71),diastolic pressure(OR=1.05,95% CI 1.00~1.10),ACR (OR=1.03,95% CI 1.00 ~1.07) were risk factors for depression in diabetic patients.And there was no significant correlation between sex,body mass index,course of disease,smoking,diabetes education,etc.
Conclusion Diabetes patients with depression are prevalent in Guangxi Zhuang nationality,cystatin C,diastolic blood pressure and ACR are possible independent risk factors for the incidence of it.
【Key words】 diabetes;depression;risk factors
1.1 对象
1.2 方法
1.3 统计学方法
采用SPSS 17.0对数据进行统计分析,连续性正态计量资料采用(±s)表示,组间比较进行独立样本t检验,对糖尿病患者抑郁症发生的危险因素进行二元Logistic回归分析,检验水准:α=0.05,双侧检验。
2.1 糖尿病患者抑郁症的患病率及两组患者临床资料对比
2.2 二元Logistic回归分析
在二元Logistic回归分析中,以抑郁量表评分为因变量,对抑郁量表评分0~7分赋值为0,抑郁量表评分8~21分赋值为1;年龄0~40岁赋值为0,41~60岁赋值为1,60岁以上赋值为2;性别男赋值为1,女赋值为0;体重指数0~18赋值为0,18.1~24.0赋值为1,24.0以上赋值为2;病程0~5年赋值为0,5年以上赋值为1;不吸烟赋值为0,吸烟赋值为1;参加过糖尿病教育赋值为0,未参加过赋值为1;学历高中以下赋值为0,高中及以上赋值为1;血压、血脂、糖化血红蛋白、C反应蛋白、肾小球滤过率、ACR为实际值;以上指标为自变量。最终结果显示胱抑素C(OR=2.03,95% CI 1.11~3.71),舒张压(OR=1.05,95% CI 1.00~1.10),ACR(OR=1.03,95% CI 1.00~1.07)是糖尿病患者合并抑郁症的危险因素。见表2。
本研究中显示,胱抑素C是糖尿病合并抑郁的独立危险因素。胱抑素C是一种广泛存在于人体组织的半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂。它由于只经肾小球滤过而被清除,重吸收后亦不返回血液,因此其能有效反映人体肾小球滤过功能的变化,近年来较多的研究与糖尿病肾病的早期诊断相联系[7]。Marc M.Budge等[8]研究发现,在老年人群中,胱抑素C与认识能力密切相关,但具体如何影响老年人的认识能力仍不明确。Evgueni Minev等[9]发现在健康老年人群中,血中高胱抑素C与抑郁症的发病密切相关。另外Lovisa A Olsson[10]在一项研究中指出,肾功能是老年人幸福感的主观决定因素,胱抑素C与男性抑郁情绪有显著的相关性。本研究结果与上述研究结果基本相符,我们认为胱抑素C与抑郁的发病密切相关,是其发病的独立危险因素,但其机制仍有待进一步研究探讨。
尿白蛋白/肌酐比值作为近年来兴起的对糖尿病肾病诊断十分重要的诊断依据之一,未见有与抑郁症相关的报道。但从本研究得出的三个结果来看,无论是胱抑素C、尿蛋白还是舒张压,都与肾脏的功能密切相关,这与 Osson等人[10]的研究相符,但其内在机制仍待进一步研究。
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