摘 要: 针对传统的测试器存在测试结果不准确的问题,设计一种体育训练过程中强度极限测试器。该体育训练强度极限测试器在硬件上融合了大量的传感器以及传感电路,特别是对传感信号发生电路进行了优化设计,反应判断电路是硬件系统的核心组件,设计的反应判断电路能够对采集的数据进行标准处理,还设计了应用单片机。在软件设计上对数据采集系统进行了优化采集处理,运用多项视觉关联进行实时数据采集,优化了脉冲保护计算,这样提高了运动强度极限数据的准确性。为了保证设计的合理性,模拟应用环境进行仿真实验,通过实验数据的分析可以看出设计的体育训练过程强度极限测试器的有效性。
关键词: 运动训练; 强度极限; 测试器; 数据采集; 反应判断; 视觉关联
中图分类号: TN606?34; TP391 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)04?0075?03
Abstract: In allusion to the problem that there exist inaccurate test results in the traditional tester, a strength limit tester used in the process of sports training is designed. In hardware of the sports training strength limit tester, a large amount of sensors and sensing circuits are integrated, and the sensing signal generating circuit design is especially optimized. As the core component of the hardware system, the designed reaction judging circuit can perform standard processing of the collected data, and the applied single?chip micro?controller is designed. In software design, the optimized collection processing is performed for data acquisition system, and real?time data collection is performed by using multiple visual correlations to optimize the pulse protection calculation, which improves the accuracy of the motion intensity limit data. To ensure the rationality of the design, the application environment was simulated to carry out the simulation experiment. The experiment data analysis results demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed intensity limit tester used in the process of sports training.
Keywords: sports training; intensity limit; tester; data acquisition; reaction judgment; visual correlation
0 引 言
1 硬件设计
1.1 传感信号发生电路
该测试器的传感信号发生电路中包括两种型号的传感集群电路:4 kB EPROM,256 kB RAM。通过运动的幅度以及运动的传感点的动态变化,产生一定随机的序列号[2],并且可以通过多个I/O端口进行序列号的输送,将采集的序列号经过重新设定,加入延时选项,根据不同的参数设置传输给反应电路。
1.2 反应判断电路
2 软件设计
2.1 极限数据采集
3 仿真实验分析
3.1 参数设定
为了保证该测试器的有效性,对参数进行设定,极限数据的实际采集测量值[fcjhsun]在 [10.5,35.5]值域范围之内,不能选取过多也不能太少;设置过程参量[Q2ij]在[82.3,90.6]之间;保证承接数据的参量[-γτ]为15.36;多变参数的权值[Hij]为25.69。本文设计的试验模拟平面图如图3所示。endprint
3.2 采集训练样本
3.3 结果对比分析
4 结 语
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