⊙ 余可佳 湖北省监利县第一中学高级教师
1. Settle有“安顿,安排,调度;结算;殖民;沉下”等义,很多时候也有“解决,调停”之义,例如:
In 1951, the then director of the Guinness Brewery, Sir Hugh Beaver, wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in Europe.(1951年,当时的吉尼斯啤酒厂厂长休·比弗先生想要解决一场关于欧洲飞行速度最快的飞禽的争辩。)
2. Solve表示“解决,解答”,例如:
In 1936, my real father, Alan Turing, wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a
3. Handle作名词时,是“手柄,把手”的意思,作动词时,常有“对付,应付,对待;处理”等义,例如:
In the past, I often felt I could not handle the pressure of studying, but this experience made me realise how lucky I am to have enough food and a chance to get a good education.(过去,我常常会觉得自己无法承受学习压力,而这次的经历使我认识到,我能吃饱,还有机会接受良好的教育,这是多么幸运的事啊。)
4. Resolve常用来表示“决心,解析”,也可表示“解决”,例如:
In this story, we follow the lives of five sisters as they overcome obstacles to their happiness and marriage until all is happily resolved.(在这个故事中,我们一直关注着五姐妹的人生经历。在通往幸福和婚姻的路上,她们克服了各种障碍,最后各事都得到了圆满的结局。)
5. Sort作动词时,除了表示“分类,整理”外,还可表示“处理”,例如:
Don’t worry. We’ll soon have this sorted.(不用担心,我们马上找人处理好这件事。)
6. Tackle常用于表示对难事的“处理”,例如:
With more basketball and football players from China playing abroad, how have they tackled language barriers?(越来越多的中国篮球运动员和足球运动员在国外服役,他们是怎样克服语言障碍的?)
1. Deal with可以表示“对付,处理”,例如:
They will have interesting articles about music or sports and also hints for taking exams, how to deal with personal problems, etc.(他们会刊登一些有趣的文章,内容涉及音乐、运动,还有关于如何考试和处理个人问题等方面。)
To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined and new methods of dealing with polluted water be found.(为防止这类事情再次发生,约翰·斯诺建议检查所有供应水源,还要找到处理污水的新方法。)
We were lucky that our group worked hard to show an admirable mental attitude and dealt with our ever-present fears in a positive and successful way.(幸运的是,我们的组员工作很努力,展示了令人钦佩的精神状态,并能以主动和成功的方式应对无时不在的恐惧感。)
以上五个短语均有“解决,处理”之义。Cope with常用于比较正式的场合;sort out多有“分类,整理,挑选出”的意义;iron out表示“解决”时,多指消除分歧,排除困难;deal with除表“处理”外,还有“对待,应付”等义。在疑问句中,含deal with的问句要用how提问,而含do with的问句要用what提问,例如:
What shall we do with the rubbish?(我们该怎样处理这些垃圾?)
How do they deal with complaints?(他们是如何处理投诉的?)
2. Do with常用在疑问句或用在名词从句的疑问分句中,表示“处理,安排”,例如:
I cannot remember what I did with my purse.(我不记得我把钱包怎么了。)
3. Cope with表示“对付,处理”,例如:
It was starvation quantities but the extreme lack of water was the hardest to cope with psychologically.(这点儿分量的食物会让人处于饥饿状态,可在心理上让人最难承受的却是极度缺水。)
Many of these drugs were for very able students to help them cope with stress and exam pressure.(在这些药物中,有许多是专门为那些能力强的学生准备的,它们可以帮助学生应对精神压力和考试带来的紧张心理。)
4. Sort out可表示“分类,整理,拣选”,也可以表示“解决”,例如:
You’d better send somebody over to sort the situation out.(你最好派人去解决那里的问题。)
5. Iron out可以表示“解决”,例如:
All the difficulties have now been ironed out.(一切困难现已得到解决。)
1. Take action on表示“对……采取措施”,它可以间接地表达“解决”之义,例如:
The government has promised to take swift action on the energy crisis.(政府已经做出承诺,他们将迅速采取措施,解决能源危机。)
2. Take measures to后接动词原形,表示“对……采取措施”,可间接地表达“解决”之义,例如:
What measures were taken to prevent fires?(采取怎样的措施防止火灾?)
What measures shall we take to find out the thief?(我们应该采取什么措施才能找出小偷?)
3. Figure a way out表示“想出一种办法”,也可间接地表达“解决”之义,例如:
The commune members figured a way out of a difficulty in the irrigation project.(社员们想出了解决灌溉工程难题的办法。)
4. Work out可以表示“制订,算出”,例如:
They can use the height of the sun to work out their latitude.(他们可以用太阳的高度算出他们所在的纬度。)
Work out也可以表示“解决”,例如:
She had trouble getting along with her roommate, but they worked it out.(她和室友合不来,但她俩后来总算解决问题了。)
此处,work out还可以表示“产生结果”,后面一般无宾语,也是“解决”的一种间接表达法,例如:
Everything has worked out according to plan.(一切都按计划解决了。)
1. Find a solution表示“找到一个解决方案”,例如:
Modern readers would find such naive solutions totally unacceptable.(现代读者会觉得这种幼稚的办法是完全无法接受的。)
Attempts to find a solution have failed.(试图找到解决办法的种种努力全都失败了。)
2. Come up with a solution表示“提出一个解决方案”,例如:
Civil war seems increasingly likely unless the government comes up with a solution.(政府要是还想不出解决问题的办法,内战似乎一触即发。)