The Transmissionof Love

2018-03-07 07:56:48作者张议丹
疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年3期




I waslingering[徘徊]at the front gate, hesitated about walking down the street to play with my friend, Verma, when I saw a tramp coming towards me.

“Hello, little girl,” he said. “Is your mom home?”

I stared at him quizzically[疑惑地]. He wore a black jacket, withunkempt[蓬乱的]hair and scraggly[不整齐的]beard. What impressed me most was the bulky[笨重的]guitar that he carried—this must be a wandering artist.

“Well, she is.” I asked him to wait in the yard when I went to inform my mom. After a while,my mom came out. Her expression didn’t show much astonishment as I expected. It seemed like the tramp hadanticipated[预料]this. He smiled gently, taking out a piece of paper—with our home address on it.

It was on a freezing cold night that my mom and this trampencountered[邂逅]a year ago. He was begging near a bus stop where my mom usually waited for the bus. As she passed by the man,her sympathy drove her to give him some money and chat with him. Then she noticed a broken guitar lying beside the man. At the end of the conversation, my mom put forward a proposal[提议]that he should raise money to buy a new guitar, because she really looked forward to listening to his music. This tramp was so thankful that he took down our address.

With tearful eyes, the man said to my mom, “Now,I’d love to share my music and happiness with you. It was my hardest time. I lost my favourite guitar. Without your encouragement, I would probably lose the hope to live.”

Many years later, I became a college student and went on a journey by myself. After a meaningful holiday, I was just about to buy a return-home ticket…but my wallet was gone! I looked for hours, but I still couldn’t find it! Sitting in the station, I couldn’t help crying. All of a sudden, a tramp sat beside me, playing a lively song with his guitar.When he heard my story, without hesitation, he gave me all the change[零钱]that he had earned that day. I was so grateful that I hugged him tightly. Watching him walk away, I suddenly realized this was exactly the same tramp whom I had met many years ago! What a transmission of love!

老师点评:本文作者语言功底扎实,用词准确生动,巧妙地将两个小故事串联在一起,点明了“爱的传递”这个主题,是一篇不可多得的优秀习作。(指导教师 王锦秀)



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本期《口语大本营》告诉我们要时刻追求完美,在这之前,你也许看过或听过不少关于追求完美的故事和言论了吧?比如法国著名雕塑家罗丹为了塑造心目中完美的作品,而冷落了到他家做客的挚友茨威格;还有列夫·托尔斯泰的“If you look for perfection,you’ll never be content”。那么,追求完美或者说完美主义是一种好的品质还是成功路上的绊脚石呢?




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