【Abstract】It is well-known that humanistic quality really matters. However, the realistic and market-oriented features of vocational education have weakened the humanistic formation, and most vocational students could not output Chinese culture in English fluently. These are not beneficial to the development of China. Therefore, the selected curricular, Chinese Culture in English, can give off magic on humanistic cultivation and potentially promote the development of China.
【Key words】humanistic quality; vocational education; Chinese culture in English
【作者简介】刘佳莹(1984-),内蒙古化工职业学院基础部讲师,硕士, 研究方向:英语教学和中国文化英语。
【 基金项目】本研究系2018内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目“《中国文化英语》公选课信息化资源建设(项目编号:NJSY18283)”的部分研究成果。
1. The opening background of English Course for Chinese culture
1.1 The importance of humanistic quality
According to Baidu engine, humanistic quality refers to the development degree of ones comprehensive accumulation in humanity. Thus there are two main functions of humanistic education: first, it can cultivate ones taste and promote the spiritual level; second, it can animate ones mind and motivate innovation and intelligence. They are critical factors of ones living state and career development. It is the basic goal of education.
1.2 Aphasia in English of native culture
There are researches showing that Chinese college students lack of expression capacity to output their native culture in English during the cross-cultural communication and obviously the Chinese culture aphasia exists. As a result, too much foreign language culture has been input and western cultural aggression grows. Lin Yutang, a Chinese linguistician and writer, stated that the nation which is outputting her culture is likely to be more developed; while the nation which is learning foreign cultures will have turmoil because of the changing environment.
1.3 Dilemma of higher vocational education in China
In China, the talents training mode evidently emphasizes cultivation of employ-ability skills and mainly focuses on the talents need of enterprises. Therefore, the specialties setup should be consistent with enterprise needs, and the humanistic quality of vocational college students cant be measured finally. As a result, the society and enterprises are not so satisfied with their new employees. Once a employer remarked that he really hoped the students can focus on how to be a good man in colleges and they will be trained for skills in workplaces later. Although it is an extreme suggestion, the society and employers have higher expectation for the humanistic level of vocational students.
1.4 The necessity from Chine development
In 2014, the Ministry of Education of Chinese government released a document A Guidance Outline for Perfecting Education of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture, which emphasized the significance and urgency of excellent traditional Chinese culture education. It is an important part of deepening socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Chinese dream, and basis for realizing socialist core values and morality education. Yuan Guiren, the minister of Education Ministry of China, stated that the major task is deepening international communication and cooperation of education to serve the opening policy.
2. A sample outline for teaching design of Chinese culture in English
This course mainly focuses on introducing excellent Chinese traditional culture in English, with both the general picture and highlights of certain points, so as to lead students to understand the essence of Chinese culture and break through the aphasia of native culture in international communication.(As show in Table 1)
3. The principles of Chinese Culture in English
The document A Guidance Outline for Perfecting Education of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture (2014) explained the five points according to the education process of excellence Chinese culture:
3.1 The course goal and the realization of socialist core values should be integrated together. The historical materialism and dialectical materialism should be used to analyze problems, explore and spread the idea of kindheartedness, people-orientation, honesty, justice, harmony and seeking common points.
3.2 The education of traditional culture, spirit of time and revolutionary tradition should be mixed. The national spirit based on patriotism, the spirit of time based on reforming and innovation and revolutionary tradition should be carried forward and developed.
3.3 The inheritance of excellent Chinese tradition culture and learning from splendid foreign culture should be integrated. Both the national self-confidence and the global vision have to be cultivated.
3.4 The classroom teaching and practical education should be united together. The classroom teaching is seen as the main place and social practice the main training camp.
3.5 The course should be both goal-directed and systematic. The course should be designed into different levels with evident focuses according to learners characteristics. Content of different stages must be consecutive logically.
[3]曾欣悦,张向京.对大学英语文化教学的再认识[J].College English,2008(3).