敬攀 胡珍玉 吴瑕 梅曦 禹海航
[摘要] 目的 了解宁波市高中学生失眠发生状况以及比较普通高中和职业高中学生之间的差异。 方法 通过以学生自评的方式,对宁波市2所普通高中和1所职业高中进行问卷调查,使用一般情况调查问卷和失眠严重程度指数量表(ISI),问卷由班主任老师统一发放和回收。 结果 共收集有效问卷3283份,其中普通高中1420份,职业高中1863份,男生1521名(占46.3%),女生1762名(占53.7%)。平均年龄(17.08±0.84)(15~21)岁。宁波市高中学生失眠发生率为37.5%,其中轻度失眠为28.3%,中度失眠为7.4%,重度失眠为1.8%。宁波市高中学生29.7%存在入睡困难,18.9%存在易醒,11.2%存在早醒。普通高中学生的失眠发生率33.3%低于职业高中的40.7%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 结论 宁波市高中学生失眠状况较普遍,职业高中的失眠发生状况要高于普通高中学生。
[关键词] 高中学生;失眠;流行病学;调查
[中图分类号] R740 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)31-0126-04
Investigation and comparison of insomnia among students in ordinary high schools and vocational high schools in Ningbo City
JING Pan1 HU Zhenyu1 WU Xia2 MEI Xi1 YU Haihang1
1.Department of Psychology, Ningbo Kangning Hospital, Ningbo 315201,China; 2.Ningbo Institute of Hygiene Technology,Ningbo 315201,China
[Abstract] Objective To understand the occurrence of insomnia among high school students in Ningbo and the differences between students in ordinary high schools and vocational high schools. Methods Through self-evaluation by students, questionnaire surveys were conducted on 2 general high schools and 1 vocational high school in Ningbo. General questionnaires and Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) questionnaires were used. Questionnaires were issued and collected by the teacher in charge. Results A total of 3283 effective questionnaires were collected, including 1,420 cases of ordinary high schools,1,863 cases of vocational high schools,1,521 cases of boys(46.3%),and 1,762 cases of girls (53.7%). The average age was (17.08±0.84) (15-21) years old. The incidence of insomnia among high school students in Ningbo was 37.5%,of which mild insomnia was 28.3%,moderate insomnia was 7.4%,and severe insomnia was 1.8%. Among high school students in Ningbo,29.7% had difficulties in falling asleep,18.9% had easy awakening,and 11.2% had early awakening. The incidence of insomnia in ordinary high school students(33.3%) was lower than that(40.7%) in vocational high schools. There was a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01). Conclusion Insomnia is common among high school students in Ningbo, and the incidence of insomnia in vocational high schools is higher than that of ordinary high school students.
[Key words] High school students; Insomnia; Epidemiology; Investigation