Terahertz waves, sitting in the gap between the middle infrared and millimeter wave regions, are known as the last vacant area of the electromagnetic spectrum that has not quite been understood and brought into applications. The Terahertz region has been the focus of research worldwide since early 1990s. Due to their unique characteristics,Terahertz technologies have a wide range of applications, such as hazard detection, high speed data communications,radio astronomy, and biomedical imaging.
The Journal of Electronic Science and Technology (JEST) is a peer-reviewed DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) journal, indexed by SCOPUS, EI in INSPEC, and included in CSCD. The objective of the Special Section on Terahertz Technology and Applications (TTA) is to present consecutively the research activities and development achievements in this field. The Editorial Board of the TTA Section hopes that this Special Section will encourage more scientists and scholars, and engineers in the field to get interested and involved in this promising and active area, and thus bring new and deeper insights. Original research contributions, tutorials, and review papers are welcome in Terahertz‐related areas including but not limited to:
1.Sources and Detectors
2.Spectroscopy, Instrumentation, and Materials
3.Novel Functional Devices for Signal Transmission and Manipulation
4.Photonic Crystals, Metamaterials and Plasmonic Structures
5.Applications in Communication, Imaging and Sensing
TTA is a consecutive section on each issue of JEST, which is scheduled to launch in the December issue of 2013.Solicited and invited papers will undergo the standard peer review process. For manuscript preparation and submission, please follow the guidelines in the Information for Authors at http://www.journal.uestc.edu.cn. When submitting, please indicate that this paper is intended for TTA. For inquiries for TTA, please contact journal@uestc.edu.cn.
Guest Editors (Editorial Board of TTA):
Sheng-Jiang Chang
Nankai University sjchang@nankai.edu.cn
Qi-Jie Wang
Nanyang Technological University qjwang@ntu.edu.sg
Qi-Ye Wen
University of Elec. Sci. &Tech. of China qywen@163.com
Yan Zhang
Capital Normal University yzhang@mail.cnu.edu
Qiang Cheng
Southeast University 101011102@seu.edu.cn
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology2018年1期