Fantasy In fluences:Ancient Greek Mythology古希腊神话之于奇幻文学

2018-01-06 03:35:21维多利亚胡珀柴晚锁武立红
英语世界 2017年7期

文/维多利亚·胡珀 译/柴晚锁 武立红

By Victoria Hooper

When we think of typical fantasy,we tend to imagine a setting influenced by western medieval ideas, complete with knights, horses,longswords and dragons. However,there are much deeper, older roots to the magic, monsters, tropes1tropes 喻指;借喻。and archetypes2archetype 典型。that dominate the fantasy genre. Classical, Celtic, and Norse mythology, among others, have all had a huge impact on the stories and worlds that we are familiar with. In this article, I’ll be exploring the in fluence of Ancient Greek mythology in particular.

The hero and his quest

[2] A hero is called, perhaps by a higher power, perhaps by chance, or due to their ancestry or position in life. They fight their way through many tasks and trials on the route to victory, sometimes picking up or losing companions along the way. Eventually they succeed, and are rewarded with fame, sex, or riches,hopefully all three. Sound familiar?

[3] The quest story is as old as civilisation, but it is the Greek heroes who seem to have had the biggest impact on what we in the west think of as a hero. There’s Jason, of Argonauts3阿尔戈英雄,希腊传说中同伊阿宋一道乘快船“阿尔戈号”去科尔基斯(Colchis)取金羊毛的50位英雄,其中包括下文出现的赫拉克利斯、忒修斯等。“阿尔戈号”因其建造者、造船能手阿尔戈斯而得名,是当时希腊最大的船。fame.There’s Odysseus, the wily, resourceful hero.

Theseus: the just hero (and general do gooder)

[4] Then there’s Theseus, the hero who killed the Minotaur that lurked4lurk 潜伏。at the centre of King Minos’ labyrinth.Theseus found his way out of the maze thanks to the priestess (and princess)Ariadne and her ball of thread. All labyrinths in stories owe a debt to the Theseus myth, as does the word‘labyrinth’ (to mean maze) itself.

[5] Theseus is also famous for being a just hero who couldn’t stand to see his people suffer. When King Minos’ men drew lots5draw lots 抽签。to see which of the Athenian youths would be taken as tribute6tribute贡品。,Theseus deliberately put himself forward in place of another.

[6] In fantasy, too, heroes will often give themselves up to face danger in place of those who are weaker. A good example that seems to be drawn straight from the Theseus myth isThe Hunger Games7电影《饥饿游戏》,改编自美国作家苏珊·柯林斯(1962— )同名小说。, in which Katniss puts herself forward in place of her sister.

Heracles: the tortured hero

[7] Heracles is probably the best known Greek hero. He completed twelve seemingly impossible tasks before being admitted to Olympus as a god. He is also a surprisingly dark hero. He was tricked by Hera into murdering his children. Wrestling with the enormous weight of this guilt, it was to absolve8absolve 洗清;开脱。himself that he took on his famous twelve tasks. This tortured hero archetype, the man or woman spurred9spur 促使。to action through the loss of loved ones,has been common in fantasy over the years.

The chosen one

[8] Prophecy is a common theme in fantasy. A hero is often raised above all others by the designs of fate. A prophecy tends to be introduced in one of the early books in a series, leaving fans to speculate and theorise about what it might imply. This is because prophecies are usually cryptic10cryptic 晦涩;难解。, and will rarely turn out to mean quite what we expected. The prophecy in theHarry Potterseries could have referred to Neville Longbottom as much as to Harry, but in choosing to kill Harry, and marking him in the process, Voldemort unknowingly created his own nemesis11nemesis 几乎难以应对的困境。.In theA Song of Ice and Fireseries12美国作家乔治·马丁的代表作,其中的亚梭尔·亚亥(Azor Ahai)是一位生活在大约8000年前的传奇英雄,在长夜用一把名为光明使者的剑打败了异鬼。,a cryptic prophecy concerning the reincarnation13reincarnation 再生;转世。of the hero Azor Ahai has had fans guessing and secondguessing for years. Prophecies are never simple.

[9] This idea comes straight from ancient mythology. Greek heroes would almost always have a prophecy attached to them. Zeus knew that Thetis’ son would be a mighty hero, so he married her to a mortal, Peleus, in order to limit the boy’s power. The result was Achilles. Achilles knew he would die at Troy, but that he would achieve everlasting fame. When Jason arrived at Pelias’ palace with one sandal missing,Pelias knew this was the man who would overthrow him.

[10] In fact, prophecy was something of a badge of hero-ship; all good heroes had one, and all aspiring leaders wanted one. Greek tyrants would sometimes attach prophecies to their name in an attempt to legitimise14legitimise 使合法化。their reign.

[11] Prophecies are also problematic in Greek myth. A prophecy tends to be cryptic or to hold a double meaning, and they can be self-fulfilling15self-fulfilling 应验;一语成谶。. Sometimes in trying to stave off16stave off 阻挡;规避。the prophesied outcome, the person only brings it closer.Oedipus’ parents learned this when they abandoned their baby, knowing he would one day kill his father and marry his mother. However, Oedipus was found and given to the childless rulers of another city. When he grew up,he travelled to Thebes and did indeed murder his father and marry his mother.

Monsters and beasts

[12] Most importantly, there will be monsters. For the Greeks it was mythical beasts: cyclopes17cyclope 希腊神话传说中的巨人,前额中央长着一只独眼。, sea monsters and gorgons18gorgon 希腊神话中长着蛇发的三姐妹之一,相传人只要看她一眼,就会被变成石头。; for fantasy heroes it’s orcs19orc半兽人,该词源自拉丁文Orcus。, goblins20goblin淘气包,传说中长得渺小、丑陋的一种生灵,喜欢捉弄人。, trolls21troll丑鬼,传说中一种相貌丑陋的人,既可能是巨人,也可能是侏儒。,giants, giant spiders, giant snakes, giant scorpions, and… giant anything. From Shelob22系列奇幻小说《魔戒》中邪恶的蜘蛛精尸罗。to Gwythaints23, monsters are everywhere.

[13] Many creatures from Greek mythology have become common staples of fantasy today. Usually these begin as a single, unique being in the myths, but are transformed into whole new species by fantasy authors and game-designers. Pegasus, a flying horse who was born from Medusa’s head and ridden by the hero Bellerophon, has become a species of flying horse called pegasi.

The riddling Sphinx

[14] The Sphinx made its way to24make one’s way to前往;设法进入。Greek myth via Egypt. The Greek Sphinx was a lion with a woman’s head and chest, and an eagle’s wings, which,in the myth of Oedipus, asked riddles

23劳埃德·亚历山大(1924—2007)所著少儿系列奇幻作品《蒲莱丁传奇》(The Chronicles of Prydain)中一个形似巨鸟的邪恶怪物。of passersby. If they answered wrongly,they were eaten. Oedipus solved the riddle, defeating the creature and freeing the city of Thebes from its reign of terror.

[15] Sphinxes have found their way into many stories, and riddles as a means of gaining entry or obtaining information (usually with the threat of death if answered incorrectly) are a very common element of both fantasy and fairytales. Perhaps the most well known example comes fromThe Hobbit, in which Gollum poses a set of riddles to Bilbo, hoping to eat him when he fails.The Sphinx’s specific riddle—what walks on four legs in the morning, two at midday and three in the evening?—also makes regular appearances in fantasy.


[16] A discussion on Greek mythological beasts could not be complete without mentioning centaurs.Centaurs are often rather noble creatures in fantasy (NarniaandHarry Potterin particular), but in the myths they were animalistic, barbaric, rowdy25rowdy 喧闹;凶暴。, and ageneral embarrassment.

[17] Greek mythology can boast an intimidating number of monsters and weird creatures, most of which have been picked up byDungeons and Dragons26《龙与地下城》,TSR开发的一款桌面角色扮演游戏,于1974年发行第一版。or other early fantasy trendsetters. Re-animated skeletons, oneeyed giants, living statues, maenads,gorgons, three-headed dogs, nymphs and dryads, satyrs (fauns), harpies,furies, hydras, Titans, tritons, and even werewolves, have all graced27grace 装点;点缀。fantasy’s pages and screens.

The evil sorceress

[18] Greek heroes, like fantasy heroes,also commonly faced evil sorcerers28,who were almost always women. In the Ancient GreekOdyssey, the sorceress Circe transformed Odysseus’ men into pigs.

[19] Jason (of the Argonauts) was aided in his quest by Medea, a powerful sorceress who turned against her own family out of love for him. When Jason broke his promises to her, she sought revenge by murdering their children. She has great power, but she is frightening, irrational and emotional,and so is ultimately a liability to the hero. Other sorceresses fair no better29fair no better (命运、表现等)与……同样糟糕。in Greek myth. In Greek mythology,magic is often dangerous, unpredictable and evil, and is almost always wielded by women, reflecting a strongly patriarchal30patriarchal 男权的;父系的。society’s fear of powerful women.

[20] This tendency to write powerful,magical sorceresses as evil at worst and petty or inscrutable31inscrutable 难以捉摸;无法看透。at best is a common theme that has run through mythology, fairytales and fantasy.Although society and ideology has changed since the days of the Ancient Greeks, the influence of Circe and Medea can still be seen in the powerful sorceresses of many fictional worlds:The Witch Queen (Stardust), Queen Jadis/The White Witch (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe), Melisandre(A Song of Ice and Fireseries), and The Wicked Witch of the West (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz), to name just a few. ■




























[20]法术无边的女巫师,往差了说,多数都秉性卑劣邪恶,往好了说,也往往心胸狭隘、难以捉摸。这向来是神话、童话以及奇幻作品中一脉相承的共同主题。与古希腊时代相比,尽管我们的社会及意识形态都已发生了截然改变,但很多虚构世界里法术无边的女巫师身上,喀耳刻和美狄亚的影响依然清晰可辨:《星尘》中的巫师女王、《狮子、巫师与衣橱》中的贾迪思女王(白衣巫师)、《冰与火之歌》系列作品中的梅丽珊卓,还有《绿野仙踪》中的邪恶巫师,不过只是其中几例。 □


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