Buddhas with Double Faces (III) 双面佛像(下)

2018-01-06 02:58:31燕卜荪彭发胜ByWilliamEmpson
英语世界 2017年12期

文/燕卜荪 译/彭发胜 By William Empson

Buddhas with Double Faces (III) 双面佛像(下)

文/燕卜荪1译/彭发胜 By William Empson

We might hesitate to say what the experiences or the inherent nature of a Buddha may be. But a statue of him to be worshipped has two very different functions; it has to convey his detachment from the world after achieving peace, and yet this figure is expected to help the worshipper. The formula I propose for the Buddha head,in the Far East, up to the tenth century or so, is that the calm is on the left and the power to help the worshipper on the right. This has enough realism to be satisfying, because it puts the more active or outgoing part in the usual place.


[2] The trick may well have been invented at Yun-kang, where it is used very regularly. Large numbers of the heads have been hacked off (very wickedly) for private sale, and there are plenty of them on view, nearly always with their expression of ironical and forceful politeness. But if you make a picture with the left side of the head twice over it has hardly any of this expression. The eye and the mouth are level and the face is calm and still. On the right the eye and mouth slant, and this gives the sardonic quality; in fact,if you take it twice over the thing approaches the standard European face of the Devil. One finds this trick with eye and mouth even on small statues of the period, where the face is a mere sketch of two or three lines, and this is what makes me believe it was done on a theory. In the good heads it might be enough to say that the artist had deep intuitive understanding, but when the trick is used carelessly it must have become a ‘rule’. Of course I don’t say it is invariable; where you get a sheer wall in the caves of thousands of tiny statues they don’t do it.



[3] The convention seems to spread,and last for some time, but it is absorbed into a more fully modeled treatment of the whole face. The life-size pottery Lohan (saint) which was in the London Chinese Exhibition of 1935 is a good example; it is only on the right that the middle of the lower lid slants,and this gives you an impression that the whole eye is more slanted than the one on the left. The right of the face,it seems to me, has pride and suffering and looks out with a certain cunning;the left has a stubborn and intelligent placidity. Of course it may be a realistic portrait, but it follows the rule. It is now thought to be probably Sung (960—1180)rather than T’ang (808—907) which would make it a late example.

[4] I want to take two of the supreme early statues of Japan; both are seventh or early eighth century. For the Horiuji Kwannon (an image of the Bodhisattva of Mercy) I could not get a quite frontal view to cut up, but it is clear that mouth,eye and eyebrow are a bit steeper on the right. The good humour and maternity of the face, rueful but amiable, belong to the left; on the right is the divinity, a birdlike unchanging wakefulness. It is quite a different contrast from the previous ones but still fits the psychological theory. Of course what you make of the face depends on the whole statue,the long sweep of the flamelike draperies, stretching as far as earth, and the jerk of the extended arm, exhausted but still offering. The Chuguji Maitreya is the coming Buddha, not yet born, but waiting in the heavens. The calm left is a normal Buddha face; from the right you can extract various sorts of child according to the lighting. It is a wonderfully subtle and tender work.


[5] The Yumedono Kwannon (another Bodhisattva of Mercy) is perhaps the most beautiful of these early Japanese statues, and I had best end with it,not to appear crazy over the split-face theory; because the face seemed to me completely symmetrical on the two occasions that I saw it. It was used often,and that is a main source of the wonderful variety which the Far Eastern artists obtained within the strict formula of the Buddha facial type.


1(1906—1984),英国著名文论家,诗人。在剑桥大学读书期间写出《朦胧的七种类型》,一举成名。曾在日本教授英国文学。1937年来到中国,先后在北京大学和昆明西南联大任教,讲授英国文学,对于当时中国文学的现代主义运动影响深远。1939年返英,在英国广播公司任职。1947年重来北京大学任教,至1952年回国。此后在谢菲尔德大学任教,直至去世。燕卜荪在远东期间,对佛教造像艺术产生浓厚兴趣,不断收集资料并拍摄大量照片,回国后写成书稿《佛的面容》(The Face of the Buddha),后因种种变故,书稿遗失,令他抱憾终生。2005年,此书手稿在大英图书馆奇迹般重现,经整理后于2016年由牛津大学出版。

10 Fascinating Extinct Animals (VI)

6. Great Auk大海雀

The great auk was a flightless coastal bird that bred on rocky islands around the North Atlantic, including in Canada,Greenland, Iceland, the British Isles and Scandinavia.

They were slaughtered in huge numbers until the late 18th century, according to the British Natural History Museum. Although hunting declined, the rare birds became a prized specimen for collectors and they were driven to extinction by the mid-1850s.

In this photo, Dan Gordon, Keeper of Biology at Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums, holds a stuffed juvenile Great Auk at the Discovery Museum in Newcastle.

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