笔者在1958年读大学二年级时,英语教材都是选自《北京周报》的文章。我们学了大量的带有-ism 为后缀的政治名词,如 communism(共产主义),socialism(社会主义),imperialism(帝国主义),capitalism(资本主义),revisionism(修正主义),Fascism(法西斯主义),colonialism(殖民主义),materialism(唯物主义)等。-ism 的意思是a belief(or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school,表示一种制度、信仰、理论、学说或主张。这类名词也可以由学说或理论创始人名字 + -ism 构成,像 Marxism(马克思主义)和 Darwinism(达尔文主义)都属于这一类。例如:
1. Higher education must be guided by Marxism, and the Party’s policies in education must be fully carried out. 高等教育必须以马克思主义为指导,党的教育方针必须全面贯彻。
2. Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin. 达尔文主义是英国博物学家查尔斯·达尔文开创的生物进化理论。
1973年,我初访伦敦,住在海德公园附近的一家小旅馆里。晚饭后,我同旅馆的接待员聊天。他说他是一名receptionist。我当时很惊讶,心想:“怎么‘接待’,还有‘主义者’?”他给我解释说:“二战以后到70年代初期,欧洲和英国经济复苏。人们开始旅游,大大小小旅馆应运而生。接待员(receptionist)这种工作,既不属于白领工人(white-collar worker),也不属于专业人员(professional),社会地位低下。像我们这样的接待员,多在小旅馆工作,环境分散,难以成立工会组织,自身权利得不到保护。我们自称receptionist,表示我们也是有信仰和有尊严的人,理应受到尊重。”这时我才明白-ist并不都是“主义者”。
-ist除了表示“主义者”,第二个功能可以表示各种学科的科学家,包括scientist(科学家),physicist(物理学家),chemist(化学家),geologist(地质学家),biologist(生物学家),人类学家(archaeologist),psychologist (心理学家),physiologist(生理学家),zoologist(动物学家),botanist(植物学家),agriculturist(农学家),anthropologist(考古学家),economist(经济学家),linguist(语言学家),futurologist(未来学家)等,由学科名称 + -ist构成。例如:
3. In 2015, Tu Youyou became the first scientist on the Chinese mainland to win a Nobel Prize, for her excellent work in creating an anti-malaria medicine.2015年,屠呦呦因其开创一种抗疟药的卓越工作而成为中国大陆第一位获得诺贝尔奖的科学家。
4. This article says that many economists are rather gloomy about the US jobs market. 这篇文章说许多经济学家对美国就业市场是相当悲观的。
-ist的第三个功能与医学相关,包括allergist (过敏症专家),anatomist (解剖学专家),anesthetist(麻醉师),chemist/druggist/pharmacist(药剂师),acupuncturist(针灸医生)等,由医学学科名称 + -ist构成。例如:
5. The near-sighted woman discovered that she had improved her vision after a visit to a famous acupuncturist.在找一位著名针灸医生治疗之后,这位女性近视眼患者发现她提高了视力。
-ist的第四个功能与文艺相关,包括artist(艺术家/画家),allegorist(寓言作家),cartoonist(漫画家),novelist(小说家)等,由文艺名词 + -ist构成。例如:
6. The artist’s works are being displayed in the National Gallery, which have attracted thousands of visitors. 这位画家的作品正在国家美术馆展出,已吸引了数千名观众。
7. Chinese novelist Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature and became the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel Prize in its 111-year history. 中国小说家莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖,成为诺贝尔奖111年历史上第一位获此殊荣的中国公民。
-ist的第五个功能与乐器演奏家相关,包括pianist(钢琴家),violinist(小提琴手),accordionist(手风琴演奏者)等,由乐器名词 + -ist构成。例如:
8. When he was a little boy, he had a dream of becoming a pianist. After many years’ hard work, he realized his dream and became a skilled pianist. 当他还是一个小孩子时,就有一个当钢琴家的梦想。在多年辛勤工作之后,他实现了梦想,变成一位技艺精湛的钢琴家。
9. On a cold night,I saw a poor young violinist was playing a difficult piece with his violin in front of a small audience at the entrance of the subway station.在一个寒冷的夜晚,我看见一个穷苦的年轻小提琴手在地铁站入口处面对几个观众用他的小提琴演奏一支很难的曲子。
-ist的第六个功能与交通工具驾驶者相关,包括cyclist(骑自行车者),motorcyclist(骑摩托车者),motorist(驾车者),canoeist(划独木舟者)等,由交通工具名词 + -ist构成。例如:
10. The motorist drove all the way from Beijing to Tibet by himself and covered distances of about six hundred kilometers a day. 这个驾车族从北京一路独自开车到西藏,一天行驶大约六百公里的距离。
11. The vast, splendid forest has attracted tens of thousands of cyclists,walkers, birdwatchers, canoeists, campers and horse-riders. 这片广阔、美丽的森林已吸引了数以万计的骑行者、步行者、观鸟者、划独木舟者、露营者和骑马者。
-ist的第七个功能与职业相关,包括journalist(新闻工作者),florist(种花人、花商),tobacconist(烟草商),typist(打字员),receptionist(接待员),aerialist(高空杂技演员),parachutist(伞兵),由职业相关名词 + -ist构成。例如:
12. As a journalist, his job is to collect news and write about it for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio. 作为一名新闻工作者,他的工作是为报纸、杂志、电视或广播收集新闻和撰写文章。
10 Fascinating Extinct Animals (IX)
9. Ground Sloth地懒
They were the unique beasts that thrived through the ice age. Ground Sloth has been extinct on the mainland of North and South America for 10,000 years or more. The cause of
their extinction is often linked to humans that hunted them for food but recent studies found that climate change had rather major impact on the extinction of these beasts. They were massive in size and too big to be killed by the humans of the time using their basic weapons and tools.