民族区域自治制度 Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities

2018-01-06 02:58:32译析蔡力坚
英语世界 2017年12期


民族区域自治制度 Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities



New China has in place a system of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities. Self-governance is exercised1这里需要考虑的一个问题是时态。有的译者在这里用一般过去时,也许是认为自治机关是过去设立的,因此应属于过去发生的动作。但是用过去时态显示的过去的特定动作与今天的状况就不一定有必然的关系:过去成立的机关在现今的作用没有得到交代。其实,原文的重点并不是在于“设立”的动作何时发生,而是在于“自治”这一事实。自治的情况从过去(即从自治机关设立之日起)延续到现在。从这个角度来考虑,翻译时比较合理的选择是把重点放在“自治”(self-governance),而不必考虑相关机关是什么时候设立的。至于时态,笔者认为,用现在完成时应该是可以的,表示一种延续的动作(如“Self-governance has been exercised in regions with large ethnic minority populations.”)。笔者在参考译文里用了一般现在时(Selfgovernance is exercised in regions with large ethnic minority populations.),以此来表示一种常态,因为这篇文章主要是介绍目前的情况。in regions with large ethnic minority populations22“少数民族聚居地区”的一种常见译法是regions where people of national minorities live in compact communities。不知道什么人如此翻译后,经网络传播被大肆仿用,似乎变成了某种“标准译法”。必须指出的是,这个译法是完全不对的,其中compact一词的用法很不恰当。compact一般意为smaller than other things of the same kind或using little space and having parts that are close together,如:a compact car(小型轿车)、a compact kitchen(小型厨房)、a compact shopping center(店铺排列紧凑、面积较小的购物中心)等。compact communities只能说明相关社区面积小,而不表示“聚居”的情况。根据该词语的内在含义,似可译成regions with large ethnic minority populations。, where local affairs are administered locally. There are at present 156 ethnic autonomous areas in China,including five autonomous regions,30 autonomous prefectures, and 121 autonomous counties or banners. In exercising their right to self-government in accordance with the Regional Ethnic Autonomy Law of the People’s Republic of China, local authorities in the autonomous areas3对于“民族区域自治地方……行使各种自治权利”,不少译者可能会沿用中文表达方式,直接将“地方”(areas)作为主语使用。应该指出的是,中英文用法在这方面有差别。中文里地点经常可以直接作为动作的主体使用,英文里通常不这样用,除非某地方实际上是用来表示作为法人的实体,如:The town will not appeal the judge’s decision. 其中The town就是具有法人身份的实体,不是纯粹作为一个地理概念。当然,有人也许会争辩说,National autonomous areas也可以被视为法人,但从表述方式来看,这种解释有点牵强(极少会有法人实体称为areas)。笔者认为,此处用local authorities in the autonomous areas要恰当得多。are authorized to develop regulations on autonomy and their own specific rules that reflect the unique political,economic and cultural characteristics of the local ethnic communities; develop special policies and flexible measures that are not contrary to the principles of the Constitution and national law; and apply for permission to implement in a flexible manner or bypass state resolutions,decisions, orders and instructions, which are deemed unfit for their areas4对于“不适合民族区域自治地方实际情况”中“实际情况”里的“情况”,许多译者首先想到的是situation(整个短语被译成not in accordance with the situation in autonomous regions),但在这里用situation很有问题。situation一般指“all of the facts, conditions, and events that affect someone or something at a particular time and in a particular place” 或“an important or sudden problem”,也就是说,situation一般是暂时性的,而“实际情况”是长期存在的。笔者在参考译文里把整个短语译成deemed unfit for their areas,没有直接译出“实际情况”四个字,这是因为笔者认为“实际情况”的意思已经暗含其中。另外,在此语境里,把“符合”译成in accordance with也不合适。我们可以说in accordance with the provisions、in accordance with the customs、in accordance with the plan等。但用not in accordance with the situation in autonomous regions来表示“不适合民族区域自治地方实际情况”,总是不太对味,因为这里的“符合”实际上是“适合”的意思。. They are responsible for local financial management and for local economic,cultural and educational undertakings. In areas where members of ethnic minority groups are relatively scattered5这里需要注意的是“散居”,有人用in scattered communities来表示“散居”,但显然没有达到目的。scattered communities只能表示各个社区很分散,不是连成一片的。而“散居”的意思与前面的“杂居”一样,是指少数民族的居住情况不是高度集中的,即在一片地区可能有两个以上民族居住。, there are more than 1,500 ethnic townships to accommodate the needs of those ethnic groups to better enjoy equal rights.

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