摘 要 本文研究了极限的四则运算,提出了无穷小和无穷大的四则运算和未定式极限的关系,并举例说明泰勒公式结合等价无穷小计算极限的思路,同时给出了无穷小阶的定义及其关系,还证明了一个高阶无穷小、一个等价无穷小的定理。
关键词 极限四则运算 泰勒公式 无穷小的阶 高阶无穷小
中图分类号:O172.1 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkz.2018.10.010
Abstract In this paper, we study the four operations of the limit, and propose the relationship between the infinitesimal and infinite quadruple operations and the infinitive limit, and illustrate the idea of Taylor's formula combined with the equivalent infinitesimal calculation limit, and give the definition of infinitesimal order and its relationship. Prove a high-order infinitesimal, an equivalent infinitesimal theorem.
Keywords limit four arithmetic operations; Taylor's formula; Infinitesimal order; high order infinity
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