( 扬州大学 动物科学与技术学院,江苏 扬州 225009 )
( 扬州大学 动物科学与技术学院,江苏 扬州 225009 )
将单口面积1.33~2.33 hm2、环境相似的6口罗氏沼虾养殖池塘分为2组,3口池塘投喂蛋白质水平为35.4%的饲料,且每日适量泼洒糖蜜(试验组),3口池塘投喂蛋白质水平为41.9%的饲料,不泼洒糖蜜(对照组),常规管理。养殖期间,每隔15 d取水样检测氨氮和亚硝态氮含量。156 d的饲养结果表明,对照组和试验组罗氏沼虾的产量分别为6600 kg/hm2和6427.5 kg/hm2,降低饲料中的蛋白水平结合泼洒糖蜜不影响罗氏沼虾的生长(P>0.05),养殖效益亦无显著差异(P>0.05)。但试验组池塘水中氨氮较对照组低54.0%,亚硝态氮低21.0%,泼洒糖蜜显著降低了池塘氨氮和亚硝态氮含量(P<0.05)。
表1 试验饲料配方及常规营养组成(干物质) %
每半个月检测1次氨氮和亚硝态氮含量。采样时,10:00时用柱状采水器在池塘四角及中央各采水2 L,混合待用。取混合水样1 L,冷藏带回试验室,用纳氏试剂法测定氨氮含量,N-(1-萘基)-乙二胺光度法测定亚硝酸含量。
取各检测点的平均值,采用EXCEL 2003和SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析,显著水平为P< 0.05。
经过156 d的养殖,对照组产值平均为24.14万元/hm2,成本平均为16.34万元/hm2,效益为78 786元/hm2;试验组的产值平均为23.54万元/hm2,平均成本为15.59万元/hm2,效益为79 010元/hm2(表2)。
表2 罗氏沼虾池塘概况及养殖效益分析
各池塘中氨氮和亚硝态氮的含量见表3、表4。由表3、表4可见,整个养殖期间,对照组和试验组池塘中氨氮含量和亚硝态氮含量均呈现上升趋势,但试验组水中的上升幅度小于对照组。试验结束时,试验组氨氮为2.97 mg/L,较对照组低54.0%,亚硝态氮为0.166 mg/L,较对照组低21.0%。这说明减少饲料中的蛋白质含量并向池塘中添加糖蜜有效降低了池塘氨氮和亚硝态氮水平,改善了罗氏沼虾养殖池水质。
表3 不同时间各罗氏沼虾养殖池塘水中氨氮的含量 mg/L
表4 罗氏沼虾池塘亚硝态氮含量 mg/L
在养殖环境和管理措施基本相似的情况下,对照组和试验组罗氏沼虾的单位效益分别为78 786元/hm2和79 010元/hm2,说明降低饲料蛋白含量并未显著影响罗氏沼虾的养殖效益,说明了生物絮团对罗氏沼虾的营养补充作用,大幅降低了养殖饲料成本(对照组和试验组饲料成本为80 914元/hm2和60 870元/hm2)。Xu等[17]在养殖过程中,向养殖池泼洒碳源,也有效地提高了凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeusvannamei)的生长和消化酶的活性;Megahed[18]用不同蛋白水平的饲料投喂短沟对虾(Penaeussemisulcatus),发现向养殖水体适量泼洒碳源,也能有效提高短沟对虾的生长和存活率。目前,共有3种观点支持生物絮团对养殖动物的营养贡献。首先,生物絮团中含有虾类生长所需要的蛋白、脂肪、矿物质和维生素[19-20];其次,生物絮团可以刺激水产动物消化酶的分泌[17,21-22];第三,生物絮团含有类胡萝卜素、叶绿素、植物甾醇、酚和氨基糖等“生物活性因子”,能有效促进水产动物的生长[23]。虽然泼洒糖蜜在一定程度上增加了生产投入,但从资源利用来看,可有效缓解日益紧张的蛋白资源,推动水产养殖业的可持续发展。
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ZHU Jinyu,BU Hongyi, HU Chongchong,MIAO Shuyan
( College of Animal Science and Technology,Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China )
A 156-day feeding trial was conducted in 6 outdoor ponds with surface area of 1.3—2.3 hm2in Gaoyou, Jiangsu province, China to investigate effects of bioflocs technology (BFT) on water quality and growth performance of giant freshwater prawnMacrobrachiumrosenbergii. Juvenile giant freshwater prawn were fed diet containing 35% protein in 3 test ponds with addition of molasses as biofloc with the C/N ratio of 20 based on the amount of daily diet and fed diet containing 42% protein in 3 control ponds without addition of molasses. During the experiment, contents of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite-N in water were monitored in a 15 day interval. The results showed that there were significantly lower levels of ammonia-N (reduced by 54.0%) and nitrite-N (reduced by 21.0%) in the test ponds than those in the control ponds (P<0.05). The prawn yield was found to be 6600 kg/hm2in the test ponds and 6427.5 kg/hm2in the control ponds, indicating that even though decline in dietary protein level, molasses addition did not significantly affect the growth of the prawn (P>0.05). Meanwhile, no difference in economic benefits was observed in both groups (P>0.05). However, feed cost was significantly decreased by reducing the protein level in the test group (P<0.05), due to reduce in the use of protein sources. The findings provided theoretical basis and research foundation in applying biofloc technology in healthy and sustainable development of prawn culture.
Macrobrachiumrosenbergii; pond culture; biofloc technology; water quality; economic benefit
朱锦裕(1995—),男,本科生;研究方向:水产养殖. E-mail:670604984@qq.com. 通讯作者:苗淑彦(1978—),女,副教授;研究方向:水生动物营养与饲料. E-mail:shuyanmiao@126.com.